FORM VI 2024/25


глагол + ing
collecting things
be into
be keen on                                       + 🔺ing
be interested in
be fascinated by / with smth
don't like
My pet
1 name
2 age
3 colour
4 size
5 character
6 likes / dislikes
7 can / can't do


Make sentences in the passive in the given tense !

1. BMWs make in Germany (PRESENT SIMPLE)

2. English speak in this shop (PRESENT SIMPLE)

3. The oldest house build in 1575 (PAST SIMPLE)

4. The bridge repair last year (Past SIMPLE

5. The trees cut down last winter (PAST SIMPLE)

6. The picture paint tomorrow (FUTURE SIMPLE)

7. The TV fix- three days ago (PAST Simple)

8. The cupboard repair yeasterday (Past SIMPLE)

9. The car find in the garage (PAST SIMPLE)

10. Breakfast serve between 7 and 9 (PRESENT SIMPLE)

11. The dog call- Rover (PRESENT SIMPLE)

12. The meeting hold in my office (PRESENT SIMPLE)

13. The street close because of snow (PAST SIMPLE)

14. The banks close in two days (FUTURE SIMPLE)

15. Hundreds of books write every year (PRESENT SIMPLE)

16. After the accident Joe take to the hospital (PAST SIMPLE)

17. The cap find in the corner (PAST SIMPLE)

18. The robber not find by the police yesterday (PAST SIMPLE)

19. The game finish tin the evening (FUTURE SIMPLE)

20. Different types of cameras use in Russia (PRESENT SIMPLE)


Let's learn pronouns

Let's have a talk about climate:

Climate is ... .
It has ... .
Russia is ... and its climate is ... .
But recently the climate has changed ... .
The world is becoming ... .
Many people say it is so because of ... .
It works like this ... .
During the last ... . This gas in the atmosphere ... .It lets ..., but it doesn't let ... . So, the atmosphere ... .
That's why ... .
People produce carbon dioxide when ... . Trees ... . But people have cut ... . This means ... .
So, the climate in different parts of the world changes ... .
These changes are dangerous ... , which ... .




What is climate?

The Brief Overview

Weather is a specific event—like

a rainstorm or hot day—that happens over a few hours, days or weeks. Climate is the average weather conditions in a place over 30 years or more. NASA has observed that Earth's climate is getting warmer. (follow the link to learn more)

What is the greenhouse effect?

Watch the video to understand what the greenhouse effect is:


Let's revise grammar tenses

 Д/З на 23.09.24




 the weather game

A  typical day 

It's usually rainy but warm in spring. Sometimes it can be sunny and cloudy. Mornings are seldom misty. The temperature is often above zero.


Д/З на 16.09:

уч. с. 10 №12, 13 - к диктанту, упражнение ниже письменно ( написать формы глаголов)






Д/З на 14.09

уч. с. 9 № 9а - уметь читать правильно, № 9b - выучить наизусть, №10* ( 5 предложений), №12+№13, с. 10 - записать новые слова

Принести тетради для контрольных работ!

 a degree - градус

above zero  - выше ноля

below zero - ниже ноля

It's 10 degrees above / below zero.

It's zero (degrees).

the weather game


Д/З на 12 09 :

used to    (письменно)

Д/З на 11.09:

 Ребята, моя группа, повторяем конструкцию  used to ( раньше что-то делали часто, а теперь нет) В учебнике с.7 №5 устно, АВ №4* ( фото упражнения)*


 Когда используют конструкцию used to 

used to используют, когда хотят рассказать о своей привычке в прошлом, т. е. действиях, которые мы регулярно совершали когда-то, но теперь уже нет. Причем это касается как плохих, так и хороших привычек.

    I used to overeat all the time. — Раньше я постоянно переедал.

    He used to be late for work, even though it threatened with dismissal. — Он раньше опаздывал на работу, несмотря на то, что это грозило увольнением.

    When I was young, I used to jog every morning and lead a healthy lifestyle. — Когда я была молодой, я бегала каждое утро и вела здоровый образ жизни.

А еще глагол used to будет полезен, чтобы рассказать об актуальных в прошлом ситуациях или действиях.

    She used to have trouble sleeping, so she had to take sleeping pills. — У нее были проблемы со сном, поэтому ей приходилось принимать снотворное.

    I used to be an artist, but it didn’t work out. — Раньше я был художником, но не сложилось.

    Our neighborhood used to be quiet until 3 new bars opened nearby. — Наш район был спокойным, пока рядом не открыли 3 новых бара.

Как строить предложения с глаголом used to  

Подлежащее + used to + Infinitive     

I used to learn Japanese. 


Подлежащее + didn’t use to + Infinitive    

 I didn’t use to learn Japanese. 


 Did + подлежащее + use to + Infinitive   

  Did you use to learn Japanese? 

 used to : потренируйся







Let us recollect the Past Simple tense:


EX:Crocodiles swam in cold rivers.

               Crocodiles didn’t swim in cold rivers.

1. Tigers ate many sweets yesterday.

2. Cats played with parrots in the past.

3. Dogs ate mice 2 days ago.

4. Crocodiles drank tea yesterday.

5. Babies spoke English.

6. The boy cleaned your room yesterday.

7. They visited your school last week.

8. You played puzzles in the park.

9. Your friend broke a pencil.

10. We had six lessons yesterday.


2.Complete the sentences:

1. You ____ school at 2 o’clock yesterday [leave].

2. She ____ to the cinema with you sister [go].

3. I ____ a tiger in the Zoo [see].

4. They _____ you in the garden [help].

5. Ann ____ home at 3 pm last Sunday [come].  

6. Children ____ TV much yesterday [watch].

7. I ____ your bag yesterday [take].

8. We ____ our homework at 5 yesterday [do].

9. Last week you ____ me your cat [give].

10. Last summer we ____ in the Black Sea [swim].

   3. Ask general questions:       

1. His cats drank much milk yesterday.

2. You got ‘’5’’ at the last English lesson.

3. Her classmate played tennis last summer.

4. Children drank mineral water  last summer.

5. Our sister wrote many tests.

6. My uncle bought a car last winter.

7. Nick went to school 2 years ago.

8. Policemen worked last Sunday.

9. You enjoyed my party last month.

10. Your mother helped you yesterday.  



4. Fill in WAS or WERE:

It ____ cold yesterday.

The teachers ____ at the disco.

My friend and I ____ in Moscow.

Nick ____ at the stadium.

The tiger ____ at the Zoo last year.

Her room ____ dirty yesterday.

It ____ Sunday yesterday.

We ____ near the lake.

I ____ at the café yesterday.

You ____ at the coffee shop last Sunday.

5. Write what you did/didn't do  in the summer:
1. I (get up)   at 11 o’ clock every day.
2. I (clean) my teeth early in the morning.
3.  I (have) breakfast at 12 o’ clock.
4. I (go)for a walk every day.
5. I (do) my homework after school.
6. I (go) to school every day.

6. Write what you did/ didn't do yesterday:
1.      I (visit) an exhibition.
2.      I (speak) French.
3.      I (meet) my friends
4.      I (go) to the National Gallery
5.      I (write) a letter to my friends.
6. I (help) my parents to clean the flat/house.

7. Complete the sentences:
  • He (to drink) coffee every day
  • She (not to go) to the movies yesterday
  • They (to be) at home now?
  • I (to be) at the restaurant a week ago
  • We (not to study) regularly
  • They (to shake) hands a few minutes ago?
  • I (to be) a good boy
  • He (not to be) very shy a year ago
  • She (to study) at 9 o'clock?
  • He (to walk) in the park an hour ago
  • They (not to be) nice friends
  • We (to be) there on Monday?
  • I often (to water) flowers
  • She (not to talk) to him a few days ago
  • He (to be) an engineer?
  • I (to be) the best student 5 years ago

    8. Ask questions
    We watched a very interesting film at the cinema yesterday. (Did?  Where? 
    When? Who?)
    My friend baked a cake at home last week. (Who? What? Why? Where? When?
     With whom?)

    At home:

    Put the verbs into the correct form.

    1. 1.Danny and Pam __________ (go) to the shopping mall every Sunday.
    2. 2.Lucy ___________ (finish) her homework 2 hours ago.
    3. 3.I always ______________ (do) my homework.
    4. 4.I _____________ (eat) hamburger yesterday.
    5. 5.She often _________ (drink) tea in the morning.
    6. 6.I _____________ (swim) in the sea last summer.
    7. 7.Mom ______________ (walk) the dog yesterday.
    8. 8.Children sometimes ______________ (wash) the dishes.
    9. 9.My friends ________________ (visit) me every day.
    10. 10.Rosy _______________ (write) the Math test 2 days ago.
    11. 11.We _____________ (not learn) the rule yesterday.
    12. 12.Sam ______________ (not read) every day.
    13. 13.Ruby and Rudy _______ often ________ (not walk) together.
    14. 14.Dan and Tom _______________ (not see) me 2 days ago.
    15. 15.He ______________ (not drive) the car on Sundays.
    16. 16.Mary ________________ (not buy) a house last year.
    17. 17.__________ you __________ (sing) a song yesterday?
    18. 18.__________ children __________ (wear) the uniform?
    19. 19.__________ Robert usually __________ (draw) well?
    20. 20._________ you __________(find) a teacher 2 lessons ago?
    21. 21.________ Perry ____________ (like) his parents?
    22. 22. _______ William and Sally _______ (meet) last weekends?

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