FORM VIII 2022/23

 Аудиоприложение к учебнику (ссылка):



 Ребята, так как вам очень понравилось работать над дубляжом советских и российских мультфильмов, этим летом предлагаю вам продолжить этот, оказавшийся очень успешным, опыт.
В мини - группах по 2-3 человека выберите 5-минутный эпизод из советского или российского фильма, сериала и озвучьте его. Как и в прошлом году обращайте особое внимание на характер персонажа, а значит, его голос и манеру речи. Ищите наиболее подходящие варианты перевода.
I'm impatiently looking forward to seeing the product of your creativity!

Have fun and good luck!



Для успешного прохождения промежуточной аттестации нужно повторить лексику по темам:

Pocket money, shopping, the Internet,  modern technologies, computers, social networks, hobbies, learning languages,  ecological problems, arts, music, cinema, reading, fashion, clothes, food,   holidays and celebrations, professions, school, health,  travelling


Домашнее задание на 5.05:

Посмотреть видео в блоге, учебник с 219, использовать информацию о Лондонском метро и подготовить устный  рассказ о нём. с. 217 - выучить

 Do you know how to use the London Underground? 
This video can help you!

 Top Things to Know Before Using the London Underground

How to Get Around London - 8 Transportation Options


How to ask for directions


!!!! Д/з на 28.04 (для всех 8х) : !!!!

уч., с. 213 - 215 выучить прилагательные, обозначающие национальности, с. 215 № 40*, посмотреть видео, вспомнить о других ассоциациях и представить их.



Common associations with different nationalities

Do you agree with these associations? Can you add more?


Интересные факты о глаголе NEED

нажми, чтобы прочитать всё о глаголе NEED

Глагол TO BE TO

правило здесь: нажми + и здесь






Canada is a country located in the northern part of North America. Its ten provinces and three territories extend from the Atlantic to the Pacific and northward into the Arctic Ocean, covering 9.98 million square kilometers (3.85 million square miles), making it the world’s second-largest country by total area. Canada’s southern border with the United States is the world’s longest land border.

The majority of the country has a cold or severely cold winter climate, but southerly areas are warm in summer. Canada is sparsely populated, with the majority of its land area being dominated by forests and tundra. As a result, its population is highly urbanized, with over 80 percent of its inhabitants concentrated in large and medium-sized cities, many near the southern border. Its capital is Ottawa, and its three largest metropolitan areas are Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver.

Canada Provincial Map

Provinces and territories are the first-level administrative unit in Canada. Overall, there are 10 provinces and 3 territories. From west to east, the 10 provinces are British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Nova Scotia.  Territories occupy the northern region of Canada, which includes Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut.




How to travel successfully

Well, lots of people enjoy travelling. It's really interesting to see new places, small towns and great cities, exotic islands and cultural centres.  People travel to different parts of the world and use various means of transport, such as buses, trains, ships and airplanes. Besides, there are those who prefer hiking and backpacking. Most people travel for pleasure, some people travel on business. There are those who work and travel or study and travel. Such people combine work and pleasure. 

  Many people prefer to travel light and they don't take much luggage on a trip.  There are also those who take several suitcases with lots of things. 

          When you start getting ready for a trip you should think of a number of things beforehand. For example, you should acquaint yourself with the geography of the route and region of travel. Besides, you should arrange, if possible, to have only one piece of luggage to look after. When travelling by air, wear loose, comfortable shoes that can be easily slipped on and off. The most suitable shoes for flying might be sandals or flip-flops as you are required to take them off at the security checks. If you plan going camping or hiking, remember to bring maps that you can carry along with you. Research your destination on-line to find reviews of hotels, resorts and attractions before deciding on your travel  plans. Make sure to research the current status of social and political events in the country you'll be visiting. This will allow you to avoid dangerous situations.


§  A responsible traveller should follow  the traveller's code of conduct. It is a set of rules one should follow not to do any harm to the people and place he or she is visiting. One of the main rules is to respect the fragile Earth - both land and sea.

§ You shouldn't disturb animals, plants or their natural habitat.

§  You shouldn't leave litter or graffiti.

§  You should keep noise to an appropriate level. 

§  You should respect local cultural traditions and customs by dressing and acting in a polite way.

§ You should always ask before photographing and video-recording people.

§  You should learn a few basics in the local language - it will be appreciated.

§  Try to reduce usage of natural resources, for example fresh water.

§ You should support local economies - buy what the locals produce.

§  Be ready to tip - in some economies people rely on their tips.

§  Support local craftsmen by buying handicrafts.


A problem to discuss: should tourists follow rules and observe laws of the country of visit?


information to read and discuss (click the link)










Is it curse or a blessing?


Who is more intelligent man or computer?

Computers are certainly more adept at solving quandaries that benefit from their unique skillset, but humans hold the edge on tasks that machines simply can't perform. Not yet, anyway. Computers can take in and process certain kinds of information much faster than we can.


Haunted by science fiction

Ira Basen – June 2, 2017

Remember HAL?

The HAL 9000 computer was the super smart machine in charge of the Discovery One space station in Stanley Kubrick's classic 1968 movie 2001: A Space Odyssey. For millions of moviegoers, it was their first look at a computer that could think and respond like a human, and it did not go well.

In one of the film's pivotal scenes, the two astronauts living in the space station try to return from a mission outside the spacecraft, only to discover that HAL won't allow them back in.



"Open the pod bay doors, please, HAL," Dave, one of astronauts, demands several times.

"I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that," HAL finally replies. "I know that you and Frank were planning to disconnect me, and I'm afraid that's something that I can't allow to happen." 

The astronauts were finally able to re-enter the spacecraft and disable HAL, but the image of a sentient computer going rogue and trying to destroy its creators has haunted many people's perceptions of artificial intelligence ever since.



Do you know modal verbs well?  Test yourself: 

test 1

test 2 

test 3

test 4 

test 5

test 6 

test 7

test 8 



Record your voice message to the task:

ссылка на задание


Phrasal Verbs  :   to see

see off

see through


                       MUST / HAVE TO / HAVE GOT TO  


                                 SHOULD or OUGHT TO?





Check your knowledge: 

             Let's play a game


The place of adverbial modifiers in sentences


 Where can we add adverbs?

  • I borrowed this head display from a friend.

  • Computer creates a digital environment.

  • Investors lend money to inventive experts.

  • VR technologies will be used.

  • A lot of make-believe worlds are unexplored.

  • The sensors pick up your movements.

  • Virtual world effects one’s mind and judgment.

  • The scientists researched the realism of simulators.


 Word order

Word order ( check yourself) 



                     Would you like to test your knowledge?

                                      Learn while playing


Home assignment ( Wednesday, February 22nd):

Specialists still argue if virtual technologies do more good than harm - explain why. 

You should mention:

  • what VR is

  • where it can be used

  • Pros and cons of VRc


     Augmented reality - ?

    • virtual/ digital/ simulated environment = make-believe worlds

    • headset with a built-in screen = head display
        VR uses a headset with a built-in screen that displays a virtual environment for you to explore.

    • head tracking = it picks up your movements
        Head tracking allows you to look around the environment by moving your head.

    • to implement = to start using something
        These technologies are being implemented in a variety of different ways.

    apps - an app - an application
    There are apps that can use your smartphone’s camera to scan and translate a foreign language.

    Advantages of VR:
  • VR technologies are used in:

    - medicine (practising operations), education (geography, history, etc.),

    tourism (virtual trips).

    - business (demonstration of products), translation.

    Disadvantages / dangers of VR:

    • VR as an instrument for spreading violence;

    • the risk of mixing up the real world and the virtual one;

    • simulated training isn’t enough (for doctors, pilots and other professionals);

    • nothing in VRis immoral;

    • VR can harm one’s health (bad eyesight, headaches, lack of movement);

    • social isolation. 



Повторяем структуру вопросительного предложения:




Science and technology

·        a scientific worker

·        an expert in/on smth (some science)

·        an expert at smth (some activity)

·        to pave the way

·        immense use of smth

·        scientific marvels

·        to move in scientific circles

·        to conduct / to carry out an experiment

·        to make smth based on smth

·        at a time

·        to be attached to

·        a key to the invention

·        to receive a prize

·        inventions occur as the need arises

Пересказать текст с привлечением доп. информации;

Extra task: make a short dialogue (using new vocabulary and international words) on one of two topics:

Topic 1: 

Two experts discuss what inventions and discoveries should be awarded with a prize

Topic 2: 

Two students talk about inventions of the past centuries that have been improved


 Home assignment for Wednesday/ 15/02

  1. Read the text “The man and his work” p. 151-152 and complete ex. 13 (write down the words) 

  2. Revise the verbs with prepositions (spend on, borrow from, etc.)






 Home assignment for Monday, February 13

1) learn the new words that come from science and technology

2) what and which (p.132-133, ex. 59)

3) p. 145, ex. 2.

Choose three scientists and speak about them. You should mention:

- when and where he/she lived

- what he/she invented or discovered

- briefly about his/her invention/discovery



Home assignment for Friday, February 10

  1. ex. 68A 

  2. Imagine that you speak to your parents and ask them to give you pocket money. Use different arguments as to why you need it.
    You should mention:
    - How much
    - How often
    - Cash/card
    - What the pocket money is given for
    - What you will spend it on


Listening task

Pocket Money

·        an allowance(Am.E.) pocket money (Br.E.); an amount of money that parents regularly give to their child to spend as they choose

She gets an allowance for looking after Lillian.

·     a weekly/monthly allowance an amount of money one receives every week/month

·      a single penny anything (nothing)

She didn't take a single penny.

We can’t waste a single penny.

 to be financially wise — to make sensible decisions about money

Don't let greed interfere with becoming a rich and financially wise man.

·     budget  the amount of money that you have available to spend, a financial plan 

Someone had furnished the place on a tight budget. 

I'm learning how to budget.

·      to do within a budget not spending more money than had been planned for

The wedding decorations have to be done within a budget of $500.

·       to cut costs to spend less money

College is expensive, so try to find ways to cut costs.

·   to add up If small amounts of something add up, they gradually increase

Even small savings can add up.





Money Vocabulary

Here are twenty words and terms often used in talking about money.

1 A.T.M. abbr. Automated Teller Machine; cash dispenserUK
2 banknote n: a piece of paper money; billUS
3 billUS n. a banknote; a piece of paper money
4 black market n. illegal traffic in officially controlled commodities such as foreign currency
5 bureau de change n. establishment where currencies of different countries may be exchanged
6 cash n. 1 coins or bank notes (not cheques); 2 actual money paid as opposed to credit
7 cash dispenserUK n: automatic machine from which clients of a bank may withdraw money; ATM
8 cashier n. person dealing with cash transactions in a bank, store etc
9 coin n: a piece of metal money
10 currency n. the money in general use or circulation in any country
11 debt n. money etc owed by one person to another
12 exchange rate n. the rate at which one currency can be exchanged for another
13 foreign exchange n: the currency of other countries
14 hard currency n. currency that will probably not fall in value and is readily accepted
15 invest v. to put money for profit into business, land etc - investment n.
16 legal tender n: currency that cannot legally be refused in payment of a debt
17 petty cashUK n. a cash fund for small, everyday expenses
18 soft currency n. currency that will probably fall in value and is not readily accepted
19 speculate v. (risky) buying of foreign currency, land etc for rapid gain - speculation n.
20 transaction n. a (usually commercial) exchange; a deal - to transact v.


Money: borrow, lend, owe или loan?

Употребление глагола to borrow

Глагол to borrow употребляют, когда берут что-то с обещанием вернуть. Речь может идти не только о деньгах, но и о книге, ручке или других предметах. На русский язык этот глагол переводится как «занимать», «брать в долг», «брать на время», реже – «заимствовать». Например:

Can I borrow some money? – Могу я занять немного денег?

She borrowed a book from the library. – Она взяла книгу в библиотеке.

He had to borrow a pen to finish the essay. – Ему пришлось одолжить ручку, чтобы дописать сочинение.

Some words in English were borrowed from French. – Некоторые слова в английском языке были заимствованы из французского.

Полезные словосочетания с to borrow

  • To borrow from somebody – занимать у кого-либо.

    They always borrow money from us. – Они все время берут у нас деньги взаймы.

  • To borrow heavily – влезать в долги, много занимать.

    He borrowed heavily and now he has to sell his car. – Он погряз в долгах, и сейчас ему придется продать машину.

  • To borrow trouble – напрашиваться на неприятности.

    If you don’t stop bothering their dog, you will definitely borrow trouble. – Если ты не прекратишь дразнить их собаку, ты точно нарвешься на неприятности.

Производные от глагола to borrow

  • A borrower – заемщик, берущий взаймы.

Употребление глагола to lend

Глагол to lend (lentlent) употребляют в противоположном к to borrow значении – давать кому-то в долг деньги или предмет на время. To lend переводится как «давать в долг», «одалживать», реже – «давать»/«придавать» в значении наделения каким-то качеством или характеристикой.

I hate lending money. – Я ненавижу давать деньги в долг.

I can’t lend you this CD because it’s not mine. – Я не могу одолжить тебе этот диск, потому что он чужой.

Полезные словосочетания с to lend

  • To lend to somebody – давать в долг кому-либо.

    She often lends money to her sister. – Она часто одалживает деньги своей сестре.

  • To lend an ear / one’s ears (to) – выслушать кого-то.

    If you lend an ear to me, I will explain everything to you. – Я все тебе объясню, если ты выслушаешь меня.

  • To lend a (helpinghand – помочь (физически или морально).

    Can you lend me a hand with this fridge? – Поможешь мне с этим холодильником?

    I will lend you a hand with physics if you want. – Я помогу тебе с физикой, если захочешь.

  • To lend color to – делать более правдоподобным, интересным.

    Your clever comments lent color to the slideshow of your project. – Твои остроумные комментарии сделали презентацию твоего проекта еще более интересной.

Производные от глагола to lend

  • A lender – кредитор, дающий взаймы.

Употребление глагола to owe

Глагол to owe употребляется в значении «быть должным/обязанным», «быть в долгу». О чем может идти речь? Первый вариант – о возврате денежного долга или предмета, который был взят на временное пользование. Второй вариант – о моральном долге или благодарности, к примеру, за оказанную помощь.

He owes me some money. – Он должен мне денег.

They owe their success to their parents. – Своим успехом они обязаны родителям.

Полезные словосочетания с to owe

  • To owe to somebody – быть обязанным/должным кому-либо.

    She owes $50 to them. – Она должна им 50 долларов.

  • To owe (nothanks to – (не) иметь причин для благодарности.

    We owe no thanks to him for his behavior. – Из-за его поведения у нас нет причин быть ему благодарными.

  • To owe somebody a living – быть обязанным обеспечивать кого-то. Этой фразой мы выражаем неодобрение поведения тех людей, которые не прикладывают никаких усилий, но ожидают финансовой поддержки или других благ.

    They think the world owes them a living. – Они думают, что весь мир им должен.

  • I owe you one – я твой должник, с меня причитается.

    Thanks a lot for your help, I owe you one. – Спасибо огромное за помощь, теперь я у тебя в долгу.

  • Owing to – благодаря, вследствие, по причине, из-за.

    Many unemployed people have good workplaces owing to the new governmental project. – Много безработных были удачно трудоустроены благодаря новой государственной программе.

    Употребление глагола to loan

    Глагол to loan является синонимом to lend, однако употребляется именно в американском английском. В британском же английском это слово в качестве глагола употребляется крайне редко, но можно встретить a loan как существительное со значением «заем», «ссуда», «кредит».

    loaned that book to my friend. – Я одолжил ту книгу моему другу.

    The bank loan was enough to pay all the bills. – Этого кредита хватило на то, чтобы погасить все долги.


SCHOOL UNIFORM (pros and cons)


 a recognisable part

uniforms are worn by

vary |ˈveərɪ| widely

flexible uniforms

a collared shirt

in school colours

the school logo

a set colour

plimsoles - кеды 

uniform requirements vary

dress code

a debate about school uniform


 uniform policy



                   WHAT ARE YOUR ARGUMENTS?


Time to speak:

You will give a talk about school uniform. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).

Remember to say:

  • whether it is important to wear uniform at school, and why
  • what clothes you wear to school
  • what you like most about your school
You have to talk continuously.

 Letter writing time:

You have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend Andrew:




Subject: My new school

… I had to change school because we had moved to a new house. My new school is right next to it. It is very convenient but everything is so strange here: new rules, a new uniform, new people. I'm not used to these changes yet....

… What's uniform policy in your school? What clothes do you wear to school? Are you for or against wearing school uniform? Why? …

Write a message to Andrew and answer his 3 questions.

 Write 100–120 words.

Remember the rules of email writing.


Разница между can и may?

Рассмотрим два примера:

I can draw a picture. – Я могу нарисовать картину (=У меня есть физические способности к рисованию.)

She may take this chair. – Ей можно взять этот стул (=Ей разрешили взять этот стул.)

Главная и принципиальная разница между may и can заключается в том, что первый глагол обозначает разрешение, а второй – способность делать что-либо.

Запомните следующие формулы:

  • May = позволение
  • Can = физическая возможность

В каких случаях стоит употреблять can? 

Если вы говорите о чем-то, что способны сделать физически

  1. Jane can ride a horse for hours. – Джейн может часами ездить верхом.
    I can’t sleep less than 6 hours. – Я не могу спать менее 6 часов.
    They can swim several kilometers. – Они могут проплыть несколько километров.
  2. При упоминании навыков
    She can play the violin. – Она может играть на скрипке.
    John can solve chemical equations. – Джон может решать химические уравнения.
  3. При постановке вопросов с глаголом can, вы подразумеваете умения или способность.
    Can Jane drive a car? – Джейн может водить машину?
    Can a train go without railway? – Поезд может ездить без железной дорогу?
  4. Если вы хотите выразить сомнение по поводу высказывания, недоверие к сказанному или же удивление
    It can’t be the truth! – Это не может быть правдой!
    You can’t have gone there! – Ты не мог пойти туда!

В каких случаях стоит употреблять may?

  1. Если вы хотите высказать некое предположение касательно какого-либо высказывания.
    Take a sweater, it may be cold tonight. – Возьми с собой свитер. Вечером, вероятно, будет холодно.
    This table is sold but there may be other options. – Этот стол уже продан, но должны быть другие варианты.
  2. Для разрешения или запрета
    Этот пункт считается устаревшим. !!!!!! 
    Русские грамматики по-прежнему преподают данное правило, хотя англоязычное население считает фразу типа «May I…» (могу я) пережитком прошлого. Как писал Ричард Кинг в своих заметках, последний раз он слышал фразу «may I» в фильме 1962 года.
    May I add some facts? – Могу я добавить несколько фактов?
    They may not sit here. – Сидеть здесь запрещено.

Случаи, когда оба варианта уместны

Несмотря на то что существует may/can разница, в некоторых случаях оба глагола могут взаимозаменяться.

К таким ситуациям относятся следующие.

1. Спрашивать или давать разрешение

Как уже упоминалось выше, «may» считается устаревшим вариантом и чаще заменяется в речи на «can».

Получается, если вы спрашиваете разрешение, вы запросто можете сказать «Can I…», и это не будет ошибкой.

Can I take cookies? – Можно я возьму печенье?

2. Запрещать что-либо

Хотя выше мы описывали, что запрет обозначается глаголом maycan также может употребляться.

Чем отличается can от may в данном контексте?

Cannot – относится к общим запретам. То есть если что-либо запрещено в общем.

May not часто используется, если запрет относится к конкретному лицу.

Давайте рассмотрим на примерах:

You cannot speak loudly in museums. – В музеях нельзя говорить громко.

You may not go with your boyfriend, me and dad do not like him. – Тебе нельзя ехать с парнем. Мне и папе он не нравится.


задание на 16.01.23 

уч. с. 112 - 114 выучить правило, выполнить упражнения 9*, 10* (ниже)




Definition of rightly adverb from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary


  1. for a good reason synonym justifiably
    • The school was rightly proud of the excellent exam results.
    • He was proud of his beautiful house, and rightly so.
    • Quite rightly, the environment is of great concern.
    • Rightly or wrongly, many older people are afraid of violence in the streets.
  2. in a correct or accurate way
    • As she rightly pointed out, the illness can affect adults as well as children.
    • I can't rightly say what happened.
    • I don't rightly know where he's gone.
    • If I remember rightly, there's a train at six o'clock.








Imagine that you are a coach of timemanagement and you teach students how to budget their time. Tell them how to make a good plan for a day and set priorities. make your own plan as an example and present it in front of the class.

Budgeting your time

to budget time

a study assignment

to put off / to postpone

to devote smth to smth

left over

to be engaged in

setting priorities

to know ahead

to accomplish

to be likely to do smth

to blame sb for smth

to execute  


to stick to smth






Готовимся к самостоятельной работе






Задание на 5.10




Describe the pictures using the plan:

— the place

— the action

— the appearance of the person

— whether you like the picture or not

— why

Start with: “I’d like to describe picture № ... . The picture shows …”



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