
Д/з на 25.01

Make these adjectives negative (write them down):

trustful, obedient, active, tolerant, exciting, brilliant,attractive,useful, fit, effective, attentive, sufficient

What do they mean?


Negative Prefixes and Suffixes

Negative prefixes and suffixes are affixes added to the beginning or end of a word to negate its original meaning. Prefixes such as “un-“, “in-“, “im-“, “dis-“, “non-“, and “anti-” are commonly used in English to create antonyms of adjectives, verbs, and nouns. Negative suffixes like “-less” also convey the absence of something. 

Common Negative Prefixes


“Un-” is one of the most common negative prefixes in English. It is used with adjectives, participles, and some nouns and verbs.


  • Unhappy (not happy)
  • Unfinished (not finished)
  • Unemployment (state of not being employed)

In- / Im- / Il- / Ir-

These prefixes are variations of the same negative prefix. “In-” is used before words starting with a consonant or “l”, “im-” before “p” or “m”, “il-” before “l”, and “ir-” before “r”.


  • Inaccurate (not accurate)
  • Impossible (not possible)
  • Illegal (not legal)
  • Irregular (not regular)


“Dis-” is used with verbs and sometimes nouns and adjectives to indicate reversal or absence.


  • Disagree (not agree)
  • Discomfort (absence of comfort)
  • Disrespect (absence of respect)


“Non-” is used with nouns, adjectives, and some verbs to indicate not being of a certain kind or not belonging to a certain category.


  • Nonessential (not essential)
  • Nonfiction (literature based on facts, not fiction)
  • Nonconformist (someone who does not conform to a set standard or norm)


“Anti-” indicates opposition or aversion to something or an act of preventing.


  • Antisocial (against social norms or sociable behavior)
  • Antibiotic (a substance that destroys or inhibits the growth of bacteria)


“Mis-” conveys the idea of incorrectness or wrongness.


  • Misuse (use something in the wrong way)
  • Misunderstand (understand something incorrectly)

Negative Suffixes


“-less” indicates the absence of something and is added to nouns.


  • Hopeless (without hope)
  • Homeless (without a home)
  • Careless (without care or attention)

Using Negative Prefixes and Suffixes

Negative prefixes and suffixes can dramatically change the meaning of a word and, by extension, the entire sentence. It’s important to know how to use them correctly to avoid confusion and convey the intended message.

Understanding the Meaning

The first step in using negative prefixes and suffixes is to understand the meaning they impart to the original word. For example, the prefix “un-” generally means “not,” but it can also imply reversal, as in “undo” (to reverse the action of doing).


Adding a negative prefix or suffix can also change the pronunciation of a word. For instance, the prefix “in-” in “incredible” is pronounced as /ɪn/, while in “input” it’s pronounced as /ɪm/.

Word Class

Some negative prefixes are more commonly used with certain classes of words. For instance, “un-” is commonly used with adjectives, “dis-” with verbs, and “non-” with nouns.

Examples in Context

Here are some sentences that illustrate the use of negative prefixes and suffixes in context:

  • The project was unsuccessful, requiring a complete overhaul.
  • His views on the subject were impartial, making him an excellent judge.
  • The participants decided to discontinue the experiment due to ethical concerns.
  • The book belongs in the nonfiction section of the library.
  • She took an antihistamine to relieve her allergy symptoms.
  • There was a **miscommunicationbetween the team members, leading to the mix-up.

  Think and do👈

 Negative prefixes 👈



 4 b Module 4 Earth Alert!





"We never know the worth of water till the well is dry." 

                                           Thomas Fuller, English historian

 Read these facts. Which one surprised you the most and why?


 Which group of facts shows advantages of civilization and which shows disadvantages?






4a Learn the new words:

Match the words to the definitions:

Fill in the gaps with the new words:

Every year, people try to ideas to help the environment. A new project has been started in a small town. This project aims to reduce waste and save ….. The organizers hope that many people will join their .

The first step in this project is to single-use items with reusable ones. For example, people are encouraged to plastic bags with cloth bags. This simple change can greatly reduce the amount of plastic waste.

Next, the project teaches people how to food waste. Instead of throwing away fruit and vegetable scraps, people can turn them into compost. This not only reduces waste but also creates a valuable resource for gardening. It is a simple action that everyone in the community can do.

Families are also urged to gifts in creative ways. Instead of using new wrapping paper, they can use old newspapers or fabric. This helps to less trash during the holiday season.

The project organizers everyone to get involved. They believe that if everyone makes small changes, the impact can be huge. People of all ages are asked to join the and out old habits for new, more sustainable ones.

Overall, this project not only aims to save and reduce waste but also to inspire people to live more eco-friendly lives. It shows that everyone can contribute to a cleaner and healthier planet by making small changes in their daily lives.

Write a letter :












  • Health and Fitness
  1. Get in shape – прийти в форму,
  2. Exercise more – тренироваться больше,
  3. Lose weight – сбросить вес,
  4. Drink more water – пить больше воды,
  5. Quit smoking / drinking / eating a lot of sugar / eating a lot of junk food – бросить курить/пить/есть много сладкого/есть много вредной еды,
  6. Get more sleep – дословно получать больше сна, то есть, спать больше,
  7. Watch less TV – смотреть меньше телевизор,
  8. Spend less time using gadgets and devices – тратить меньше времени на пользование гаджетами и устройствами.

  • Education and Training
  1. Stop procrastinating – перестать прокрастинировать, то есть откладывать на потом,
  2. Be more responsible – быть более ответственным,
  3. Complete all assignments – выполнять все домашние задания,
  4. Attend all classes – посещать все уроки,
  5. Stop being late – перестать опаздывать.


Повторяем песни к 24.12

 В лесу родилась ёлочка

Jingle Bells 

 We wish you a Merry Christmas 






At home:
Write a letter about your holiday plans, use necessary future tenses:

Subject: Summer holidays     

...I am so happy that it’s nearly school time and I can finally see all my classmates. What do Russian teenagers usually do during their summer holidays? What summer jobs are available for secondary school students in your country, are you going to try one? What are your holiday plans for this summer?

My parents are going on holiday next month... 

Write an email to Polly. 

In your message: 

– answer her questions; 

– ask 3 questions about her parents' holiday plans.    


Write 100 – 140 words. 

Remember the rules of email writing.






Phrasal Verbs: Pick (general meanings)

Pick at

*to eat slowly

Mauro picks at his food.  He eats like a bird.

*to irritate, to bother

If you have a mosquito bite, you shouldn’t pick at it.

Pick off

to remove

Toni picked the hairs off her sweater one by one.

Pick on

*to bully or to single one person out

Teenagers always pick on the new kid in school.

Pick up

to lift

He picked up his book and left the room.

to learn through experience

I picked up a little Korean when I lived in Seoul.

to get somebody by car

Larry always picks me up when I fly into Philadelphia.

to buy or get something

Please pick some milk up when you go to the store.

*to pay a bill for somebody else

Anastasia picked up our tab at the bar.

to continue something at a later date

Let’s finish this for the day and pick it up again tomorrow.

*to receive a signal

I think she likes me.  I am picking up a lot of signals.

Pick up on

*to become aware of something

Roberto is very clever.  He picks up on new grammar points easily.

Pick out

to choose something

I told Gina to pick out a new pair of shoes for her birthday present.

Pick apart

Meaning: Criticise, find fault

Example: The critics PICKED the film APART.

Phrasal Verbs: Pick (additional meanings)

Pick apart

  • Meaning: Overcome by skilled execution
  • ExampleThe quarterback picked apart the secondary defense in the first half.

Pick off

  • Meaning: Remove by picking
  • ExampleBefore you recycle the bottle you need to pick off the label.

Pick off

  • Meaning: Shoot one by one
  • ExampleThe sniper picked off the incoming police one at a time.

Pick on, Pick out Meaning & Examples

Pick on

  • Meaning: Bully, harass or make fun of a victim; to bother or harass
  • ExampleHey! Quit picking on your brother.

Pick on

  • Meaning: Select (a person) for a task, etc.
  • ExampleThe teacher picked on me to answer the question.

Pick out

  • Meaning: Distinguish
  • ExampleThe young birds cry out for food, and the parents returning from the sea manage to pick out their own amid a mass of look-alikes.

Pick up Meaning & Examples

Pick up

  • Meaning: Lift; to grasp and raise
  • ExampleWhen you pick up the bag, make sure to support the bottom.

Pick up

  • Meaning: Collect an object, especially in passing
  • ExampleCan you pick up a pint of milk on your way home?

Pick up

  • Meaning: Clean up; to return to an organized state
  • ExampleAren’t you going to pick up after yourself?

Pick up

  • Meaning: Collect a passenger
  • ExampleI’ll pick you up outside the library.

Pick up

  • Meaning: Collect and detain (a suspect)
  • ExampleThe cops have picked up the man they were looking for.

Pick up

  • Meaning: Improve, increase or speed up
  • ExamplePrices seem to be picking up again.

Pick up

  • Meaning: Restart or resume
  • ExampleLet’s pick up where we left off yesterday.

Pick up

  • Meaning: Learn, to grasp; to begin to understand
  • ExampleIt looks complicated, but you’ll soon pick it up.

Pick up

  • Meaning: Point out (a person’s behaviour, habits or actions) in a critical manner
  • ExampleShe’s always picking me up on my grammar.

Pick up

  • Meaning: Answer a telephone
  • ExampleI’m calling him, but he just isn’t picking up!

Pick up

  • Meaning: Pay for
  • ExampleThe company will pick up lunch with customers for sales calls.
Do the exercise:

A. Phrasal Verbs: Pick. Fill in the blank with the preposition(s) that make the most sense:

  1. She picked me______ after my English class.
  2. Stop picking ______ him! Can’t you see he doesn’t like it?
  3. I had to pick the tomatoes ______ Scott’s burger. He doesn’t like tomatoes.
  4. I wish my girl friend would pick ______ the bill sometimes. Going out is really expensive.
  5. I don’t have service on my cell phone. I am not picking ______ any wifi signal.
  6. I am going to take you to buy a new pair of sunglasses for your birthday. You can pick ______ the ones you like.
  7. I’ll run down to the store to pick ______ some new batteries.
  8. My daughter doesn’t eat much. She just picks ______ her food.
  9. I hope I pick ______ some new phrasal verbs from this free English lesson!
  10. The mother waited while her daughter ________________________  the toy that she wanted.
  11. I have to go run some errands, but I ________________________ you later tonight.
  12. My big brother always used to ________________________  me when I was a kid.
  13. My friends ______________ the film, they didn't like it.
  14. They will ____________________lunch with us as we are their guests.

Learn the idioms

Jack-of-all-trades                 bring home the bacon

in the same boat                   follow in his/her footsteps

Match the idiom and the description:

Every morning, Alex woke up determined to make money and earn the living his family deserved. His devotion to his job was unmatched, and he believed that true success came from hard work and persistence. With every small achievement, he felt closer to his goal of truly supporting the family.

When Lisa watched her parents succeed in their chosen paths, she felt inspired. Her father had a career in medicine, and her mother excelled in education. Lisa admired the example they set and was determined to do the same. They showed her that dedication and passion can lead to achievement.


In today's world, being such  a person can be beneficial. It allows you to acquire various skills and not just be good at one thing. This doesn't mean you can't be a master of something, but having broad knowledge helps in countless ways. The integration of different abilities can lead to unique solutions in complex situations.


During the storm, we quickly realized we were all  stuck together in a truly challenging situation. This shared experience involved unexpected hardships that none of us was prepared for. It was comforting to know we weren't alone as we facing the same challenges.


It's interesting to know that

The origin of the phrase ‘bring home the bacon’ is sometimes suggested to be the story of the Dunmow Flitch. This tradition, which still continues every four years in Great Dunmow, Essex, is based on the story of a local couple who, in 1104, impressed the Prior of Little Dunmow with their marital devotion to the point that he awarded them a flitch [a side] of bacon. The continuing ritual of couples showing their devotion and winning the prize, to considerable acclamation by the local populace, is certainly old and well authenticated. Geoffrey Chaucer mentions it in The Wife of Bath’s Tale and Prologue, circa 1395:

But never for us the flitch of bacon though,
That some may win in Essex at Dunmow.


 Schools around the world




Watch the video and say if the statements are true or false:

Whichis right according to the video?











Задание №1. Дайте развернутый ответ.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Sally who writes:


… Summer is coming and I decided to lose weight. How many PE classes a week do Russian teenagers have at school? What do they do during those classes? Where do teenagers spend their free time?

    I’ve found my Grandma’s photo album in the garage …


Write a letter to Sally.

In your letter:

-       answer her questions;

-       ask 3 questions about the photo album.


Write 100–140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.



Britain's Young Consumers

to consume = to use

consumers - people who buy things for their  own use

a retailer a business entity that sells goods or services directly to consumers for personal use or consumption, a shop owner / seller

catching up - reaching the same level as something / somebody

dig deeper into ones' pocketspay out more money than usual 

handing out- giving away

make ends meet  = to have enough money to pay your basic bills and expenses; to have an income that enables one to meet one’s minimum survival needs, making ends meet: having enough money to live on

resist - oppose, stand against

survive - live; get by

student loan-  money the government lends students to pay for their studies

pocket money - money parents give children to spend as they wish

household chores - routine jobs done around the house

can’t afford to splash out - not having money to buy luxuries, expensive things

a shopping spree
- buying lots of things at the same time

saving up - gradually collecting money by spending less than usual


A lot of consumers enjoy buying things during the sales.

The biggest retailers usually have shops in the main city centres.

Most late developers will catch up with their friends.

Prices are always going up and so I’m digging deeper into my pockets just to pay for my basic needs.

The government is handing out food packages to needy families.

Both my mother and father have to work as they have problems trying to make ends meet.


 If I like a particular top or skirt, I can’t resistbuying it in several colours.

I can’t survive on less than £20 a week!! My parents aren’t rich so I’ll have to have a student loan at university.

Most parents give their children pocket money every week.

Many children have to do household chores like washing the dishes and making the beds.

I can’t afford to splash out on new dresses for each wedding I am invited to.

I always go on a shopping spree to buy things for my birthday party.


I am saving up for a holiday abroad.





waste noun (BAD USE)


cost noun (MONEY SPENT)

A2 U ]
the amount of money needed to buy, do, or make something:
at no extra cost When you buy a new computer, you usually get software included at no extra cost.
cover the cost In most cases, two salaries are essential to cover the cost of (= pay for) raising a family.
cut the cost The supermarket chain announced that it was cutting the cost of all its fresh and frozen meat.
rising cost It's difficult for most people to deal with the rising cost of healthcare.
at cost I was able to buy the damaged goods at cost (= for only the amount of money needed to produce or obtain the goods, without any extra money added for profit).
lent | lent

lend verb (GIVE)

A2 T ]
to give something to someone for a short period of timeexpecting it to be given back:
She doesn't like lending her books.
+ two objects ] If you need a coat I can lend you one/lend one to you.
B2 I or T ]
If a bank or other organization lends money, it gives money to someone who agrees that they will pay the money back in the future, usually with extra money added to the original amount:
The bank refuses to lend to students.
+ two objects ] The bank agreed to lend him $5,000.

borrow verb (RECEIVE)

to get or receive something from someone with the intention of giving it back after a period of time:
borrow something from someone I had to borrow a pen from the invigilator to do the exam.
UK non-standard Can I borrow £100 off you until next week?
She used to borrow money and not bother to pay it back.
borrow something from something He borrowed a novel from the library.
to take money from a bank or other financial organization and pay it back over a period of time:
borrow heavily Like so many companies at that time, we had to borrow heavily to survive.
borrow something from something We could always borrow some money from the bank.
to take and use a word or idea from another language or piece of work:
borrow something from something English has borrowed many words from French.
borrow heavily from She has created new string sounds that borrow heavily from folk and jazz.

save verb (MAKE SAFE)

to keep something, especially money, for use in the future:
Tom's been saving his pocket money every week.
save (up) for We're saving (up) for a new car.
I save all my old letters in case I want to read them again.
Save me a place at your table, OK?
to receive money as payment for work that you do:
I earn $80,000 a year.
How much do you earn, if you don't mind me asking?
earn a living You can't expect to earn a living (= be paid enough money to live on) from your painting.





Task 1 Match the words to the definitions:



1. consume

2. landfill

3. to clean up

4. process

5. recycle

6. plastic

7. eco-friendly product

8. manufacture

9. environment

10. recycling track

11. to sort materials

12. reuse

13. to save resources

14. waste

15. to reduce waste


a. a system or path that guides materials through the process of being recycled.

b. taking steps to create less trash by using fewer items or choosing more sustainable options.

c. using less of something valuable, like water or energy, to ensure it lasts longer.

d. an item designed to have minimal impact on the environment and promote sustainability.

e. a lightweight material made from synthetic substances, often used for packaging and containers.

f. organizing different types of items so they can be processed correctly for recycling or disposal.

g. the natural world around us, including land, water, air, plants, and animals.

h. a series of actions taken to change or prepare something for a specific purpose.

i. using an item again for the same purpose or a different one instead of discarding it.

j. turning used materials into new products to prevent waste and conserve resources.

k. a designated area where garbage is buried and managed to reduce pollution.

l. to use up goods or services, such as eating food or buying products.

m. removing dirt, litter, or unwanted items from a place to make it tidy and safe.

n. unwanted materials or substances that are no longer useful and need to be thrown away.

o. to produce goods in large quantities, usually in factories using machines.



Task 2 Fill in the gaps with the new words:  to consume, landfill,  to clean up, recycle, plastic , eco-friendly product , manufacture,  environment , recycling track,   to sort materials ,  reuse, to save resources,  waste,  to reduce waste

1. It is important to not … food when you have enough to eat. 

2. I always try to … my old jars for storing different things at home. 

3. We should all bottles and cans to help protect the planet. 

4. Taking care of the … is everyone's responsibility, no matter how small. 

5. Many animals are affected by … that ends up in the ocean every year. 

6. If we do not change our habits, more trash will go to the … soon. 

7. One way to … …  is by bringing your own bags when shopping. 

8. It is necessary …  like paper and plastic before recycling them. 

9. Local communities often organize events … parks and beaches together. 

10. Using less water is a great way … and help the Earth. 

11. Buying … … …  can make a positive difference for our planet. 

12. The … … comes every Thursday to collect our sorted materials. 

13. If we continue … too much energy, it will become too expensive. 

14. Companies need to …products with less harmful materials for the planet. 



Task 1 match the words with their definitions:


1. tomboy

2. provide counseling service

3. make redundant

4. reluctant

5.  a bully

6. highly qualified

7. tease

8. share

9. feel hurt

10. illegal

11. placement agency


a. to make fun of someone in a playful or unkind way, often by joking about them.

b. being unwilling or hesitant to do something, often because of doubt or fear.

c. to offer professional help and advice to people dealing with personal problems or challenges.

d. to experience emotional pain or sadness due to someone's words or actions.

e. something that is against the law and not allowed by rules or regulations.

f. having many skills and experiences that make someone very suitable for a specific job or task.

g. a girl who enjoys activities and behaviors typically associated with boys, such as playing sports.

h. to remove someone from their job because it is no longer necessary or needed.

i. a person who uses strength or power to intimidate or harm others, especially those who are weaker.

j. to give part of what you have to others or to use something together with someone else.

k. a company that helps people find jobs by connecting them with employers looking for workers.

Task 2 Read the text and do the tasks after the text:

Once there was a girl named Sam who was a bit of a tomboy. She loved sports and often played with the boys in her class. Some kids would tease her for not wearing dresses, but Sam didn't feel hurt by their words. She had a good group of friends who always stood by her.

Unfortunately, there was a bully who would not leave Sam alone. He would say mean things and try to make others laugh at her. One day, Sam's teacher noticed and suggested that the school provide counseling service to help both Sam and the bully. The teacher explained that it was illegal to bully others, and everyone has the right to feel safe at school.

Meanwhile, Sam's mom worked at a placement agency. She helped people who were highly qualified find jobs when they were made redundant at their old companies. Sam thought of her mom's job as like a big puzzle, finding the right piece for the right place. Sam was reluctant to share her problems at school with her mom, but eventually, she told her everything. Her mom was very supportive and helped her figure out how to deal with the bully.

With the school's help, Sam learned how to handle difficult situations, and the bully received the support he needed too. In the end, Sam felt stronger and more confident.

1. What was Sam's main hobby?

A. Playing with dolls

B. Reading books

C. Playing sports with the boys

D. Helping her mom at work

2. Why did some kids tease Sam?

A. She was too quiet and shy

B. She was better at sports than the boys

C. She didn't like to wear traditional feminine clothing

D. She was the teacher's favorite student


3. What did the teacher suggest to help both Sam and the bully?

A. They should be separated into different classes

B. The school should provide counseling services

C. The bully should be punished and suspended

D. Sam should try to be more feminine and ladylike


4. What was Sam's mom's job?

A. She was a teacher at the school

B. She worked as a counselor

C. She was a stay-at-home mom

D. She worked at a placement agency


5. How did Sam's mom support her in dealing with the bully?

A. She talked to the bully's parents

B. She helped Sam learn how to defend herself

C. She encouraged Sam to ignore the bully

D. She helped Sam find a way to handle the situation


6. What was the outcome of the situation with the bully?

A. The bully continued to harass Sam

B. Sam decided to change schools

C. Sam and the bully became friends

D. Sam felt more confident and empowered


7. What was the main message of the passage?

A. Bullying is a problem that should be addressed

B. Tomboys are not accepted in society

C. Moms should always help their children

D. Sports are more important than academics

Answer the questions:

1. How did Sam differ from other girls in her class?

2. What was the response of Sam's friends to the teasing she received?

3. Who noticed the bullying and suggested counseling for Sam and the bully?

4. What was Sam's mom's profession, and how did Sam view it?

5. Why was Sam initially hesitant to share her problems at school with her mom?

6. How did Sam's mom support her when she finally opened up about the bullying?

7. What was the outcome of the counseling provided to Sam and the bully?




Answer the Questions

                           ALL ABOUT RECYCLING



Write a letter about your friends:

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Mike who writes:

… I’ve got new hobbies 

 recording birds’ songs and taking pictures of wild life. What hobbies do you and your friends have? How much time do you spend with your friends? What kinds of people are your friends ? Why do you like them?

   Hooray! My elder brother promised to be back home from college on my birthday …


Write a letter to Mike.

In your letter

 answer his questions

 ask 3 questions about his elder brother

Write 100

140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.


Д/З на 1.10

см записи в тетради ( структура вопросительного предложения). Письменно задать 5 общих вопросов по тексту (с. 16 -17), 5 специальных вопросов и 2 вопроса к подлежащему 


Д /З на 24.09

1.уч.с. 16 №1 найти дополнительную информацию об авторе

2. подготовиться к тесту на Present tenses, Look


 Д/З на 17.09

учебник с. 14 №1* + GR 1, 2 изучить + упражнения 1*, 2* в блоге 





 Stative Verbs (глаголы состояния)




 Stative verbs: try yourself



LOOK (pharasal verb - game)

Have been or have gone?

 Little women/ Trailer



Д/З на 12.09

 с 12 №2 диктант. Знать слова, дефиниции и перевод .

с. 13 №9 (+ Word List к уроку 1 в конце учебника) восстановить идиомы, найти русский эквивалент

Unit 1a
Teens activities

Write a letter on the topic:

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Harry who writes:


… At school we are doing an interesting project on the most popular pastimes with teenagers. What are the top leisure activities among Russian teenagers? What hobby do you have, if any at all? Do you think it is important for friends or relatives to share one’s hobby, and why or why not?

    As for the latest news, my brother has won a tennis tournament…


Write a letter to Harry.

In your letter:

-       answer his questions;

-       ask 3 questions about his brother.


Write 100–140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.






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