

Characters: Narrator                       
                    Farmer Alvin               
                    Polly, the neighbour    


Polly, the neighbour

How is your lovely daughter, Anna?  Have you decided to let my son marry her? 


She will marry a better man than your son, Polly.

She can swim like a fish.

She can sing like a bird.

She can do anything.

She can bake a cake.

She can speak Chinese.

She can do anything.

Yes, she can.

  She can even turn straw into gold! 

Polly, the neighbour

Gold, eh?  Did you hear that? A golden touch, she has! 


No, I can’t! Father is kidding!

Polly, the neighbour

I must tell the King! What a wonderful thing!

Звучит бравурная музыка. Быстрым шагом входит король.Все кланяются.


(обращаясь к фермеру) I heard you have a daughter who can do unusual things!

Polly, the neighbour

Yes, she can, she can.


Yes, I have wonderful girl!

She can swim like a fish.

She can sing like a bird.

She can do anything.

She can bake a cake.

She can speak Chinese.

She can do anything.

Yes, she can.

  She can even turn straw into gold! 


So you are the girl who turns straw into gold!


Straw into gold? I can’t turn straw into gold! Tell him, Father, tell him please. I can’t turn straw into gold!


Do the best you can, my child, do the best you can.


Take your daughter to the palace, farmer!

Анну уводят за кулисы.


Королевский дворец


The king led the girl up a winding staircase to the top room of the palace. 


Here is the straw;

You must turn it into gold!


But, I can’t.

I can’t turn straw into gold!


You must try.

If you can’t,

You will die.

Король уходит


What am I going to do?

I can’t turn straw into gold.

Oh, someone, somewhere,

Help me please!

I can’t turn straw into gold!


Suddenly, the door swung open and an odd little man appeared. 

Слышен вой ветра (он сопровождает любое появление Рампелстилтскина)


Pretty Anna, don’t you cry.

I can help and you won’t die.


Wh--wh-who are you?


Never mind WHO I am.  What will you give me to turn this straw into gold?


I am a poor girl.  I have little, but I will gladly give you my necklace. 


No, Ann, I’m a rich man and I’m not interested in your necklace


Unfortunately, I’ve got nothing left. 


Then, you will give me your first born child when you are queen. 


Oh , no! My first born child! Ok,I have no choice...I promise... 


The next morning, the straw became gold and the king married the farmer’s daughter.  (Король одевает на Анну корону, подает ей руку и они уходят под бравурную музыку.)A year later, the happy queen had a baby boy and forgot all about her promise when Rumpelstiltskin came to claim her baby. 


Oh, please, I beg you.  Do not take my baby from me! 


If you can guess my name within three days, I will not take your baby boy.  If you cannot guess my name in three days, the child will be mine. 


The next morning, the little man appeared, and Anna began to try the names. 


Is your name John? James? William? Ralph? Ben? Charles? Adam?  Rudolph? Richard? Timothy?  Shannanook? 


None of those is my name. 


On the second day, she tried out even more names.


Franklin, George, Truman, Phillip, Trevor, Trenton, Skipper, Malkezedek?  


No, none of those is my name. 


That night, one of the queen’s messengers came with news of a strange sight.

Messenger (Out of breath) 

My queen, I was walking through the forest and caught sight of a fire.  I came closer and saw an odd little man dancing around a campfire.


Quickly, Sir.  What else did you see? What did you hear?


While he danced, he sang a little song: “Today, I dance, tomorrow I brew. Then, dear prince, I come for you. None can guess, none can claim that Rumpelstiltskin is my name.” 


That night the little man came again. 


What is my name? 


Is it Peter? 


It is not! 


Is it Vincent? 


It is not! 


Then, it must be Rumpelstiltskin! Rumpelstiltskin is your name! 


Curses!  (Screams, stomps his feetЗвучат раскаты грома.


And, with that, the little man jumped out the castle window and was never seen again. 

Anna (to her baby son)

Well, my son, when you grow up, never tell a lie like your granddad whose boastfulness  got me in trouble!


Театральная постановка по английскому языку

"Алиса в стране чудес" (A mad tea party)

Звучит музыка. Начинается сценка из “Madparty”

A mad tea party

         Good afternoon, dear ladies and gentlemen! We are happy to invite you to the incredible world of fairy tales. Get yourselves comfortable and be ready to immerse into this magic universe.  

На сцене появляется March Hare. Он сморит на часы на руке/ на цепочке (большие, типа будильника).

March Hare:  'Two days wrong!' he said 'I was sure  butter wouldn't suit the works!' и убегает.

Появляется Алиса.

Alice: – Hello, my name is Alice. I’m following  the White Rabbit down the rabbit house. Oh, What is it?

Она видит Chashire Cat, развалившегося на краю сцены. Подходит к нему

Alice: It is a cat. It is a strange cat. I’ve never seen such cats before. Oh, it is grinning! Unbelievable !
Alice: Hello! You are…?
Cat: Yes, I’m a Cheshire cat!
Alice: Would you  tell me where I am, please?   And what is the way?
Cat: Well… That depends a good deal on where you want to get to…!
Alice: Who  lives about here?
Cat: Don’t you know? In this direction lives a Hatter and in that direction lives a March Hare. Visit either you like. No doubt, they are both mad.
Alice: But I don’t want mad people to mess around me.
Cat: Oh, you can’t help that we are all mad here. I’m mad. You are mad. They are mad! And they are mad too-o-o!

Кот кружится и «исчезает», остаётся только улыбка ( маска)

Alice: I’ve seen a lot of cats without a smile, but a smile without  a cat…It is the most curious thing, I’ve ever seen in all my life.

Около дома под деревом стоял накрытый стол, а за столом пили чай Мартовский Заяц и Шляпник, между ними крепко спала Мышь-Соня. Шляпник и Заяц облокотились на нее, словно на подушку, и разговаривали через ее голову. — Бедная Соня, — подумала Алиса. — Как ей, наверно, неудобно! Впрочем, она спитзначит, ей все равно.

There is a table set out under a tree in front of the house, and the March Hare and the Hatter are  having tea at it: a Dormouse is sitting between them, fast asleep, and the other two are using it as a cushion, resting their elbows on it, and talking over its head. 

The table is a large one, but the three are all crowded together at one corner of it

March Hare: No room! No room!
Hatter: No room! No room!
Alice: But there is plenty of room.
March Hare: Take some more tea
Alice: I've had nothing yet,'so I can't take more.'
Hatter:   'You mean you can't take LESS, 'it's very easy to take MORE than nothing.'

Alice:  'Nobody asked YOUR opinion,'

March Hare :  'Suppose we change the subject,'(зевает) . 'I'm getting tired of this. I vote the young lady tells us a story.'

Alice :'I'm afraid I don't know one,'

'Then the Dormouse shall!' they both cried. 'Wake up, Dormouse!' And they pinched it on both sides at once.

Dormouse: 'I wasn't asleep,' he said in a hoarse, feeble voice: 'I heard every word you fellows were saying.'

March Hare :  'Tell us a story!'

Alice:  'Yes, please do!'

Hatter 'And be quick about it, or you'll be asleep again before it's done.'

Dormouse: Once upon a time there lived 3 little sisters and their names were Elsie, Lacie and Jillie. and they lived at the bottom of a well—'
Alice: What did they live on?
Dormouse:  They lived on jelly
Alice: 'They couldn't have done that, you know, they'd have been ill.'
Dormouse: So, they were VERY ill.
March Hare: Better Take some more tea.
Hatter: Well, finish the story…
Alice: But why did they live at the bottom of a well?'

Dormouse: It was a jelly-well.

Hatter:   'I want a clean cup, 'let's all move one place on.'
March Hare: What day of the month is it today?
Hatter: Well, Alice, what day of the month is it today?
Alice: The fourth.
March Hare: Oh, my watch is two days wrong
Hatter: Have some juice
Alice:  I don’t see any juice.
March Hare: There isn’t any.
Alice: It wasn’t very civil of you to offer it.
Hatter: It is always tea-time. Wake up Dormouse.
Dormouse: I am not sleeping.
March Hare: Tell us a story, please.
Dormouse: Well… They were learning to draw in the well…  Once  upon a time…
Alice: (
встает и уходит): They are very crazy at any rate…I’ll never go there again… It's the stupidest tea-party I ever was at in all my life!'


Just as she said this, she noticed that one of the trees had a door leading right into it.

Alice: 'That's very curious!' 'But everything's curious today. I think I may as well go in at once.'

 And in she went.


   Глава VII.



   A Mad Tea-Party


   Около дома под деревом стоял накрытый стол, а за столом пили чай Мартовский Заяц и Болванщик, между ними крепко спала Мышь-Соня. Болванщик и Заяц облокотились на нее, словно на подушку, и разговаривали через ее голову. -- Бедная Соня, -- подумала Алиса. -- Как ей, наверно, неудобно! Впрочем, она спит -- значит, ей все равно.

   There was a table set out under a tree in front of the house, and the March Hare and the Hatter were having tea at it: a Dormouse was sitting between them, fast asleep, and the other two were using it as a cushion, resting their elbows on it, and talking over its head. 'Very uncomfortable for the Dormouse,' thought Alice; 'only, as it's asleep, I suppose it doesn't mind.'

   Стол был большой, но чаевники сидели с одного края, на уголке. Завидев Алису, они закричали: -- Занято! Занято! Мест нет! -- Места сколько угодно! -- возмутилась Алиса и уселась в большое кресло во главе стола.

   The table was a large one, but the three were all crowded together at one corner of it: 'No room! No room!' they cried out when they saw Alice coming. 'There's PLENTY of room!' said Alice indignantly, and she sat down in a large arm-chair at one end of the table.

   -- Выпей вина, -- бодро предложил Мартовский Заяц.

   'Have some wine,' the March Hare said in an encouraging tone.

   Алиса посмотрела на стол, но не увидела ни бутылки, ни рюмок. -- Я что-то его не вижу, -- сказала она.

   Alice looked all round the table, but there was nothing on it but tea. 'I don't see any wine,' she remarked.

   -- Еще бы! Его здесь нет! --отвечал Мартовский Заяц.

   'There isn't any,' said the March Hare.

   -- Зачем же вы мне его предлагаете! -- рассердилась Алиса. -- Это не очень-то вежливо.

   'Then it wasn't very civil of you to offer it,' said Alice angrily.

   -- А зачем ты уселась без приглашения? -- ответил Мартовский Заяц. -- Это тоже невежливо!

   'It wasn't very civil of you to sit down without being invited,' said the March Hare.

   -- Я не знала, что это стол только для вас, -- сказала Алиса. -- Приборов здесь гораздо больше.

   'I didn't know it was YOUR table,' said Alice; 'it's laid for a great many more than three.'

   -- Что-то ты слишком обросла! -- заговорил вдруг Болванщик. До сих пор он молчал и только с любопытством разглядывал Алису. -- Не мешало бы постричься.

   'Your hair wants cutting,' said the Hatter. He had been looking at Alice for some time with great curiosity, and this was his first speech.

   -- Научитесь не переходить на личности, -- отвечала Алиса не без строгости. -- Это очень грубо.

   'You should learn not to make personal remarks,' Alice said with some severity; 'it's very rude.'

   Болванщик широко открыл глаза, но не нашелся, что ответить. -- Чем ворон похож на конторку? -- спросил он, наконец.

   The Hatter opened his eyes very wide on hearing this; but all he SAID was, 'Why is a raven like a writing-desk?'

   -- Так-то лучше, -- подумала Алиса. -- Загадки -- это гораздо веселее... -- По-моему, это я могу отгадать, -- сказала она вслух.

   'Come, we shall have some fun now!' thought Alice. 'I'm glad they've begun asking riddles.—I believe I can guess that,' she added aloud.

   -- Ты хочешь сказать, что думаешь, будто знаешь ответ на эту загадку? -- спросил Мартовский Заяц.

   'Do you mean that you think you can find out the answer to it?' said the March Hare.

   -- Совершенно верно, -- согласилась Алиса.

   'Exactly so,' said Alice.

   -- Так бы и сказала, -- заметил Мартовский Заяц. -- Нужно всегда говорить то, что думаешь.

   'Then you should say what you mean,' the March Hare went on.

   -- Я так и делаю, -- поспешила объяснить Алиса. -- По крайней мере... По крайней мере я всегда думаю то, что говорю... а это одно и то же...

   'I do,' Alice hastily replied; 'at least—at least I mean what I say—that's the same thing, you know.'

   -- Совсем не одно и то же, -- возразил Болванщик. -- Так ты еще чего доброго скажешь, будто ``Я вижу то, что ем'' и ``Я ем то, что вижу'', -- одно и то же!

   'Not the same thing a bit!' said the Hatter. 'You might just as well say that "I see what I eat" is the same thing as "I eat what I see"!'

   'You might just as well say,' added the March Hare, 'that "I like what I get" is the same thing as "I get what I like"!'

   -- Так ты еще скажешь, -- проговорила, не открывая глаз, Соня,--будто ``Я дышу, пока сплю'' и ``Я сплю, пока дышу'',--одно и то же!

   'You might just as well say,' added the Dormouse, who seemed to be talking in his sleep, 'that "I breathe when I sleep" is the same thing as "I sleep when I breathe"!'

   -- Для тебя-то это, во всяком случае, одно и то же! -- сказал Болванщик, и на этом разговор оборвался. С минуту все сидели молча. Алиса пыталась вспомнить то немногое, что она знала про воронов и конторки.

   'It IS the same thing with you,' said the Hatter, and here the conversation dropped, and the party sat silent for a minute, while Alice thought over all she could remember about ravens and writing-desks, which wasn't much.

   Первым заговорил Болвапщик. -- Какое сегодня число? -- спросил он, поворачиваясь к Алисе и вынимая из кармана часы. Он с тревогой поглядел на них, потряс и приложил к уху.

   The Hatter was the first to break the silence. 'What day of the month is it?' he said, turning to Alice: he had taken his watch out of his pocket, and was looking at it uneasily, shaking it every now and then, and holding it to his ear.

   Алиса подумала и ответила: -- Четвертое.

   Alice considered a little, and then said 'The fourth.'

   -- Отстают на два дня, -- вздохнул Болванщик. -- Я же говорил: нельзя их смазывать сливочным маслом! -- прибавил он сердито, поворачиваясь к Мартовскому Зайцу.

   'Two days wrong!' sighed the Hatter. 'I told you butter wouldn't suit the works!' he added looking angrily at the March Hare.

   -- Масло было самое свежее, -- робко возразил Заяц.

   'It was the BEST butter,' the March Hare meekly replied.

   -- Да, ну туда, верно, попали крошки, -- проворчал Болванщик. -- Не надо было мазать хлебным ножом.

   'Yes, but some crumbs must have got in as well,' the Hatter grumbled: 'you shouldn't have put it in with the bread-knife.'

   Мартовский Заяц взял часы и уныло посмотрел на них, потом окунул их в чашку с чаем и снова посмотрел. -- Уверяю тебя, масло было самое свежее, -- повторил он. Видно, больше ничего не мог придумать.

   The March Hare took the watch and looked at it gloomily: then he dipped it into his cup of tea, and looked at it again: but he could think of nothing better to say than his first remark, 'It was the BEST butter, you know.'

   Алиса с любопытством выглядывала из-за его плеча. -- Какие смешные часы! -- заметила она. -- Они показывают число, а не час!

   Alice had been looking over his shoulder with some curiosity. 'What a funny watch!' she remarked. 'It tells the day of the month, and doesn't tell what o'clock it is!'

   -- А что тут такого? -- пробормотал Болванщик. -- Разве твои часы показывают год?

   'Why should it?' muttered the Hatter. 'Does YOUR watch tell you what year it is?'

   -- Конечно, нет, -- отвечала с готовностью Алиса. -- Ведь год тянется очень долго!

   'Of course not,' Alice replied very readily: 'but that's because it stays the same year for such a long time together.'

   -- Ну и у меня то же самое! -- сказал Болванщик.

   'Which is just the case with MINE,' said the Hatter.

   Алиса растерялась. В словах Болванщика как будто не было смысла, хоть каждое слово в отдельности и было понятно. -- Я не совсем вас понимаю,--сказала она учтиво.

   Alice felt dreadfully puzzled. The Hatter's remark seemed to have no sort of meaning in it, and yet it was certainly English. 'I don't quite understand you,' she said, as politely as she could.

   -- Соня опять спит, -- заметил Болванщик и плеснул ей на нос горячего чаю.

   'The Dormouse is asleep again,' said the Hatter, and he poured a little hot tea upon its nose.

   Соня с досадой помотала головой и, не открывая глаз, проговорила: -- Конечно, конечно, я как раз собиралась сказать то же самое.

   The Dormouse shook its head impatiently, and said, without opening its eyes, 'Of course, of course; just what I was going to remark myself.'

   -- Отгадала загадку? -- спросил Болванщик, снова поворачиваясь к Алисе.

   'Have you guessed the riddle yet?' the Hatter said, turning to Alice again.

   -- Нет, -- ответила Алиса. -- Сдаюсь. Какой же ответ?

   'No, I give it up,' Alice replied: 'what's the answer?'

   -- Понятия не имею, -- сказал Болванщик.

   'I haven't the slightest idea,' said the Hatter.

   -- И я тоже, -- подхватил Мартовский Заяц.

   'Nor I,' said the March Hare.

   Алиса вздохнула. -- Если вам нечего делать, -- сказала она с досадой, -- придумали бы что-нибудь получше загадок без ответа. А так только попусту теряете время!

   Alice sighed wearily. 'I think you might do something better with the time,' she said, 'than waste it in asking riddles that have no answers.'

   -- Если бы ты знала Время так же хорошо, как я, -- сказал Болванщик,--ты бы этого не сказала. Его не потеряешь! Не на такого напали!

   'If you knew Time as well as I do,' said the Hatter, 'you wouldn't talk about wasting IT. It's HIM.'

   -- Не понимаю,--сказала Алиса.

   'I don't know what you mean,' said Alice.

   -- Еще бы! -- презрительно встряхнул головой Болванщик. -- Ты с ним небось никогда и не разговаривала!

   'Of course you don't!' the Hatter said, tossing his head contemptuously. 'I dare say you never even spoke to Time!'

   -- Может, и не разговаривала, -- осторожно отвечала Алиса. -- Зато не раз думала о том, как бы убить время!

   'Perhaps not,' Alice cautiously replied: 'but I know I have to beat time when I learn music.'

   -- А-а! тогда все понятно, -- сказал Болванщик. -- Убить Время! Разве такое ему может понравиться! Если б ты с ним не ссорилась, могла бы просить у него все, что хочешь. Допустим, сейчас девять часов утра -- пора идти на занятия. А ты шепнула ему словечко и -- р-раз! -- стрелка побежала вперед! Половина второго -- обед!

   'Ah! that accounts for it,' said the Hatter. 'He won't stand beating. Now, if you only kept on good terms with him, he'd do almost anything you liked with the clock. For instance, suppose it were nine o'clock in the morning, just time to begin lessons: you'd only have to whisper a hint to Time, and round goes the clock in a twinkling! Half-past one, time for dinner!'

   (-- Вот бы хорошо! --тихонько вздохнул Мартовский Заяц).

   ('I only wish it was,' the March Hare said to itself in a whisper.)

   -- Конечно, это было бы прекрасно,---задумчиво сказала Алиса, -- но ведь я не успею проголодаться.

   'That would be grand, certainly,' said Alice thoughtfully: 'but then—I shouldn't be hungry for it, you know.'

   -- Сначала, возможно, и нет, -- ответил Болванщик. -- Но ведь ты можешь сколько хочешь держать стрелки на половине второго.

   'Not at first, perhaps,' said the Hatter: 'but you could keep it to half-past one as long as you liked.'

   -- Вы так и поступили, да? -- спросила Алиса.

   'Is that the way YOU manage?' Alice asked.

   Болванщик мрачно покачал головой. -- Нет, -- ответил он. -- Мы с ним поссорились в марте -- как раз перед тем, как этот вот (он показал ложечкой на Мартовского Зайца) спятил. Королева давала большой концерт, и я должен был петь ``Филина''. Знаешь ты эту песню?

   The Hatter shook his head mournfully. 'Not I!' he replied. 'We quarrelled last March—just before HE went mad, you know—' (pointing with his tea spoon at the March Hare,) '—it was at the great concert given by the Queen of Hearts, and I had to sing

    Ты мигаешь, филин мой!
     Я не знаю, что с тобой.

     "Twinkle, twinkle, little bat!
      How I wonder what you're at!"

   You know the song, perhaps?'

   --Что-то такое я слышала,--сказала Алиса.

   'I've heard something like it,' said Alice.

   -- А дальше вот как, - продолжал Болванщик.

   'It goes on, you know,' the Hatter continued, 'in this way:—

    Высоко же ты над нами,
     Как поднос под небесами!

     "Up above the world you fly,
      Like a tea-tray in the sky.
          Twinkle, twinkle—"'

   Тут Соня встрепенулась и запела во сне: ``Ты мигаешь, мигаешь, мигаешь...'' Она никак не могла остановиться. Пришлось Зайцу и Болванщику ущипнуть ее с двух сторон, чтобы она замолчала.

   Here the Dormouse shook itself, and began singing in its sleep 'Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle—' and went on so long that they had to pinch it to make it stop.

   -- Только я кончил первый куплет, как кто-то сказал: ``Конечно лучше б он помолчал, но надо же как-то убить время!'' Королева как закричит: ``Убить Время! Он хочет убить Время! Рубите ему голову!''

   'Well, I'd hardly finished the first verse,' said the Hatter, 'when the Queen jumped up and bawled out, "He's murdering the time! Off with his head!"'

   -- Какая жестокость! -- воскликнула Алиса.

   'How dreadfully savage!' exclaimed Alice.

   -- С тех пор, -- продолжал грустно Болванщик, -- Время для меня палец о палец не ударит! И на часах все шесть...

   'And ever since that,' the Hatter went on in a mournful tone, 'he won't do a thing I ask! It's always six o'clock now.'

   Тут Алису осенило. -- Поэтому здесь и накрыто к чаю? --- спросила она.

   A bright idea came into Alice's head. 'Is that the reason so many tea-things are put out here?' she asked.

   -- Да,--отвечал Болванщик со вздохом.--Здесь всегда пора пить чай. Мы не успеваем даже посуду вымыть!

   'Yes, that's it,' said the Hatter with a sigh: 'it's always tea-time, and we've no time to wash the things between whiles.'

   -- И просто пересаживаетесь, да? -- догадалась Алиса.

   'Then you keep moving round, I suppose?' said Alice.

   -- Совершенно верно, -- сказал Болванщик. -- Выпьем чашку и пересядем к следующей.

   'Exactly so,' said the Hatter: 'as the things get used up.'

   -- А когда дойдете до конца, тогда что? -- рискнула спросить Алиса.

   'But what happens when you come to the beginning again?' Alice ventured to ask.

   -- А что, если мы переменим тему?--спросил Мартовский Заяц и широко зевнул. -- Надоели мне эти разговоры. Я предлагаю: пусть барышня расскажет нам сказку.

   'Suppose we change the subject,' the March Hare interrupted, yawning. 'I'm getting tired of this. I vote the young lady tells us a story.'

   -- Боюсь, что я ничего не знаю, -- испугалась Алиса.

   'I'm afraid I don't know one,' said Alice, rather alarmed at the proposal.

   -- Тогда пусть рассказывает Соня, -- закричали Болванщик и Заяц. -- Соня, проснись!

   'Then the Dormouse shall!' they both cried. 'Wake up, Dormouse!' And they pinched it on both sides at once.

   Сопя медленно открыла глаза. --Я и не думала спать, -- прошептала она хрипло. -- Я слышала все, что вы говорили.

   The Dormouse slowly opened his eyes. 'I wasn't asleep,' he said in a hoarse, feeble voice: 'I heard every word you fellows were saying.'

   -- Рассказывай сказку! -- потребовал Мартовский Заяц.

   'Tell us a story!' said the March Hare.

   -- Да, пожалуйста, расскажите,--подхватила Алиса.

   'Yes, please do!' pleaded Alice.

   -- И поторапливайся, -- прибавил Болванщик. --А то опять заснешь!

   'And be quick about it,' added the Hatter, 'or you'll be asleep again before it's done.'

   -- Жили-были три сестрички, -- быстро начала Соня. -- Звали их Элен, Лэси и Тилли, а жили они на дне колодца...

   'Once upon a time there were three little sisters,' the Dormouse began in a great hurry; 'and their names were Elsie, Lacie, and Tillie; and they lived at the bottom of a well—'

   -- А что они ели?--спросила Алиса. Ее всегда интересовало, что люди едят и пьют.

   'What did they live on?' said Alice, who always took a great interest in questions of eating and drinking.

   -- Кисель,--отвечала, немного подумав, Соня.

   'They lived on treacle,' said the Dormouse, after thinking a minute or two.

   -- Все время один кисель? Это невозможно, -- мягко возразила Алиса. -- Они бы тогда заболели.

   'They couldn't have done that, you know,' Alice gently remarked; 'they'd have been ill.'

   -- Они и заболели, -- сказала Соня. -- И очень серьезно.

   'So they were,' said the Dormouse; 'VERY ill.'

   Алиса пыталась понять, как это можно всю жизнь есть один кисель, но это было так странно и удивительно, что она только спросила: -- А почему они жили на дне колодца?

   Alice tried to fancy to herself what such an extraordinary ways of living would be like, but it puzzled her too much, so she went on: 'But why did they live at the bottom of a well?'

   -- Выпей еще чаю, -- сказал Мартовский Заяц, наклоняясь к Алисе.

   'Take some more tea,' the March Hare said to Alice, very earnestly.

   -- Еще? -- переспросила Алиса с обидой. -- Я пока ничего не пила.

-- Больше чаю она не желает, -- произнес Мартовский Заяц в пространство.

   'I've had nothing yet,' Alice replied in an offended tone, 'so I can't take more.'

   -- Ты, верно, хочешь сказать, что меньше чаю она не желает: гораздо легче выпить больше, а не меньше, чем ничего, -- сказал Болванщик.

   'You mean you can't take LESS,' said the Hatter: 'it's very easy to take MORE than nothing.'

   -- Вашего мнения никто не спрашивал, -- сказала Алиса.

   'Nobody asked YOUR opinion,' said Alice.

   -- А теперь кто переходит на личности? -- спросил Болванщик с торжеством.

   'Who's making personal remarks now?' the Hatter asked triumphantly.

   Алиса не знала, что на это ответить. Она налила себе чаю и намазала хлеб маслом, а потом повернулась к Соне и повторила свой вопрос: -- Так почему же они жили на дне колодца?

   Alice did not quite know what to say to this: so she helped herself to some tea and bread-and-butter, and then turned to the Dormouse, and repeated her question. 'Why did they live at the bottom of a well?'

   Соня опять задумалась и, наконец, сказала: -- Потому что в колодце был кисель.

   The Dormouse again took a minute or two to think about it, and then said, 'It was a treacle-well.'

   -- Таких колодцев не бывает,--возмущенно закричала Алиса. Но Болванщик и Мартовский Заяц на нее зашикали, а Соня угрюмо пробормотала: -- Если ты не умеешь себя вести, досказывай сама!

   'There's no such thing!' Alice was beginning very angrily, but the Hatter and the March Hare went 'Sh! sh!' and the Dormouse sulkily remarked, 'If you can't be civil, you'd better finish the story for yourself.'

   -- Простите, -- покорно сказала Алиса. -- Пожалуйста, продолжайте, я больше не буду перебивать. Может, где-нибудь и есть один такой колодец.

   'No, please go on!' Alice said very humbly; 'I won't interrupt again. I dare say there may be ONE.'

   -- Тоже сказала -- ``один''! -- фыркнула Соня. Впрочем, она согласилась продолжать рассказ. -- И надо вам сказать, что эти три сестрички жили припиваючи...

   'One, indeed!' said the Dormouse indignantly. However, he consented to go on. 'And so these three little sisters—they were learning to draw, you know—'

   -- Припеваючи?--переспросила Алиса.--А что они пели?

   'What did they draw?' said Alice, quite forgetting her promise.

   -- Не пели, а пили -- ответила Соня. -- Кисель, конечно.

   'Treacle,' said the Dormouse, without considering at all this time.

   -- Мне нужна чистая чашка,--перебил ее Болванщик.--Давайте подвинемся.

   'I want a clean cup,' interrupted the Hatter: 'let's all move one place on.'

   И он пересел на соседний стул. Соня села на его место. Мартовский Заяц--на место Сони, а Алиса, скрепя сердцем,--на место Зайца. Выиграл при этом один Болванщик; Алиса, напротив, сильно проиграла, потому что Мартовский Заяц только что опрокинул себе в тарелку молочник.

   He moved on as he spoke, and the Dormouse followed him: the March Hare moved into the Dormouse's place, and Alice rather unwillingly took the place of the March Hare. The Hatter was the only one who got any advantage from the change: and Alice was a good deal worse off than before, as the March Hare had just upset the milk-jug into his plate.

   Алисе не хотелось опять обижать Соню, и она осторожно спросила: -- Я не понимаю... Как же они там жили?

   Alice did not wish to offend the Dormouse again, so she began very cautiously: 'But I don't understand. Where did they draw the treacle from?'

   -- Чего там не понимать, -- сказал Болванщик. -- Живут же рыбы в воде. А эти сестрички жили в киселе! Поняла, глупышка?

   'You can draw water out of a water-well,' said the Hatter; 'so I should think you could draw treacle out of a treacle-well—eh, stupid?'

   -- Но почему? -- спросила Алиса Соню, сделав вид, что не слышала последнего замечания Болванщика.

   'But they were IN the well,' Alice said to the Dormouse, not choosing to notice this last remark.

   -- Потому что они были кисельные барышни.

   'Of course they were', said the Dormouse; '—well in.'

   Этот ответ так смутил бедную Алису, что она замолчала.

   This answer so confused poor Alice, that she let the Dormouse go on for some time without interrupting it.

   -- Так они и жили,-- продолжала Соня сонным голосом, зевая и протирая глаза, -- как рыбы в киселе. А еще они рисовали... всякую всячину... все, что начинается на М.

   'They were learning to draw,' the Dormouse went on, yawning and rubbing its eyes, for it was getting very sleepy; 'and they drew all manner of things—everything that begins with an M—'

   -- Почему на М? -- спросила Алиса.

   'Why with an M?' said Alice.

   -- А почему бы и нет? -- спросил Мартовский Заяц.

   'Why not?' said the March Hare.

   Алиса промолчала.

   Alice was silent.

   -- Мне бы тоже хотелось порисовать, -- сказала она, наконец. -- У колодца. -- Порисовать и уколоться? -- переспросил Заяц. Соня меж тем закрыла глаза и задремала. Но тут Болванщик ее ущипнул, она взвизгнула и проснулась. -- ...начинается на М,--продолжала она.--Они рисовали мышеловки, месяц, математику, множество... Ты когда-нибудь видела, как рисуют множество? -- Множество чего? -- спросила Алиса. -- Ничего, -- отвечала Соня. -- Просто множество!

   The Dormouse had closed its eyes by this time, and was going off into a doze; but, on being pinched by the Hatter, it woke up again with a little shriek, and went on: '—that begins with an M, such as mouse-traps, and the moon, and memory, and muchness—you know you say things are "much of a muchness"—did you ever see such a thing as a drawing of a muchness?'

   -- Не знаю, -- начала Алиса, -- может...

   'Really, now you ask me,' said Alice, very much confused, 'I don't think—'

   -- А не знаешь -- молчи, -- оборвал ее Болванщик.

   'Then you shouldn't talk,' said the Hatter.

   Такой грубости Алиса стерпеть не могла: она молча встала и пошла прочь. Соня тут же заснула, а Заяц и Болванщик не обратили на Алисин уход никакого внимания, хоть она и обернулась раза два, надеясь, что они одумаются и позовут ее обратно. Оглянувшись в последний раз, она увидела, что они засовывают Соню в чайник.

   This piece of rudeness was more than Alice could bear: she got up in great disgust, and walked off; the Dormouse fell asleep instantly, and neither of the others took the least notice of her going, though she looked back once or twice, half hoping that they would call after her: the last time she saw them, they were trying to put the Dormouse into the teapot.

   -- Больше я туда ни за что не пойду! --твердила про себя Алиса, пробираясь по лесу. -- В жизни не видела такого глупого чаепития!

   'At any rate I'll never go THERE again!' said Alice as she picked her way through the wood. 'It's the stupidest tea-party I ever was at in all my life!'

   Тут она заметила в одном дереве дверцу. -- Как странно! -- подумала Алиса. -- Впрочем, сегодня все странно. Войду-ка я в эту дверцу. Так она и сделала.

   Just as she said this, she noticed that one of the trees had a door leading right into it. 'That's very curious!' she thought. 'But everything's curious today. I think I may as well go in at once.' And in she went.

   И снова она оказалась в длинном зале возле стеклянного столика. -- Ну теперь-то я буду умнее,--сказала она про себя, взяла ключик и прежде всего отперла дверцу, ведущую в сад, А потом вынула кусочки гриба, которые лежали у нее в кармане, и ела, пока не стала с фут ростом. Тогда она пробралась по узкому коридорчику и наконец--очутилась в чудесном саду среди ярких цветов и прохладных фонтанов.

   Once more she found herself in the long hall, and close to the little glass table. 'Now, I'll manage better this time,' she said to herself, and began by taking the little golden key, and unlocking the door that led into the garden. Then she went to work nibbling at the mushroom (she had kept a piece of it in her pocket) till she was about a foot high: then she walked down the little passage: and THEN—she found herself at last in the beautiful garden, among the bright flower-beds and the cool fountains.

 Новая версия сценария!


Harry Porter

Author 1: Mr. and Mrs Dursley lived at number 4 Privet Drive together with their son Dudley and their nephew Harry. Harry Potter as you can guess. They were a normal family.

Author 2: Mr. Dursley was a director of a firm called Grannings, which made drills. He was a big man with a very large mustache. Mrs Dursley was thin and blonde. Their son Dudley was, as they were sure, the best boy in the world.

Author 1: Missis Potter (Harry’s mother) was Mrs Dursley’s sister. When Harry’s parents died in the battle with you-know-who, Harry joined the Dursleys. He was not really happy to live with them as well as the Dursleys themselves didn’t like this fact either.

Author 2: The story we are going to show  began one Tuesday morning when nobody could even guess what would happen.

Scene 1

(Слайд 1, заставка Harry Potter, музыка)

(Слайд 2, дом)

Aunt: Up! Get up! Now!  (Слайд 3, чулан, музыка)

Dudley: Wake up, cousin! We’re going to the Zoo!

Aunt: Here he come the birthday boy. Happy birthday, son!

(to Harry)  Cook breakfast. And try not to burn anything.

Harry: Yes, aunt Petunia. (Слайд 4, кухня, музыка)

Aunt: I want everything to be perfect! For my Dudley`s special day!

Uncle: Hurry up! Bring my coffee, boy.

Harry: Yes, uncle Vernon.

Aunt: Aren`t they wonderful, darling?

Dudley: How many are there?

Uncle: 36. Counted them myself.

Dudley: 36?! But last year I had 37.

Uncle: But some are bigger than last year` s

Dudley: I don`t care how big they are!

Aunt: This is what we are going to do. We`re going to buy two new presents. How`s that, pumpkin?



Scene 2      ZOO

Aunt: It should be a lovely day at the zoo. I`m really looking forward to it.

Uncle( to Harry): I`m warning to you now, boy. Any funny business, any at all... and you won`t have any meals for a week. Get in. (Слайд 5, зоопарк, музыка)

Everyone is looking at the snake.

Dudley: Make it move.

Uncle (knocks the glass): Move!

Harry: He`s asleep!

Dudley: He`s boring. (Слайд 6, ящерица, музыка)

Aunt, uncle and Dudley go away.

Harry (to the snake): Sorry about him. He doesn`t understand what it`s like lying there... watching people press their ugly faces in on you.

(In surprise) Can you hear me? It`s just, I`ve never talked to a snake before. Do you...? Do you talk to people often? You`re from Burma, aren`t you? Was it nice there? Do you miss your family? I see. That`s me as well. I never knew my parents either.

Dudley: Mummy, Dad you won`t believe what this snake is doing! (pushes Harry. Harry falls. Harry looks at him ant the glass disappears. Dudley falls. Harry smiles.) Mum! Mummy! Help me!

Aunt: My darling, boy! How did you get in there? Who did this? How did you get in there? Is there a snake?

(At home)

Aunt: It`s all right, sweetheart. We`ll get you out of these cold clothes.

Uncle (to Harry): What happened?

Harry: I swear I don`t know. The glass was there and then it was gone, like magic.

Uncle: There`s no such thing as magic.



  Scene 3

 Episode  Harry gets a letter from Hogwarts:

Author 1: All the Dursleys were sitting in the leaving room ready for breakfast when they heard the sound of post in their letterbox.

(Harry took the pile of letters and brought them to Mr. Dursley leaving one letter for himself. He was reading the address when Mr Dursley began his speech)

Mr Dursley: (looking at the letters) Oh, this is from Marge. She is still ill not feeling fine.

Dudley: Oh, Dad, Harry’s got a letter! ( he grabbed the letter from Harry and ran away. Harry is trying to catch him)

Harry: It’s mine, give it back!

Mr Dursley:  Oh, it’s funny, who can be writing to you? ( Looking at the envelope):   What? No way! ( рвёт конверт)

Dudley: No!

Mrs Dursley: Unbelievable !

Mr Dursley: Never, never, never again will Harry get those letters (рвёт их) No more post through the letterbox (ломает ящик)

Mr Dursley, Mrs Dursle, Dudley (together) Oh, my God!


Author 2: A new day began. It's Sunday. The day is really nice.

(In the room)

Mr Dursley: (having tea) Fine day is this Sunday! In my view, it’s the best day of the week! Why is that, Dudly?

Dudley: Because there is no post on Sundays?

Mr Dursley: Right you are, Dudley!  (looking at Harry)Harry, there is no post on Sundays! I love Sundays! (Pause) What’s the noise?


The noise of owls to come .Hundreds of letters fly into the room through the letterbox

Mr Dursley: Oh, what’s going on?

Dudley: Father, look! What’s that?

Mrs Dursley: Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! I can’t believe my eyes!


More and more letters appear

Mr Dursley: Oh, no! No! No way! (Хватается за голову, качается из стороны в сторону)

Dudley:  Mommy, Daddy is going mad, isn’t he?

Mrs Dursley: Oh, my God!


Все убегают, на сцене только Гарри с письмами в руках. У него счастливое лицо.


(Hagrid appears)

Harry: Excuse me, who are you?

Hagrid: Rubeus Hagrid, keeper of keys and grounds at Hogwarts.  And do you know that you`re a wizard, Harry?

Harry I’m what?

Hagrid: A wizard. And a good one,

Harry: No, you`ve made a mistake. I mean... I can`t be a wizard. I mean, I`m just Harry. Just Harry.

Hagrid: Well, just Harry, did you ever make anything happen? Anything you couldn`t explain when you were angry or scared? (gives him the letter):

Dear Mr. Porter. We`re pleased to inform you... that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Uncle: He will not be going there!

Hagrid: It’s an outrage. A scandal!

Uncle: He’ll not be going.

Hagrid: A great Muggle like you is going to stop him?

Harry: Muggle?

Hagrid: Non-magic folk.

Hagrid: He’s going to the finest school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He’ll be under the finest headmaster Hogwarts has seen, Albus Dumbledore.



Scene 4 (At the railway station)

Platform 9 and ¾

Author 1: Let's see what's going on at King's Cross station where young magicians leave for Hogwarts. The episode is taking place at Platform 9 and 3/4 . Here we'll meet Hugrid and the Weasleys for the first time.

Hugrid: What are you looking at? Blimley, is that the time?

Sorry, Harry, I’m going to leave you. Dumbledore wants to see me. Now, your train leaves in 10 minutes. There’s your ticket. Stick to it. Harry, that’s very important. Stick to your ticket.

Harry: But, Hugrid, there must be a mistake. This says Platform 9 and ¾. There’s no such a thing, is there?

Excuse me (3), madam. Can you tell me, where I might find Platform 9 and ¾ ?

Policeman: 9 and ¾? (2) Think, you are being funny, aren’t you?

Harry: No, mam, it's in my ticket.

Mrs Weasley: Platform 9 and ¾ this way. Alright, George, you first. Fred, you next.

George: He’s not Fred, I am!

Fred: Honestly, woman. You call yourself our mother.

Mrs Weasley: Oh, I’m sorry, George!

Fred: I’m only joking, I’m Fred!

Harry: Excuse me, could you tell me …

Mrs Weasley: How to get onto the platform 9 and ¾? Yes, don’t worry, dear. It’s Ron’s first time to Hogwarts, as well. Now all you’ve got to do is walk straight at the wall between platforms 9 and 10. Best do it at a bit of a run, if you are nervous. Good luck!

Harry runs through the wall, sees the train and cries “WOW!!!”

 (Перестановка декораций, слайд 11, поезд, музыка)    


 Scene 5

(on the train) (Слайд 12, поезд едет, музыка)

Ron: Excuse me. Do you mind? Everywhere else is full..

Harry: Not at all.

Ron: I`m Ron, by the way. Ron Weasley. (Слайд 13, купе, музыка)

Harry: I`m Harry. Harry Porter.

Ron: (surprised)So it`s true! I mean, do you really have the...?

Harry: The what?

Ron: The scar.

(Harry shows him the scar). Wicked! (wikid)

Woman with sweets: Anything of the trolley, dears?

Ron: No, thanks. I`m all set.

Harry: We`ll take the lot. (Looks at the box) Are they real frogs?

Ron: It`s a spell. You want the cards. Each pack`s got a famous witch or wizard. I`ve got about 500 myself.

Harry: (Harry opens the box) I`ve got Dumbledore!

Ron: I got about six of him.

Harry: Hey! He`s gone.

Ron: You can`t expect him to hang around all day, can you? (Look at the rat) Fred gave me a spell to turn him yellow. Want to see?

Harry: Yeah! (Ron takes a stick)

Hermione appears. Ron takes his magic stick.

Hermione: Has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville`s lost one.

Ron: no.

Hermione: Oh, are you doing magic? Let`s see then.

Ron: Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow. Turn this stupid fat rat yellow.

(nothing happens)

Hermione: Are you sure that`s a real spell? Well, it`s not very good, is it? I`ve only tried a few simple ones myself ... but they all worked for me.

(Sits down opposite Harry. Takes her magic stick.)

Hermione: For example. Oculus Reparo. That`s better, isn`t it? Holy cricket, you`re Harry Porter!  I`m Hermione Granger.  And you`re ...?

Ron: I`m Ron Weasley.

Hermione: Pleasure. You two better change into robes. I expect we`ll be arriving soon. You`ve got dirt on your nose. Did you know?


Scene 6

Episode 5 The Sorting Hat:

Author: Now, we are in Hogwarts. All the students and professors are invited to the main Hall for the Sorting Ceremony. Every new student will be sorted for their houses: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. All the professors are awaiting for the decision of the Hat. And the students are excited and a bit worried.

roles: Hat, Harry Potter, Ron, Hermione, Susan Bones, Draco Malfoy,

McGonagall, Dumbledore, Professor Sprout and students

McGonagall:   Now when I call your name, you will come forth, I shall place the sorting hat on your head, and you’ll be sorted into your houses. 

                                                     Hermione Granger!

Hermione: Oh, no. Okay, relax.

Ron: Mental that one, I’m telling you.

Hat: Ah! Right then. Mmm… right! Okay. Gryffindor!!

All students: applauses, noise of delight

McGonagall:  Draco Malfoy!

Hat: Slytherin!

Draco: Who would doubt! Slytherine is the one and only!

All students: applauses, noise of delight

Ron: There’s not a witch or a wizard who went bad who wasn’t in Slytherin.

McGonagall:  Susan Bones!

Susan: I’m so excited! So excited! Aaa!

Hat: I know! Hufflepuff!

Susan: Yes! I knew it! My Mom is from Hufflepuff, too!! I’m so happy!!!

All students: applauses, noise of delight

Гарри чувствует боль в шраме

Harry: Aaa

Ron: Harry, what is that?

Harry: Nothing. Nothing, I’m fine.

McGonagall:  Luna Lovegood!

Hat:  Kind, smart and sensitive!  Must be … Ravenclaw!

Luna: Oh, Thank you, dear Hat! It’s really so great! I can’t believe it! Thank you, dear- dear Hat!

McGonagall:  Ronald Weasley!

Hat: Ha! Another Weasley! I know just what to do with you! Gryffindor!!

All students: applauses, noise of delight

McGonagall:  Harry Potter!

Hat: Mmmm… Difficult. Very difficult. Plenty of courage I see. Not a bad mind either. There’s talent, oh, yes, and a thirst to prove yourself. But where to put you?

Harry: Not Slytherin. Not Slytherin.

Hat: Not Slytherin, eh? Are you sure? You could be great, you know. It’s all here in your head. And Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness, there’s no doubt about that. No? Well, if you are sure, better be … Gryffindor!

All students:

applauses, noise of delight, shaking hands

Pomona Sprout: Dear newcomers! We sincerely congratulate you! Welcome to our lessons!

Dumbledore: Welcome, welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our party, I would like to say a few words and here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!

All students: clap and cheer

Harry: Is he a bit mad?

Ron: Mad? He’s a genius! Best wizard in the world. But he is a bit mad, yes. Potatoes, Harry?


Scene 7 A lesson

(Перестановка декораций, слайд 14, замок, музыка)

На сцене сидят студенты Хогвартса в ожидании урока. Все кроме Гермионы. Неожиданно появляется Гермиона.

Ron: Hermione? Where have you been? (Слайд 15, столы и чашки, музыка)

Hermione: I was here, Ron.

Ron: No, you weren’t.

Появляется профессор Трилони.

Harry: Quiet! (Слайд 16, самовар, музыка)

Triloni: ЖестикулируяDear children at my lessons I’ll teach you how to get a glimpse(заглянуть)  of the future ! Let your fantasy fly over your mind! Now, take your neighbor’s tea cup and try to predict his future.

Студенты тихо посмеиваются.

Trilony: Обращаясь к одному студенту. What have we here? Заглядывает в чашку. Is your granny healthy?

Student: I hope she is!

Trilony: I wouldn’t be so sure. Обращаясь к Рону. Dear boy, what do you see?

Ron: Сомневаясь. I think Harry has a dog.

Trilony: Aha! And what does it mean?

Ron: НеуверенноMaybe someone will present him a puppy?

Trilony: Let me see. Забирает у Рона чашку, испуганно обращается к Гарри. Oh, my dear boy, you have Grim!!!

Ron: What?

Hermione: СкептическиGrim is a symbol of death!

Ron: ИспуганноIt’s Voldemort, of course! Are you afraid, Harry?

Harry: Пожимает плечамиI don’t know.

Hermione: It is nonsense!

Trilony: Поправляя очки и укоризненно качая головой. Dear girl, you have no fantasy and you learn too much. You haven’t many friends because you are too smart.

Hermione: Возмущенно вскакиваетI don’t believe you. I think your subject is very, …. very stupid! Убегает.

Ron and Harry: Hermione, wait! Уходят.

Trilony: What’s happened? Did I say something wrong?

Трилони растеряна, остальные студенты поднимаются и уходят.


Scene 8

На сцене профессор Люпин. Входит Гарри. (Слайд 17, кабинет)

Harry: Professor, teach me please how to fight against Dementors.

Lupin: I can’t.

Harry: But you turned Dementor out of the train.

Lupin: He was alone, Harry.

Harry: I don’t want to be afraid of Dementors.

Lupin: All right! You must use “Patronus”. But it is not very easy. Concentrate! Наводит волшебную палочку на ящик.Dementor! (Музыка 1)

Появляется дементор.

Dementor: Uh, uh, uh …….

Harry: ШепчетExpecto, Expecto,….

Dementor: Uh, uh, uh, uh….

Гарри падает в обморок. Дементор исчезает в ящике. Люпин помогает Гарри.

Lupin: Harry! Here, eat some chocolate. It will help you.

Harry: Съедает шоколад и поднимается. I want to try again.

Lupin: Think about something good. You must be strong. Ready?

Harry: Решительно. Yes!(Музыка 1)

Lupin: Dementor!

Появляется дементор.

Dementor: Uh, uh, uh, uh!!!

Harry: Кричит. Expecto Patronum! (Музыка 2)

Дементор вздыхает и исчезает.

Lupin: You did it Harry, a good boy!

Harry: Yes, but I am very tired.

Lupin: OK. We’ll try again next time. You are a very brave boy!

Обнимает Гарри за плечи. Уходят. (Музыка 3)


Episode 5 The Sorting Hat:

Author: Now, we are in Hogwarts. All the students and professors are invited to the main Hall for the Sorting Ceremony. Every new student will be sorted for their houses: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. All the professors are awaiting for the decision of the Hat. And the students are excited and a bit worried.

roles: Hat, Harry Potter, Ron, Hermione, Susan Bones, Draco Malfoy,

McGonagall, Dumbledore, Professor Sprout and students

McGonagall:   Now when I call your name, you will come forth, I shall place the sorting hat on your head, and you’ll be sorted into your houses. 

                                                     Hermione Granger!

Hermione: Oh, no. Okay, relax.

Ron: Mental that one, I’m telling you.

Hat: Ah! Right then. Mmm… right! Okay. Gryffindor!!

All students: applauses, noise of delight

McGonagall:  Draco Malfoy!

Hat: Slytherin!

Draco: Who would doubt! Slytherine is the one and only!

All students: applauses, noise of delight

Ron: There’s not a witch or a wizard who went bad who wasn’t in Slytherin.

McGonagall:  Susan Bones!

Susan: I’m so excited! So excited! Aaa!

Hat: I know! Hufflepuff!

Susan: Yes! I knew it! My Mom is from Hufflepuff, too!! I’m so happy!!!

All students: applauses, noise of delight

Гарри чувствует боль в шраме

Harry: Aaa

Ron: Harry, what is that?

Harry: Nothing. Nothing, I’m fine.

McGonagall:  Luna Lovegood!

Hat:  Kind, smart and sensitive!  Must be … Ravenclaw!

Luna: Oh, Thank you, dear Hat! It’s really so great! I can’t believe it! Thank you, dear- dear Hat!

McGonagall:  Ronald Weasley!

Hat: Ha! Another Weasley! I know just what to do with you! Gryffindor!!

All students: applauses, noise of delight

McGonagall:  Harry Potter!

Hat: Mmmm… Difficult. Very difficult. Plenty of courage I see. Not a bad mind either. There’s talent, oh, yes, and a thirst to prove yourself. But where to put you?

Harry: Not Slytherin. Not Slytherin.

Hat: Not Slytherin, eh? Are you sure? You could be great, you know. It’s all here in your head. And Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness, there’s no doubt about that. No? Well, if you are sure, better be … Gryffindor!

All students:

applauses, noise of delight, shaking hands

Pomona Sprout: Dear newcomers! We sincerely congratulate you! Welcome to our lessons!

Dumbledore: Welcome, welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our party, I would like to say a few words and here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!

All students: clap and cheer

Harry: Is he a bit mad?

Ron: Mad? He’s a genius! Best wizard in the world. But he is a bit mad, yes. Potatoes, Harry?




 Episode 1 Harry gets a letter from Hogwarts:

Author 1: Mr. and Mrs Dursley lived at number 4 Privet Drive together with their son Dudley and their nephew Harry. Harry Potter as you can guess. They were a normal family.

Author 2: Mr. Dursley was a director of a firm called Grannings, which made drills. He was a big man with a very large mustache. Mrs Dursley was thin and blonde. Their son Dudley was, as they were sure, the best boy in the world.

Author 1: Missis Potter (Harry’s mother) was Mrs Dursley’s sister. When Harry’s parents died in the battle with you-know-who, Harry joined the Dursleys. He was not really happy to live with them as well as the Dursleys themselves didn’t like this fact either.

Author 2: The story we are going to show  began one Tuesday morning when nobody could even guess what would happen.

Author 1: All the Dursleys were sitting in the leaving room ready for breakfast when they heard the sound of post in their letterbox.

(Harry took the pile of letters and brought them to Mr. Dursley leaving one letter for himself. He was reading the address when Mr Dursley began his speech)

Mr Dursley: (looking at the letters) Oh, this is from Marge. She is still ill not feeling fine.

Dudley: Oh, Dad, Harry’s got a letter! ( he grabbed the letter from Harry and ran away. Harry is trying to catch him)

Harry: It’s mine, give it back!

Mr Dursley:  Oh, it’s funny, who can be writing to you? ( Looking at the envelope):   What? No way! ( рвёт конверт)

Dudley: No!

Mrs Dursley: Unbelievable !

Mr Dursley: Never, never, never again will Harry get those letters (рвёт их) No more post through the letterbox (ломает ящик)

Mr Dursley, Mrs Dursle, Dudley (together) Oh, my God!


Author 2: A new day began. It's Sunday. The day is really nice.

(In the room)

Mr Dursley: (having tea) Fine day is this Sunday! In my view, it’s the best day of the week! Why is that, Dudly?

Dudley: Because there is no post on Sundays?

Mr Dursley: Right you are, Dudley!  (looking at Harry)Harry, there is no post on Sundays! I love Sundays! (Pause) What’s the noise?


The noise of owls to come .Hundreds of letters fly into the room through the letterbox

Mr Dursley: Oh, what’s going on?

Dudley: Father, look! What’s that?

Mrs Dursley: Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! I can’t believe my eyes!


More and more letters appear

Mr Dursley: Oh, no! No! No way! (Хватается за голову, качается из стороны в сторону)

Dudley:  Mommy, Daddy is going mad, isn’t he?

Mrs Dursley: Oh, my God!


Все убегают, на сцене только Гарри с письмами в руках. У него счастливое лицо.


Platform 9 and ¾

Author 1: Let's see what's going on at King's Cross station where young magicians leave for Hogwarts. The episode is taking place at Platform 9 and 3/4 . Here we'll meet Hugrid and the Weasleys for the first time.

Hugrid: What are you looking at? Blimley, is that the time?

Sorry, Harry, I’m going to leave you. Dumbledore wants to see me. Now, your train leaves in 10 minutes. There’s your ticket. Stick to it. Harry, that’s very important. Stick to your ticket.

Harry: But, Hugrid, there must be a mistake. This says Platform 9 and ¾. There’s no such a thing, is there?

Excuse me (3), sir. Can you tell me, where I might find Platform 9 and ¾ ?

Policeman: 9 and ¾? (2) Think, you are being funny, aren’t you?

Harry: Muggles?

Mrs Weasley: Platform 9 and ¾ this way. Alright, Percy, you first. Fred, you next.

George: He’s not Fred, I am!

Fred: Honestly, woman. You call yourself our mother.

Mrs Weasley: Oh, I’m sorry, George!

Fred: I’m only joking, I’m Fred!

Harry: Excuse me, could you tell me …

Mrs Weasley: How to get onto the platform 9 and ¾? Yes, don’t worry, dear. It’s Ron’s first time to Hogwarts, as well. Now all you’ve got to do is walk straight at the wall between platforms 9 and 10. Best do it at a bit of a run, if you are nervous. Good luck!

Harry runs through the wall, sees the train and cries “WOW!!!”

We are glad to introduce our new performance to come!
Meet Harry Potter!
 Episode 1 Harry gets a letter from Hogwarts:

 Episode 2 Platform 9 3\4:

 Episode 3 Harry goes to Hogwarts by train:

Episode 4 The first look at Hogwarts

Episode 5 The Sorting Hat:

 Episode 6 The lesson with Professor Sprout in Herbology (Mandrake or mandragora): 

 The day of the performance!

 The Mayflower ship

 - Land! I see land!


Hard days of the Pilgrims

The first feast





 This is the way
this is the way we ...
dig -dug - dug копать
dig the ground
early in the morning
plant the seeds
water the plants

На экране слайды с индейцами, корабль…, 2 подноса с фруктами и овощами.
Ведущий 1 – Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen!
Ведущий 2 – Good afternoon dear guests.
Ведущий 1 – We are happy to see you at our party. Today we are going to speak about Thanksgiving Day.
Ведущий 2 – Happy Thanksgiving Day to you! (in chorus)
Poem 1: - It’s happy Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Hooray!
We are going to dinner
At Grandma’s today
Poem 2: though the weather is windy
And chilly and gray
Our family is happy
This Thanksgiving Day!
Ведущий 1 – do you know that it is a very famous and popular holiday in the USA when people thank their nearest and dearest for good life?
Ведущий 2 – Yes, I do. And people also give thanks for many good things in their lives.
Ведущий 1 – Four hundred (400) years ago  a ship Mayflower with 102 passenger left Plymouth, England .
Ведущий 2 – For good life people decided to cross the sea and sail to America.
Ведущий 1 – at first the passengers enjoyed good weather at sea. But soon, strong winds and storms began.
Ведущий 2 – some of passengers are sailors were afraid that the ship couldn’t cross the ocean
Ведущий 1 – they wanted to return to England. But others were brave.
Ведущий 2 – let’s imagine how it was.
Ведущий 2 – but at first listen to the song “My Bonnie”
Song “My Bonnie” (all together)
The origin of thanksgiving
Characters: Story-teller, Pilgrims, Indians.
Story-teller:  the Pilgrims sailed to Plymouth Rock, in Massachusetts, on December 26, 1620
  1. Pilgrim Oh, I see a land! Look! Land!
All Pilgrims Land! Hurrah! Land!
  1. Pilgrim Look! There are people there. They welcome us.
The Indian leader: welcome to our land! Who are you? Where are you from?
1 Pilgrim: we are Pilgrims. We are from England. We have come for new lives. And who are you?
The Indian leader : we are Indians. We have been living here for a long time. You may stay here and live on our land.
All Pilgrims: thank you very much
Story-teller: the first winter was a terrible time. The pilgrims were hungry, sick and cold. Many people died. Then the Native Americans, the Indians, helped the pilgrims.
1 Pilgrim: we have nothing to eat. Many people have died and many are sick. What shall we do? (Появляются индейцы с корзинами еды)
1 Indian: Hello! We have brought food to you: bread, vegetables, fruit, corn and other things
3 Pilgrim oh! Thank you very much! You have saved our lives! We’ll never forget you!
Story-teller: spring came. Indians taught the Pilgrims to plant corn, to build houses, to hunt, to fish. In other words - how to survive in America. (Индейцы показывают пилигримам как выращивать кукурузу строить дома ловить рыбу охотиться) - песня This is the way
2 Indian we’ll teach you how to plant corn, build houses, hunt and fish. Our land is very rich.
4 Pilgrim: thanks! We’ll pray for you! We’ll be good pupils.
Story-teller: the crops did well, and in the fall of 1621 the Pilgrims had a great harvest. They were very thankful and decided to celebrate with a feast. The pilgrims invited the Indian friends to share this thanksgiving feast.
2 Pilgrim: welcome to our thanksgiving feast! We are grateful to you for many things.
4 Pilgrim: Thank you for your help!  
1 Pilgrim: Thank you for food!
2 Pilgrim: Thank you for our life!
3 Pilgrim: Thank you for your lessons! And well never forget those days
The Indian leader: Welcome to our feast!
(индейцы и пилигримы садятся за праздничный стол. на столе индейка, клюква, фрукты, кукуруза, пирог и тд)

  1. 1 Pilgrim: thanks a lot! Now let’s have fun! Let’s recite poems and sing songs.

Be thankful for home
Be thankful for food
Be thankful for birds that fly

Be thankful for sleep
Be thankful for flowers
Be thankful for clouds in the sky. 

Be thankful for friends
Be thankful for rain
And the rainbows that follow close by.
Story-teller: Now every 4th Thursday of November the Americans celebrate Thanksgiving.

Ведущий 1 thank you for celebrating this holiday with us we are thankful to you.

Ведущий 2 Well! It’s time to make up our thank-you tree (делаем ладошки со словами благодарности)

 My Bonny is Over the Ocean:

bonny = beloved (возлюбленный) 
over the ocean / the sea - за океаном /за  морем
bring back - return  (возвращать)


a turkey
a pumpkin
an Indian
a Pilgrim
a basket with fruit and vegetables



Hello, dear friends! 

I hope we will enjoy our theatricals this year! 

Let's play and act together! 

Let's have a good time in our School English club!

We celebrate Thanksgiving Day!
November 24th

Pilgrims - пилигримы
Native Americans - коренные американцы
ate food, played games, had fun together
It's a way to say "Thank you" for all good things in your life
be thankful-быть благодарным
Thanksgiving learn and play
The story of Thanksgiving told by the Plymouth Rock:




Прочитайте перечень правил поведения в школьной лаборатории. 10 слов были удалены из текста. Соотнесите слова из таблицы с соответствующими пропусками. Выпишите слова в лист ответов.

The science laboratory is a safe place to work if you follow standard safety procedures. Being responsible for your own safety helps to make the entire laboratory a safer place for everyone. When performing any lab, read and apply the caution statements and safety symbol listed at the beginning of the lab.


according          come           follow         matter          report     catch          emergency      kit        perform        turn

1. a. … any fire, electrical shock, glassware breakage, spill, or injury, no b. … how small, to your teacher immediately. c. … his or her instructions.

2. If your clothing should d. … fire, STOP, DROP, and ROLL. If possible, smother it with the fire blanket or get under a safety shower. NEVER RUN.

3. If a fire should occur, e. … off all gas and leave the room f. … to established procedures.

4. In most instances, your teacher will clean up spills. Do NOT attempt to clean up spills unless you are given permission and instructions to do so.

5. If chemicals g. … into contact with your eyes or skin, tell your teacher immediately. Use the eyewash or flush your skin or eyes with large quantities of water.

6. The fire extinguisher and first-aid h. … should only be used by your teacher unless it is an extreme i. … and you have been given permission.

7. If someone is injured or becomes ill, only a professional medical provider or someone certified in first aid should j. … first-aid procedures.

Прочитайте описание изобретения. 
10 из 15 подчеркнутых частей предложений содержат ошибку. 
Найдите их, выпишите в лист ответов с исправлением (сначала неверную форму, затем – правильную). 
Примеры: 16. mouses – mice 17. to make – make 

Have you ever 1. shovel snow? It is 2. a hard work! But 3. there is a machine that 4. makes it 5. easiest. It works 6. as a seesaw. 7. On a seesaw you push down on your side, and you lift up 8. yours friend. 9. Why your friend 10. come down, you go up. The Wovel is like a seesaw on a wheel. 11. First you push down on the handle. The shovel lifts 12. up snow. If you push down 13. hardly the snow 14. flys through 15. a air.

Различие глаголов  SAY, TELL, SPEAK, TALK

Различие глаголов TEACH, LEARN, STUDY


1/ Find the odd word out:

2/ Identify the word or phrase that needs to be removed from the sentence to make it grammatically correct.

1. He called me as a fool.

2. This is the house where Jack was born in.

3. I have visited them a couple of times during my stay in Mexico.

4. I live half of a mile from here.

5. I don’t think so that I will have time.

6. Despite of having a headache I enjoyed the film.

7. He asked to her why she was angry.

8. He was very kind enough to invite me.

9. I have bought a chicken in case of Peter stays to lunch.

10. I want to know as to why I have been detained.


1. as (The sentence should read: He called me a fool.)

2. in (The sentence should read: This is the house where Jack was born.)

3. have (The sentence should read: I visited them a couple of times during my stay in Mexico.)

4. of (The sentence should read: I live half a mile from here.)

5. so (The sentence should read: I don’t think that I will have time.)

6. of (The sentence should read: Despite having a headache I enjoyed the film.)

7. to (The sentence should read: He asked her why she was angry.)

8. very (The sentence should read: He was kind enough to invite me.)

9. of (The sentence should read: I have bought a chicken in case Peter stays to lunch.)

10. as to (The sentence should read: I want to know why I have been detained.)


Lear the drills

Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers.

·         If two witches were watching two watches, which witch would watch which watch?

·         The thirty-three thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday.

·         You know New York, you need New York, you know you need unique New York.

·         He thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts. (Stephen King)

·         I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won’t wish the wish you wish to wish.

·         If you must cross a course cross cow across a crowded cow crossing, cross the cross coarse cow across the crowded cow crossing carefully.

·         Can you can a canned can into an uncanned can like a canner can can a canned can into an uncanned can?

·         Brisk brave brigadiers brandished broad bright blades, blunderbusses, and bludgeons — balancing them badly.

·         Imagine an imaginary menagerie manager managing an imaginary menagerie.

Listening and reading
experience - опыт (жизненный)
wonderful experience
local people 
get to understand
plan trips
do some research on
in advance
with no hotel reservation
fixed plans
guest houses
share information
be off the beaten track
not my cup of tea.


Try the online quiz, reading, listening, and activities on grammar, spelling and vocabulary for this lesson on Travelling. Click on the links above or see the activities below this article:


Travelling gives you _______________________ you cannot find in your own country. You meet local people and get to _______________________. It’s so exciting. I _______________________ and doing some research on the country or countries I want to visit. Sometimes I like to plan _______________________, my flights, hotels and tours, etc. For me, the most exciting thing is arriving in a country with _______________________ and no fixed plans. I _______________________ and guest houses. You get to meet and talk to different and interesting people _______________________. I also like to visit places that are _______________________. Being somewhere with thousands of other tourists? It’s not my cup of tea.

Travelling gives you many wonderful experiences you cannot find in your own country. You meet local people and get to understand different cultures. It’s so exciting. I love planning trips and doing some research on the country or countries I want to visit. Sometimes I like to plan everything in advance, my flights, hotels and tours, etc. For me, the most exciting thing is arriving in a country with no hotel reservation and no fixed plans. I prefer staying in hostels and guest houses. You get to meet and talk to different and interesting people and share information. I also like to visit places that are off the beaten track. Being somewhere with thousands of other tourists? It’s not my cup of tea.


Read the text and fill in the gaps using the right words

 Everybody … (11) that cats love sleeping. They spend half of their … (12) asleep and enjoy every minute of it.  Other animals … (13) very different sleeping habits, however. For example, … (14) horses may not look like they … (15) asleep, but they are! Horses only spend three hours asleep … (16) day and they do it standing up! Fish sleep for  about seven  hours but they too have strange habits – they don’t close their eyes to sleep. So, what about people? Most … (17) us sleep for about a third of our lives. But the … (18) of hours we sleep depends on the age. Newborn babies sleep a lot – about seventeen hours in every twenty four. Children need about eleven hours and grown-ups sleep for about eight hours every night. But you’re not just asleep – you’re not really doing nothing. … (19) happens during sleep. Dreams are one way that the … (20) rests after a busy day.

11. A) know B) knows C) knew
12. A) life B) lifes C) lives
13. A) have B) has C) had
14. A) any B) some C) much
15. A) be B) were C) are
16. A) the B) a C) no article
17. A) of B) for C) about
18. A) many B) most C) number
19. A) A lot B) A lot of C) Many
20. A) legs B) body C) mind

Read the text again and find the correct answer

21. … sleep half of their lifetime.
А) Horses B) Cats C) People
22. The animals have … habits.sleeping
А) the same B) similar C) various
23. When horses sleep they … .
А) lie B) stand C) don’t stand
24. … don’t have strange sleeping habits.
А) Fish B) Horses C) Cats
25. … sleep less than other animals in this story.
А) Fish B) Horses C) Cats
26. The length of our sleep … .
А) depends on how old we are
B) depends on our work
C) depends on our rest
27. … need more sleep.
А) Grown-ups B) Children C) Babies
28. Babies sleep seventeen hours … .
А) a day B) a week C) a night
29. When you sleep you do nothing.
А) It’s true B) I agree C) It’s wrong
30. Dreams help people to … .
А) sleep well B) relax C) work better


I. Listen to the text and choose  the correct answer

1. Tommy went skiing for the first time … .
A) with his friends
B) with his family
C) alone

2. He … .
A) was taught to ski
B) learnt to ski
C) didn’t learn to ski

3. He fell over a lot because he … .
A) enjoyed it
B) could ski very well
C) couldn’t ski

4. Tommy went to the mountains for … .
A) seven days B) ten days C) a month

5. They … time together.
A) didn’t have B) enjoyed C) didn’t enjoy

6. They went down the mountain on … .
A) skis
B) skateboards
C) snowboards

7. In the evening they … .
A) stayed at the hotel
B) went out
C) watched TV

8. They liked to eat … .
A) fish and chips B) pizza C) hamburgers

9. They watched an ice-hockey game … .
A) at the stadium
B) on TV
C) at the sports centre

10. Tommy and his friends … winter sports.
A) are fond of
B) don’t like
C) are not keen on

II. Read the text and fill the gaps with prepositions

This is the story … (11) a ghost. He lives in the beautiful Canterville Castle. Mr. Otis and his family live there, too. The ghost has got big red eyes, grey hair, a long
nose, thin legs and a white face. He thinks he’s very frightening. But nobody is afraid … (12) him. The ghost is very sad and unhappy. He cries in his room … (13) the tower. Mr. Otis’ daughter, Virginia feels sorry … (14) him and wants to help him. The ghost tells her … (15) his problem. He can only rest when
a girl … (16) blonde hair helps him and the almond tree has flowers. Virginia and the ghost go … (17) a wall. The Otis family looks for Virginia in the rooms, …  18) the beds, behind the doors, on the roof. They finally see her sitting … (19) the almond tree. They look … (20) and notice that the almond tree has flowers. Virginia and the ghost can finally rest. Now they are happy.

11. A) at B) of C) by
12. A) of B) about C) in
13. A) for B) along C) in
14. A) with B) for C) at
15. A) in B) about C) for
16. A) with B) of C) in
17. A) next B) in C) through
18. A) above B) under C) of
19. A) by B) next C) along
20. A) for B) down C) up

III. Read the text again and find the right answer

21. It is a story about a ghost.
A) True B) False C) Doesn’t say
22. He lives in Canterville Village.
A) True B) False C) Doesn’t say
23. The ghost has a beard.
A) True B) False C) Doesn’t say
24. He thinks he is funny.
A) True B) False C) Doesn’t say
25. The ghost is sad and cries.
A) True B) False C) Doesn’t say
26. He lives in the living room.
A) True B) False C) Doesn’t say
27. The ghost has a problem. He can’t rest.
A) True B) False C) Doesn’t say
28. He can rest only when the almond tree has flowers.
A) True B) False C) Doesn’t say
29. In the end Virginia and the ghost are happy.
A) True B) False C) Doesn’t say


I. Listen to the text and choose the correct answer
1. Tony went for a picnic last … .
A) Sunday B) Friday C) Saturday

2. … drove the car.
A) His mother B) His father C) His sister

3. His father has bought a new … .
A) car B) CD player C) mobile phone

4. His little sister made … .
A) a toy B) a cake C) a sand castle

5. Tony went for … .
A) a swim B) a walk C) a bath

6. The water was … .
A) too hot B) too cold C) rather warm

7. Father took the … out of the car.
A) sausage B) chicken C) sandwiches

8. They had lunch at … .
A) 12 B) 1 C) 2

9. Tony played … .
A) badminton B) beach volley C) beach football

10. They went back home at … .
A) 6 B) 7 C) 8

II. Complete the telephone conversation with the words below

Brian: Hello. Can I speak to Sue, please? This is
Jill: Oh, hello, Brian. This is Jill. … (11) on a moment
and I’ll call Sue. She’s cooking in the … (12).
(A minute later)
Sue: Hello, Brian!
Brian: Hi, Sue. … (13). Would you like to go to the
cinema with me tonight?
Sue: It depends. What’s … (14)?
Brian: I can’t … (15) the title, but it’s a science
fiction film and Tom Cruise is in it. I know you like
Sue: Yes, I do. OK, … (16). But I don’t want to be
late home. I’m working tomorrow and I have a lot
to do. This is a very … (17) period in the office.
Brian: That’s no problem. Why don’t we … (18) at
half past six? We can have a hamburger and then
go to the cinema.
Sue: No, I don’t want to eat … (19) food! Why
don’t you come here? I’ll cook some spaghetti.
Brian: Great! I love your spaghetti Bolognese.
Sue:(20) at half past six.

11. A) Expect B) Hold C) Wait
12. A) kitchen B) chicken C) cooker
13. A) Hear B) Go C) Listen
14. A) like B) on C) at
15. A) learn B) remember C) understand
16. A) go B) let’s go C) we go
17. A) bored B) occupied C) busy
18. A) meet us B) meet C) see you
19. A) junk B) quick C) hungry
20. A) See you B) We see us C) I am seeing


GARDENING. Why is it good?

take up gardening - заниматься садоводством
plant seeds - сажать семена
grow shrubs - выращивать кустарники
satisfying - приносящее удовольствие
pick - собирать, срывать
get excited about -  получить положительные эмоции о 
a bit of - немного
part of the Earth -  часть Земли


для работы с текстом, выделите его мышкой


A letter writing

even - даже
unfortunately - к несчастью
disappointed - разочарованный
do the sightseeing - осматривать достопримечательности
lose -lost -lost - терять
another - другой
local people - местные жители
a coast - побережье
view - вид

Europe                                   Eurostar
London                                  Eiffel Tower
Montreal                               Latin Quarter
Paris                                      Metro
Barcelona                             Canadian Embassy

places of interest
in the open air - на свежем воздухе
to sunbathe - загорать (принимать солнечные ванны)
a seat - сиденье/место (в кинотеатре)
at last - наконец
no wonder - не удивительно
put down (a seat) - опустить вниз

1. Why did Jim go to Blackpool?
2. How did he get there?
3. What did he do there?

Finish these sentences:
1. It was very nice to fly because ...
2. Jim Liked the city because ...
3. When Jim and his uncle got into the cinema it ...
4. Jim found it difficult to watch the film because...


Уважаемые родители учеников, посещающих дополнительные занятия (платные) по английскому языку.
В четверг, 28.02, занятие не состоится. Оно будет проведено в пятницу, 01.03, на 6 уроке. (во время классного часа)
Занятия, пропущенные  по причине карантина (за 31.01 и 07.02), будут проведены 02.03 и 16.03 в 11.00 в каб. №31.
С уважением,
Елена Борисовна


1.  Составь словосочетания:

passport                                          reclaim
first                                                  office
check                                               station
departure                                        class
petrol                                                hall
baggage                                            lounge
ticket                                                control
arrival                                              pass
boarding                                           in

2. Say it in English:

паспортный контроль
первый класс
зал ожидания (зона вылета)
заправка, бензоколонка, топливозаправочная станция
пункт выдачи багажа
билетная касса
зал прилёта
посадочный талон

to land -приземляться
to take off - взлетать
to book the flight - купить билет заранее (на рейс)
steward/stewardess- стюард / стюардесса
customs-  таможня
flight - рейс
gate - выход на посадку
terminal - терминал
through- через
on time - вовремя

3. These sentences describe what you do when you travel by plane. Put them in order.

4. What means of transport are the sentences about?

Plane ______________________
Car _______________________
Boat _______________________

1. I love travelling but I hate aircraft, airports, air terminals and everything to do with them.
2. It's often expensive to have a full meal on a train and the food is often bad.
3. I'd like to travel everywhere by rail because it's so relaxing.
4.It is more and more difficult to get a drink on a short flight.
5. To drive in many countries you need to get an international licence.
6. I love arriving in  city by river. For example, it's wonderful to go down the Thames in London.
7. You should buy a good road map before you start your travelling.
8. It is still possible to travel by rail in comfort.
9. It's a good ides to stop for a rest every two hours when you  are on a long journey.
10. When the sea is rough it can be very uncomfortable.

5. Put a tick (⩗) by the sentences in task 4 which say positive things and a cross (x) by those which say negative things about the means of transport.

6. Write positive and negative things about travelling on a bicycle.

At the airport (video lesson)



By subway - на метро ( амер.)
ride a bicycle
pretty far - очень далеко
drive to work - ездить на работу на машине
convenient - удобно
stuck in a traffic jam - застрять в пробке


         All over the world people use transport to travel. Usually they take a car, a bus or a taxi in a town or a city and they go to other towns by planes, trains, buses and cars. In Pakistan most people travel by bus to get from one town to another. Sometimes the trip can take the whole day and there is a bus only once or twice a week. It is a dangerous means of transport and buses sometimes break down. The roads are often bad and the trips can be very long and uncomfortable. It is a good idea to take food and drink because there are not always restaurants or shops on the way. The buses are usually very crowded with families travelling together. Many people even sit on the roofs of the buses and it is very hot in summer and cold in winter there. The only good thing about this means of transport is the cost. It is very cheap.

means of transport
break down
on the way
crowded with
on the roofs
Write questions to these answers:
1. ____________________________________
It takes about an hour.

 I go by car.

3. __________________________________
No, I only go twice a month.

4. __________________________________
Fifty pence.

5. _________________________________
It’s about thirty miles.


Asking and giving directions



ОПЛАТА по дополнительной платной образовательной услуге «Разговорный английский. Английский с увлечением. 4 класс» за 2 полугодие производиться в безналичном порядке: с 09 января по 15 января 2019 года за платные дополнительные образовательные услуги, получаемые в январе, феврале, марте, апреле, мае в размере 2400 рублей 00 копеек путем внесения платежа на лицевой счет обучающегося через банкоматы Сбербанка или систему «Сбербанк-Онлайн» по следующему алгоритму:
1. Нажимаем вкладку: Региональные услуги
2. Нажимаем вкладку: Образование (сады, школы, вузы)
3. Следующая вкладка: Образовательные учреждения г. Кемерово, ввести лицевой счет и оплатить


How do I get to Queen Street?

Post office - почта
Newsagent's - газетный киоск
Chemist's (a chemist's shop) - аптека
Bank - банк
Station - станция, вокзал
Restaurant - ресторан

at the end of the street - в конце улицы
attractive - привлекательный
attractive shops - магазины с яркими витринами
a cash machine - банкомат
a library- библиотека
an indoor food market - крытый продуктовый рынок
a shopping mall - торговый центр
a cathedral - собор
a tourist information office - туристический информационный центр
a market day - базарный день
a cattle market - рынок (базар), на котором продают скот

in front of
at the end of

Look at the map and complete the sentences with a preposition of place ( вставь предлоги места):

1. The tourist information center is _______ the library.
2. The museum is in High Town __________ the post office and the bookshop.
3. The newsagent's is _______ the chemist's.
4. The library is ________ Broad Street and King Street.
5. The shopping mall is ________ the indoor market.
6. The sports shop is ________ the chemist's and _______ the newsagent's.

задание на 7.12.18
I'm going to...

Learn the new words:

I'm going to ... because ...

Jack can't run well so he is going to train a lot.
Task:  № 4* 

на 14.12.18
A man was walking in the park on a beautiful spring day and suddenly came across a penguin. He did not know what to do. So the man took the penguine to a policeman and said, "I've found this penguine, what should I do now?"
The policeman replied, "Take it to the Zoo."
The next day the policeman was walking in the same park when he saw the same man with the penguine. He walked up to him and said, "Didn't I tell you to take the penguin to the Zoo?"
"Yes," answered the man, ""that's what I did yesterday and today I'm going to take him to the cinema!"

to come across
should do
to reply - replied
the same ( the same park, the same song, the same story...)
to walk up

True or false?
1. A man found a penguin in the park.
2.He knew what to do with it?
3. The man didn't want to take the penguin to the Zoo.
4. They met the policeman in the cinema the next day.
5. The man was going to take the penguin to the cinema.

1. Whom did a man see in the park?
2. Why was the policeman surprised when he saw the man for the second time?
3. Where did he meet the man?
4.Where was the man going to?
5. Why was the man taking the penguin to the cinema?

Imagine that you are a TV reporter, make a footage about the man and the penguin.

footage - видеосюжет

How do you relax?
A Clever Answer

(to) relax
(to) have fun
(to) spend time
(to) enjoy

travel all over the world

rich - богатый

loud - loudly  громкий  - громко
speak loudly
cry loudly
sing loudly

fright - страх 
to frighten - пугать

How much does it cost? - Сколько это стоит?
sell-sold-sold - продавать

be going to - собираться что-то делать
I'm going to buy it.
We aren't going to buy it.

Make up sentences:
1. A    travelled    man     world     all       the      over 
2. One     Great     the     visited     Britain     family     day
3. They    different      to        there       places         went 
4. Father    sons     to    bought    something   his   always
5. The    the     frightened  animals   at    children  Zoo
6. The  buy    asked    father  to  sons     the    Zoo 

Do the task:
1.А rich ... travelled all over the world with his ...  .
2. One day they ... to Great Britain.
3. The American always bought the children something they ... and  ... for.
4. The family came to the English ...
5. His sons were ... children.
6. They ran, ... and cried loudly.
7.They also gave ... to the animals.
8. In the evening the sons asked to ... the Zoo.
9. The answer was: "We can ... the children for the Zoo."

Answer the questions:
1. Who did the American travel with?
2. What did he always do for his children?
3. Why did the children frighten the animals?
4. Why did the American ask about the price of the Zoo?
5. What did the Zookeeper answer?

Задание на 29.11.18:
The text is called "A Clever Answer" because....


К пятнице, 16.11, в печатном листе, прочитать текст с новыми словами. Подобрать красивый перевод на русский язык. Выполнить упр.2* ( над текстом)

happen - происходить, случаться
develop - развивать
discover - узнать, обнаружить, открыть (тайну)
explode - взрываться
invent - создавать, изобретать
land - приземляться
paint - рисовать красками
take off - взлёт, взлетать
win - won - won - побеждать

К пятнице, 26.10.18, в печатных листах выполнить задания №3, №4 письменно на с.45. 

Распечатки иметь на уроке обязательно


К пятнице, 19.10, в печатных листах, в разделе Writing, напишите небольшой рассказ о том, как проходят ваши дни на каникулах или в праздники, с указанием времени.


last - прошлый, в последний раз

I last visited a museum in March.
When did you last visit a museum?

2. Speaking about space 

happen - происходить, случаться
discover - открыть (узнать), обнаружить
invent - изобрести
explode - взорваться
land - приземлиться
take off - взлететь, взлёт
paint - рисовать красками
win -won - won - побеждать
a shuttle - космический шаттл (корабль многоразового использования)
die - died - умереть 
replace - заменить что-то чем-то
distance - расстояние, дистанция 


What time is it?
It's 5am.
It's 7pm.

Если мы хотим сказать , что сейчас 5 часов утра, используем AM, если же указываем на вечернее время - PM.

The French Day
Most peoople start work at nine in the morning and finish at five in the evening. But teachers and schoolchildren start work at eight and finish at five. It's a very long day in a French school. Most people don't work at weekends. Some children go to school on Saturday mornings, but they don't go to school on Wednesday afternoons. The French have a small breakfast before they go to work. They have two hours at lunchtime and they usually have a big lunch. Many people go to restaurants at midday. In the evening they have another big meal at about eight o'clock.

Как ты понимаешь фразу   at about eight o'clock?

What is your workday routine?
Is it the same when you are on holiday?

the same - такой же, одинаковый

start work at
finish work at
a long day
a short day
at midday
a big meal
at about (8) o'clock

At the reastaurant


It's time for a holiday!
Join me! - присоединяйся!

be going to - собираться что-то делать

 I'm going to travel
He's going to fly to London
We're going to sail to Turkey from Sochi


You should know
One day I will go on a holiday!


We TRAVEL by...
We go travelling by...
I SPY with my little eye
You can HEAR with your liitle ear

a yellow school BUS
a bright red TRUCK
a long blue TRAIN
a shiny pink BIKE
a little green BOAT
a big white PLANE
a fast orange CAR

two purple shoes
a loud silver bell

I ride ON a bike
I ride ON a bus
I ride IN a car
I ride ON a train
I fly ON a plane
I fly IN a rocket
I fly INTO space


Find a word:


на субботу, 07.04






scuba diving


water jumping

water skiing

jet skiing




doing aerobics

playing beach volleyball

be interested in - интересоваться чем-то
as well - также

I'm interested in water sports, so I enjoy swimming and windsurfing. I'm good at water jumping as well.

What summer sport are you interested in?

на вторник, 3.04 и пятницу, 6.04

ski jumping

cross-country skiing



speed skating


free style


figure skating


pair skating



Video quiz questions 

1) What's the weather like?
  • It's winter. It's raining.
  • It's summer. It's sunny and hot.
  • It's winter. It's snowing.
  • It's winter. It's foggy and cold.
2) They are ...
  • ice skating.
  • skiing.
  • snowboarding.
  • sledding
3) He is ...
  • ice skating
  • playing ice hockey.
  • sledding.
  • skiing.
4) They are ...
  • sledding.
  • skating.
  • playing ice hockey.
  • snowboarding.
5) He is ...
  • skiing.
  • skiing and jumping.
  • jumping and snowboarding.
  • snowboarding.
6) He is ...
  • skating.
  • skiing.
  • playing ice hockey,
  • snowboarding.
7) He is ...
  • snowboarding and jumping.
  • jumping.
  • skiing and jumping.
  • skiing.
Put the words in order: These fireworks. are

на вторник, 20.03 и пятницу, 23.03

Tell us about your and your frinds' hobbies.
Используй структуру 🔺 + ing

на пятницу, 02/03 и вторник,27/02

Когда мы говорим о своих хобби, нам требуются такие слова, как плавание, чтение, рисование... Как сказать это по-английски? Очень просто:
                                🔺 + ing
play - playing
draw -drawing
read - reading

Нам обязательно понадобятся особые глаголы:

adore - обожать
enjoy - получать удовольствие
be good at - хорошо что-то делать

😊    like 🔺 + ing
😊    love 🔺 + ing
😊    adore 🔺 + ing
😊    enjoy 🔺 + ing
😊    be good at 🔺 + ing

I am good at swimming
Jack is good at reading books
Tom  and Bob are good at playing football

Домашнее задание:
Составь собственные предложения с этими глаголами и запиши их в тетрадь


What's your hobby?
What do you like to do?
What do you like doing?

dance - dancing
read - reading
walk - walking
cook - cooking
write - writing
run - running 
swim - swimming

на 02.02.18 и 6.02.18
Принести на занятие цветные карандаши!

25 / 18.01.18
(на 30.01 18 и 02.0218)
Необходимо сохранить выданные листки с заданием и выполнить само задание

Домашнее задание:

Работаем с обеими сторонами раздаточного материала ( clothes, shoes).
Составьте комплекты одежды и обуви для:
1) похода в театр
2) учёбы в школе
3) отдыха на пляже
4) прогулки в парке

Design a T-shirt



Распредели предметы и аксессуары на две группы:
                   1. для неё        2. для него

                                       Что есть что?

( на 12.01.18 и 16.01.18)


1. Расскажи, когда день рождения твоих родителей, сестер, братьев, бабушек и дедушек.

When is your birthday?

В субботу, 23.12.17, состоится праздничное занятие наших групп. Дети приглашаются к 11.00.
Форма одежды - парадная.
Выучить песенку снеговичков и Jingle Bells.

19.12 / 22.12

The Story of Rudolph the Reindeer

     There were 9 reindeer that Santa had. Their names were  Dasher, Dancer , Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid , Donner, Blitzen and Rudolph. They lived at the North Pole ( Северный Полюс) with Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus and the Christmas Elves (an elf, elves - эльф, эльфы). 
          Rudolph had a bright red shining nose.  Other reindeer laughed at him and called him namesSanta didn't like it, too and never took him to pull his sleigh. So, Rudolph always stayed at home and played with a snowman.
        But one Christmas Eve when Santa took his big sack (мешок) of presents the weather was so bad and the sky was so dark that Santa couldn't see his way to the children to give them presents. 
            Rudolph's nose was so bright red that it was like a light and he was very glad to help Santa.  Prancer said that Rudolph could take his place and lead (вести) other reindeer pulling Santa's sleigh. Mrs. Claus and the Elves thought that it was a brilliant (блестящая) idea. Other reindeer liked it, too. 
            So, Rudolph the Red Nose became (cтал) the hero (герой) of Christmas! Now every year Rudolph helps Santa bring toys and presents to the children on Christmas Eve
           This is the end of the story of Rudolph the Reindeer.

an elf, elves - эльф, эльфы
shining - блестящий
laughed at - смеяться над
called him names - обзывались
to pull his sleigh - тянуть его сани
a sack - мешок
dark - темный
like a light - как огонёк
place - место
lead -led- led - вести за собой
a brilliant idea - блестящая идея
become-became-become  - становиться
hero - герой

Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer

Закончи предложения:

1. The names of 9 Santa's eindeer were ...
2. They lived at the ...  with ...
3. Rudolph was different because...
4. Other reindeer ... at him and ...
5. Santa never ...
6. One Christmas Eve the weather ....
7.  Rudolph got a ... idea.
8. He wanted to help ...
9. His nose was so ...  that ...
10. All the reindeer ... the idea, too.
11. So, Rudolph became ...
12. Now every year ...

Замечательный рождественский                     мультфильм

Домашнее задание на 19.12 и 22.12 -1) выучить песенку снеговичков и Jingle Bells  2) в выданных листах выполнить задание ( вставить слова в текст по смыслу)

Проследите, пожалуйста, чтобы у ребят были тетради для наших занятий.

                       Winter is a CHRISTMAS SEASON



1. Учим слова
3.Читаем рассказ

You put your right mitten in
You take your right mitten out
You put your right mitten in
And shake it all about
You do the winter pokey
And you turn yourself around
That's what it's all about

left mitten
right foot
left foot
winter hat
long scarf
snow suit


What can you say about winter?

Опиши зимние картинки. 
Вспомни как можно больше красивых прилагательных.


play snowballs
make a snowman
play hockey
go winter fishing
go for a walk
enjoy winter
have fun

Подумай, какие слова можно вставить вместо пропусков?

My ... season

My ... season is winter. Winter is .... Some people like summer or autumn, but I ... winter. Winter months are ... , .... and .... But in Kemerovo winter begins in ... and ends in ...
I always wait for this season. In winter the ground and trees are ... with snow which ... under your feet. There are .... that hang down from the roofs of the houses.
Winter is a .... time for children! They like to ..., ... and ..., but I prefer .... It`s so nice to ski in the wood on a  ..... sunny day! Sometimes together  with my friends we play ... or make a ....
When winter is over, I am always sorry, that it was too short. And then I begin to wait for the next winter.


Winter is ...    

beautiful - красивая
            wonderful - великолепная
         amazing - удивительная
      marvellous -чудесная
great - классная
magic - волшебная
merry - весёлая
 snowy - снежная
frosty - морозная 
severe - суровая
     endless - бесконечная

А ещё какая зима? Дай свой вариант.
Выучи прилагательные и опиши зиму.

My favourite season

My favourite season is winter. Winter is beautiful. Some people like summer or autumn, but I enjoy winter. Winter months are December, January and February. But in Kemerovo winter begins in November and ends in March.
I always wait for this season. In winter the ground and trees are white with snow which crunches under your feet. There are icicles that hang down from the roofs of the houses.
Winter is a great time for children! They like to play hockey, skate and sledge, but I prefer skiing. It`s so nice to ski in the wood on a frosty sunny day! Sometimes together  with my friends we play snowballs or make a snowman.
When winter is over, I am always sorry, that it was too short. And then I begin to wait for the next winter.

Do you like winter?

Для начинки:
Тыквенное пюре - 300 г
(примерно 500-600 г свежей тыквы)
Апельсин (цедра) - 1 шт.
Яйца - 2 шт.
Сахар - 100 г
Сливки - 100 мл
Корица молотая
Мускатный орех тертый
Для теста:
Масло сливочное (комнатной температуры) - 200 г
Сахар - 250-300 г
Тыквенное пюре - 200 г
(примерно 300-400 г свежей тыквы)
Яйцо - 1 шт.
Мука - 550 г
Сода - 1/2 ч. л.
(погасить соду 1 ч. л. лимонного сока или уксуса)
Соль - щепотка
Корица молотая
Мускатный орех тертый
Имбирь молотый
Ваниль (натуральная) - 1/2 ч.л.
Кроме того:
Рис (груз для теста при выпечке основы пирога)

Из тыквенно-песочного теста, приготовленного по этому рецепту, можно испечь вкусное печенье.
Пошаговый  рецепт
1.Тыкву вымыть, очистить от семян, разрезать на куски.
2.Противень застелить пергаментной бумагой, выложить на бумагу подготовленные куски тыквы.
3.Посыпать сахаром. Испечь в духовке.
4.Приготовить тесто для основы пирога. Для этого кусочки размягченного масла смешать с сахаром.
5.Хорошо взбить масло с сахаром (с помощью кухонной техники).
6.Добавить яйцо и еще раз взбить.
7.Когда тыква испечется, отделить мякоть от кожуры.
8.Измельчить мякоть тыквы в пюре.
9.В миску насыпать просеянную муку, добавить пряности, соль, погашенную соду. Добавить масляную смесь.
10.Добавить часть тыквенного пюре.
11.Тщательно перемешать тесто, завернуть в пищевую пленку и поместить в холодильник на 1-3 часа.
12.Для начинки натереть на мелкой терке цедру апельсина.
13.Смешать яйца с сахаром, корицей, мускатным орехом и ванилью. Взбить.
14.Влить сливки.
15.Добавить цедру апельсина.
16.Добавить оставшееся тыквенное пюре, взбить венчиком до однородности.
17.Тесто равномерно выложить в форму, формируя дно и бортики будущего пирога. Наколоть тесто вилкой.
18.Накрыть тесто бумагой для выпечки, насыпать сверху рис.
19.Выпекать основу пирога в разогретой духовке при температуре 180 градусов (около 15 минут).
20.В испеченную основу залить сливочно-тыквенную массу.
21.Выпекать в разогретой духовке при температуре 180 градусов еще примерно 30-40 минут.
Пирог готов. Можно украсить его по желанию, например орехами.
Приятного аппетита!

Thank you for....

First we give thanks for
the food that we are given.
Then we give thanks for
the houses that we live in.
Then we give thanks for
the Sun that shines above.
But mostly we give thanks for
the people that we love!

What do you give thanks for?

I want to give my thanks for ... (my family, friends, books I read, games I play, toys I have....)

what do they eat on this day?

feast -пир
cranberry - клюква
stuffing - начинка
mashed potatoes - картофельное пюре
biscuits - печенье ( американский вариант)
yams - сладкий картофель (батат, традиционный гарнир на день Благодарения в Америке)
pumpkin pie - тыквенный пирог

What's your favourite Thanksgiving food?


What food do you prefer?

Prefer -  предпочитать

I prefer fish to chips because fish is healthy food and is good to it.
I prefer ...to ... because ...
I prefer ... because... (объяснение из песенки)

1. (is)good to eat
2. (is) so nice and sweet
3. they make (it makes) a lovely treat
4. once in a while (not once in a while)
5. (it) won't make you smile
6. (it) will make you smile
7. You'll be in a good mood. (Всегда будешь в хорошем настроении)
8. You'll have energy. ( Получишь энергию)
9. (it/they) will help you grow ( помогут вырасти)
10. is really fun to eat

Healthy food is good for us        Unhealthy food is bad for us
olives, honey, eggs                        hamburger, cake, candy
chicken, fish, meat                        doughnut, lollipop, chips
cheese, yoghurt, soup                   french fries, chocolate, pizza
milk, orange juice                         coke, tea, coffee

What food do you usually eat, healthy or unhealthy?

Are you healthy? ты - здоровый?
What makes you healthy? - что делает тебя здоровым?

a lovely treat  - чудесное угощение
once in a while - изредка 
won't make you smile - не заставят  тебя улыбаться
will make you smile - заставят  тебя улыбаться

Why is it good to eat healthy food?
Ответь, используя слова из песенки:

1. (is)good to eat
2. (is) so nice and sweet
3. they make (it makes) a lovely treat
4. once in a while (not once in a while)
5. (it) won't make you smile
6. (it) will make you smile
7. You'll be in a good mood. (Всегда будешь в хорошем настроении)
8. You'll have energy. ( Получишь энергию)
9. (it/they) will help you grow ( помогут вырасти)
10. is really fun to eat


How's the weather today?
It's rainy today.
Is it rainy? Yes, it is/ No, it isn't
It's sunny
It's cloudy
It's windy
It's snowy
It's gloomy
 It's ..... today.    Is it .... today?

In autumn we wear coats, boots, caps, scarfs because it's cold.
We have umbrellas because it rains.

Autumn leaves are falling, falling  to the ground
Autumn leaves are falling
Yellow, red and brown
Pick them up and gather
In a pretty bunch
Autumn leaves are falling
In the park they crunch
Falling, falling, falling to the ground
Falling, falling, falling 
Yellow, red and brown
Falling, falling, falling to the ground
Falling, falling, falling 
Yellow, red and brown

How's the weather?
It's sunny
How's the weather?
It's sunny
How's the weather?
It's sunny
It's sunny today
How's the weather?
It's rainy
How's the weather?
It's rainy
How's the weather?
It's rainy
It's rainy today

How's the weather?

It's sunny

How's the weather?

It's sunny

How's the weather?

It's sunny

It's sunny today

How's the weather?

It's cloudy

How's the weather?

It's cloudy

How's the weather?

It's cloudy

It's cloudy today

How's the weather?

It's windy

How's the weather?

It's windy

How's the weather?

It's windy

It's widy today

How's the weather?

It's snowy

How's the weather?

It's snowy

How's the weather?

It's snowy

It's snowy today

How's the weather?
How's the weather?
How's the weather today?
Is it sunny?
Is it rainy?
Is it cloudy?
Is it snowy?
How's the weather today?
Let's look outside
How's the weather?
Is it sunny today?
Let's look outside
How's the weather?
Is it rainy today?
Let's look outside
How's the weather?
Is it cloudy today?
Let's look outside
Is it snowy today?
How's the weather?
How's the weather?
How's the weather today?
Is it sunny?
Is it rainy?
Is it cloudy?
Is it snowy?
How's the weather today?

In the Autumn time

What shall we do in the autumn time?
We will watch the leaves turn brown
Then the leaves will all fall off
We will have to sweep them up
We will build a big bonfire

Autumn is beautiful
Autumn is amazing
Autumn is bright
Autumn is rainy
Autumn is cold

1 комментарий:

  1. Огромное спасибо за Ваши публикации в блоге. Постоянно пользуемся. Всегда есть что-то интересное и полезное.
