FORM IV 2022/23



Дорогие ребята! Закончился ваш 4-й учебный год! Вы все хорошо потрудились и успешно закончили начальную школу! От всей души вас поздравляю и желаю хорошего отдыха!

Чтобы ваши каникулы проходили интересно и с пользой, предлагаю вам поработать над летним заданием.
Лето всегда связано с путешествиями и, в первую очередь, по нашей необъятной стране. Давайте узнаем о ней больше и расскажем другим.  

Итак, задание:


    Выберите город России и познакомьте нас с ним! Как это сделать? Вам нужно подготовить красочную презентацию и интересный рассказ об этом городе. Город может быть любой, большой или маленький, известный или нет, это может быть даже посёлок или деревня, но ваш рассказ должен отвечать определённым требованиям.

1. Choose a city in Russia
2. Make a presentation

Speak about:
1. What is the name of the city (town, village)?
2. How old is it? When was it founded? ( to found - основывать)
3. Where is it situated?
4. What places of interest are there in it?
5. Are there any symbols of this city? What are they?
6.Why do tourists come to visit this city?

A little bit of help :
a) it is .... years old
b) it was founded in ... by ...
c) it is situated in the west ( east, south, north) of Russia on the banks of the river ... ( on the shore of the ... sea)
d) there are a lot of places of interest there
they are .... / you can see / visit ... there
e) the most famous symbols are ...
f) tourists come to visit this place to ... / because ...
g) ...

С нетерпением жду нашего с вами путешествия по городам России в сентябре!

Кстати! При выборе города подумай, как много других детей захочет рассказать о нём же? Сможешь ли ты в этом случае сделать свой рассказ отличным от других? Возможно, небольшой, но со своей историей город, будет более удачным выбором?
В любом случае, желаю интересного и познавательного поиска и весёлых  каникул!

I'm looking forward to seeing you in September!


Sing and Dance, Relax and Enjoy!!


    I live in Russia, in Kuzbass. Russia is my Motherland. It is the biggest country in the world. The capital of Russia is Moscow. 
    Russia is situated on two continents - Europe and Asia. Russia is very beautiful - there are many rivers, lakes, forests, mountains in it. Seas and oceans wash Russia in the north, south, east and west.
    One Russian national symbol is the flag. It has three stripes - white, blue and red. Another symbol is the 2-headed eagle. The birch tree (береза) and the brown bear are also the symbols of Russia.
    I love my country very much.

Symbols of Russia

Symbols of the USA




to protect - защищать
dangerous - опасный
a snake -  змея
a tailor - портной
through - через
to look at - смотреть на
to look for - искать
to look through - просматривать

depend on   -    sth зависеть от
dependence -    зависимость
independence - независимость
dependent  -     зависимый
independent -   независимый

to fight for
to be situated in / on

The Wild West (задание* на 19.05)


Countries and Nationalities
America - American
India - Indian
Italy - Italian
Russia - ? 
England - English
Spain - Spanish
I am interested in History
to settle
a settler
a settlement 
Europe  is a continent
Cuba is an island
appear  /  disappear


to discover
a discovery
a discoverer
discover a new land
to sail
a sail
a sailor
to reach the mountain / city / land

Christopher Columbus

The Voyages of Cristopher Columbus

The arrival of Christopher Columbus and his men in America

 Watch a video:


sea + man = seaman (моряк)
milk+ man = milkman  (молочник)
police + man = policeman (полицейский)
post + man = postman (почтальон)
fish + man = fisherman  ( ?)

bedroom = ? + ?
timetable = ? + ?
armchair = ? +?
black + board =?
foot + ? = football
? +  ball = basketball

Слова к диктанту:

land, screen. success, to create, to mean (meant, meant), to tell (told, told), also, to be born, novel, fiction, to listen to, true, boring, library, thematic, performance, theatre, feature film, rise (rose, risen), audience, special

1. Books can be of different kinds:
short story
humorous story
a story about animals, children, school.... 
2. Books can be:
boring / dull
with / without pictures
3. We can :
buy books in the shop
borrow books from the library
4. My favourite book is...  It is ....  I like it because...  The writer is ...
Задание на 18.04
уч. с. 62 правило, сб. № 192*, 193*, 194*, с. 64 №17 прочитать текст, подготовить выразительное чтение
We can see different kinds of films at the cinema: comedies, tragedies, musicals, historical films, detective films, horror films, adventure films and cartoons, action films and  love stories, science fiction (sci - fi) and fantasy films.
Films can be feature and documentary.
Films can be in colour and black-and-white.
What film have you seen recently?

Are you a theatre or a cinema goer?
What theatres in Kemerovo have you been to?
What cinemas in Kemerovo have you been to?

Theatres of Kemerovo, Russia:

the Drama Theatre
the Musical Comedy Theatre
the Music Hall
the Children's Theatre
the Puppet Theatre
the Drama Theatre

the Musical Comedy Theatre

the Music Hall

the Children's Theatre

the Puppet Theatre

Cinemas of Kemerovo, Russia
the Jubileiniy
the StarMax Cinema
the Kosmos
the Kuzbasskino
the Grinvich
the Jubileiniy Cinema

the StarMax Cinema

the Kosmos Cinema

the Kuzbasskino Cinema

the Grinvich Cinema

The summary of the text

1. The mother took the girl to ...
2. They got there by ...
3. It took them ...
4. They saw ... in the hall.
5. People had ... in their hands.
6. The seats were ... but ... very well.
7. There was ... on the stage.
8. The ... was fantastic.
9. When the performance was over ...
10. The mother and the girl ...

a quater 
a  quater to 6 ( 5:45) 
a quarter past 6 (6:15)
rise - rose - risen - подниматься
The sun rises in the East.
 Somebody who translates books is a translator. Their hobby is translating books. They often make translations in their free time.

Are you a cinema or a theatre goer?

go + er = goer

a theatre goer - театрал, любитель театра
a seat
take a seat - занять место
on the stage - на сцене
perform - выступать
performance- представление
a play - пьеса
a ticket for (a performance / a play)
stalls - партер
in the stalls - в партере
audience - зрители
to take part in.. -  участвовать, принять участие
decide - решать проблему
decision - решение
make a decision - принять решение
fortunately - к счастью
unfortunately - к несчастью
Complete the sentences, speak about hobbies:
1. A hobby is ...
2. People have hobbies because hobbies make their lives interesting (exciting [iksaitin], wonderful, fantastic)
3. Some people are fond of, others enjoy, ....
4. People usually collect ... .
5. Collections can be thematic. The themes can be sports, ... , ... .
6. As for me, I am fond of ... ing. (I am keen on
7. As for my family, my mum enjoys..., my dad is fond of ...., my little sister is into ... .
8. Due to hobbies, our life is exciting and interesting (fantastic, wonderful).
due to = thanks to - благодаря чему-то
 Как рассказать о своём хобби на английском?

My Hobby

A hobby is what you like to do in your free time.

Different people have different hobbies, because they have different interests.I have a hobby, too. 

I enjoy / fancy / love / I am into / I am fond of / I'm keen on reading, because it makes me smarter (умнее) /  It makes me happy / I learn many interesting things when I read books

I like to collect different things. I am a collector.

I have a big / wonderful / fantastic collection of stamps.

My collection is thematic. My theme is animals.

My mother is fond of ….

My father enjoys



hobby - hobbies
What is hobby? (Что такое хобби?)

Hobby is what you like to do in your free time.

Как рассказать о своём хобби на английском?

I enjoy / love/ fancy/ like V+ing
I'm fond of   V+ing
I'm into  V+ing

Types of hobbies (виды хобби):

глагол (to V)   - отглагольное существительное (V+ing)
to skateboard - skateboarding
to surf - surfing
to dance - dancing
to cook - cooking
to play the guitar - playing the guitar
to listen to music - ?
to play computer games - ?
to watch TV- ?
to do jigsaw puzzles -?
to read  - ?
to cycle - ?
to camp - ?
to take photos - ?
to swim - ?
to do gymnastics - ?
to play soccer (football) - ?
to play billiards - ?
to play golf - ?
to play chess - ?
to hike - ?
to jog - jogging
to ride a horse - ?
to fly a kite - ?
to do gardening - ?
to go shopping -  going shopping
to draw - ?
to fish - ?
to go to the cinema - ?
to sing - ?

Как объяснить, почему это хобби нравится:

I enjoy / love/ fancy/ like V+ing
I'm fond of   V+ing                                  because:  
I'm into  V+ing

... it makes me happy
... I have so much fun
... it's my favourite pastime
... I learn many interesting things
... it's so entertaining 
... they make / it makes me smarter
... it is so exciting
... it makes me feel good
... it is so much fun
... it's challenging
... it's so relaxing

to collect
a  collector
a  collection   

a theme    
an interesting theme
a thematic collection

a specialist
to specialize

 Задание на 22.03
с. 37 №14 задать 7 - 10 вопросов о путешествии из диалога*, диктант


Form 4 Lesson 33 Lexical test

Fill in the missing words: 

sad, ugly, shake, explain, kind, forget, voice, straight:

1.    It’s late! Don’t … to do your homework, Ann.

2.    Men always … hands when they meet.

3.    Witches are usually old and … .

4.    I don’t know how to get to Trafalgar Square. Can you … the way to me?

5.    There are many wide and … streets in Kemerovo.

6.    My Granny is a very … woman. She always helps me when I ask her.

7.    The boy looks … , his dog is ill.

8.    Teachers always speak in a loud … .

How to speak about your travelling:

I like to travel very much. I have already been to some  countries. Last summer my family and I travelled to Turkey (Vietnam, Sochi, Moscow ...). We got there (туда) by (plane, train, car). It is the fastest and the most comfortable means of transport. It was (not ) difficult to buy the tickets. It took us 5 hours to get to Turkey. We took a lot of (little) luggage. My mother found a cheap (an expensive) hotel. The hotel was excellent. The people were friendly. The weather was hot and sunny. My trip was fantastic. I liked it very much.

Fill in the preposition
1. We always travel ... the country.
2. It's great to travel ... foot.
3. Last year we went ... London ...plane.
4. Tom loves to be ... the seaside.
5. Let's meet ... the airport.
6. In Moscow we stayed ... an excellent hotel.
7. Sometimes we stay ... our friends.
8. Where is Sam? He is ... the bus stop.
Learn the prepositions (учим предлоги):
1. My Granny never travels ... foot.
2. People can travel ... train, ... plane or ... car.
3. I want to go ... the seaside.
4. We usually stay ... our parents. 
5. My friend is ... the bus stop.
6. We stayed ... an excellent hotel.
7. Many people love to travel ... the country.

People can travel by:

                                 TIME TO TRAVEL!

travel by ...(transport)
travel on foot

Расширяем словарный запас:

trave   travelled  travelling
stay        stay at the hotel        stay for two days
stay with the family or friends
by plane
by bus
by train
by car
by metro
by taxi

on foot

a railway station
seaside    go to the seaside           be at the seaside
cheap - дешёвый
expensive -дорогой (по цене)

Послушать слова можно здесь:

                              Wheels on the bus go round


Повторяем неправильные глаголы:

begin - began - begun
drink - drank - drunk
swim  - swam  - swum
choose - chose - chosen
draw - drew - drawn
eat - ate - eaten
spend - spent - spent
have - had - had


 Downing street 10

 Parliament Square

Buckingham Palace



the Queen Victoria Memorial

the Houses of Parliament

Westminster Abbey

Poet's Corner


Использование артикля the с достопримечательностями
The - museums, theatres, cinemas, galleries, rivers, lakes, seas, oceans:
the British Museum
the National Gallery
the Odeon cinema
thr Bolshoy Theatre
+ the City (of London)
the Tower of London
William the Conqueror
the river Thames
the  Black  sea
the Atlantic ocean
NO Article - names, cathedrals, churches, streets, parks, squares:
St Paul's Cathedral
Sir Christopher Wren
Trafalgar Square
Oxford street
Hyde park


Places to visit in London
St Paul's Cathedral


 Trafalgar Square

The National Gallery

Ravens in the Tower of London

History of London

The Model of Old London Bridge

2 September 1666: The Great Fire of London starts on Pudding Lane

Modern London Bridge

The Tower of London 
The White Tower

Tower Bridge

This is London 

to be sightseeing - осматривать достопримечательности
We don't live in London, we're (we are) sightseeing
the capital city - столица
London is the capital city of the United Kingdom. 
a department store - универмаг
straight on - прямо
You go straight on then turn to the right (turn right)

 over the bridge - через мост / по мосту
a wheel - колесо 
a tower - башня
 a boat - лодка, катер
 a castle - замок
the tube - метро в Лондоне 
Let's get the tube to the train station - давайте доедем до железнодорожного вокзала на метро

The Present Perfect Tense

Learn Present Perfect with British Council

watch a video: (посмотри видео)

do the task:  (сделай задание)
and check yourself: (проверь себя)

 The Present Perfect Tense

Данное грамматическое время выражает действие, совершённое в прошлом, но имеющее результат в настоящем. При этом нам не говорят, когда конкретно произошло действие.
На русский язык переводится прошедшим временем.


Mark has given a toy to his little bother. Now his brother has a toy.
I have learnt the poem. Now I know the poem.

В данной грамматической конструкции глагол  have /has является вспомогательным и показывает наличие результата действия. Смысловой глагол ставится в 3 форму (неправильный глагол) или приобретает окончание -ed (правильный глагол).

(?)   Have you watched a new film?
       Has she done her homework?
      Have they visited their granny?

(-)  I haven't watched a new film.
     She hasn't done her homework.
     They haven't visited their granny.
Past Simple [ed]

ask, like, play, believe, happen, laugh, count, work, lock, shout, study, describe, start, join
[id]        [d]       [t]

happen - happened (случаться, происходить)
It happened TO my friend last year. He became the best player in his team!

believe - believed (верить)
Do you believe me? 

understand - understood - understood (понимать)
Can you understand English well?

suddenly (вдруг, неожиданно, внезапно)
Suddenly it got dark and I couldn't see anything.
Learn the words:
Make up your own sentences with these words*



Welcome to Santa's House!
 Santa's living room
 Santa's kitchen
Santa's dining room

Santa's study

Santa's bedroom

The Nutcracker cartoon


in the middle of the 
in the corner of the
on the left
on the right
in front of
behind the
between the...  and the... 
at, by, near

I'm going to...  - я собираюсь что-то сделать


Let's speak about houses! (Поговорим о домах)

In the picture I can see a house.  

The bedroom, the study, the bathroom and the toilet are upstairs

The kitchen and the living room are downstairs 

The bedroom is upstairs.

It is big and comfortable.

There is one window in it.

There is a bed in the bedroom.

It is by the wall. 

The walls are violet. 

The carpet is on the floor. It is blue.

There is a nightstand (прикроватный столик) near the bed.

The lamp is on the nightstand. 

The lamp is blue and white.


The living room is ... .

Описываем картинку
In the picture I can see  (a) ...
The boy is ...

girls are ...
The dog is ...
The kittens are ...
The flowerbed is ...
The girls are Ving with the dog
The boy is Ving ...
A House and a Flat

far from...
not far from...
Come and see me some day.
You are always welcome!

Complete the sentences:
1.  English children have classes...  days a week. 
2. They have no classes on... 
3 . Classes begin at...  and are over at..... 
4. At the age of 4 or 5.... 
5. They sing, act, play, learn how to..., draw pictures in.... 
6. They begin to learn how to.... 
7. When children are seven, they.... 
8. When children are eleven, primary... 
9. Junior schools are.... Pupils sit...  and have.... 
10. Children spend.... They visit .... 
11. In many schools pupils wear.... 

Домашнее задание на 6.12
 уч. с. 70 №8 диктант, с. 72 -73 №12 прочитать текст вслух, ответить на вопросы к тексту, №13 * (написать, почему согласны или не согласны), блог - игра на понимание времени

учим новые слова (запись здесь) уч. с. 70 №8

Учим неправильные глаголы:

leave - left - left
sing - sang - sung
spend - spent - spent
get - got - got
learn - learnt - learnt

What's the time?

Learn the time

Let's play the time game!

Primary Schools in England

In Great Britain school begins ... . Boys and girls leave school ... . 
In England the school year begins ... . School seldom begins on ..., because ... .
Little children go to school with ... . They don't have their ... .
Classes usually begin ... . Pupils have a break at ... . Their classes are not ... . They sit on .... and listen to ... . They draw or ... . They look at ... . 
English pupils often ... .
Учим новые слова:
уч. с. 60 № 9
уч. с. 65 № 8
It's never late to learn 
 never - никогда
It's never late to learn, is it?

School Subjects. School supplies (предметы школьного обихода)

Listen to the song and learn some school subjects:

I study - я изучаю:
Science  |ˈsaɪəns| - науки (физика, химия)
Literature = Reading
Nature Study - природоведение
IT (Computer)

What is your favourite subject? Why do you like it?


How many times a week do you have Art?
I have Art  ONCE [wans] a week.
We have P.E. TWICE [twais] a week.
We have Maths 3 times a week.
We have English 4 times a week.

School supplies (Talking flashcards)

School Timetable

Fill in the prepositions AT, ON, IN:
1. ... night
2. ... the afternoon
3. ... the 5th of May
4. ...7 o'clock
5. ... summer
6. ... 2022
7. ... noon
8. ... weekend
9. ... October
10. ...Wednesday
11. ... Sunday afternoon.

Fill in the prepositions AT, ON, IN:

  1. 1.     Alex usually gets up … 7 o’ clock but … Sunday he gets up at … o’ clock.

    2.     We like to play snowballs … winter.

    3.     My family lived in London … 2021.

    4.     Children always clean their teeth and wash their hands and face … the morning.

    5.     Santa Claus usually comes … night. He brings presents in his bag.

    6.     My Granny sometimes watches TV … the evening.

    7.     April Fools Day is … the 1st of April.

    8.     Bob will celebrate his birthday … Sunday morning.


Trick Or Treat | Give Me Something Good To Eat | Halloween Song





Days of the week 

Learn to write the names of the weekdays

My typical day
Speak about your day
using Past Simple, Present Simple, Future Simple  
use "before", "after", "then"

get up
wash (my) face
clean / brush (my) teeth
have breakfast
have ... for breakfast 
help about the house
go shopping
go to school
have lunch
have ... for lunch
read books
meet friends
play football
watch TV
go to bed

Task 1  Make up questions: 
  1.     a doctor, why, become, did, you?
  2.      they, last summer, were, where?
  3.        football, likes, who, to play?
  4.      pizza, cook, when, your Granny, does, usually?
  5.    why, go, shopping, did, last week, Alex?
  6.     when, Thanksgiving Day, do, American people, celebrate?
  7.      will, our Granny, visit , who, tomorrow?
  8.       Alex,  football,  play, how often, with his friends, does?
  9.        his brother, when, go, did, to the swimming pool
  10.    he, where, buy, new, a, did, schoolbag?
  11.  British people, when, Halloween, do, celebrate?
  12.   will, shopping, go, who, tomorrow?
  13.    Ann, hide-and-seek, how often, with her friends, does, play?
  14.   his friends, when, visit, did, Granny?
Task 2 Ask Questions:
  1.     They speak English in class every day.
  2.     I was at the party a week ago.
  3.     The children played football at the playground yesterday.
  4.     They were in the United States last April.
  5.     We lived in London last year.
  6.     Alex goes to school every day.
  7.     We swam in the river last summer.
  8.     They could roller-skate 2 weeks ago.
  9.     They celebrated Easter at the end of April.
  10.     The boys usually play football at the stadium.
  11.     We were in London last December.
  12.     Ann always gets nice presents on her birthday.
  13.     I could swim last summer.

The Future Simple Tense
простое будущее время

Past Simple, Present Simple or Future simple?

Let's remember names of sports.
What is your favourite sport?

 Готовимся к самостоятельной работе:
Try yourself, make a special question:
попытайся собрать специальный вопрос:
special question 9
special question 10

 Special questions Специальные вопросы

 Sam lives in London.     Ask questions:

Who lives in London? Sam does.
Where does Sam live? In London.
What does Sam do in London? He lives there.

 Make a story about your New Year's day last year. Write it down and learn.
составь рассказ о праздновании Нового года в прошлом году по образцу, используя все глаголы, указанные внизу. Рассказ должен быть в Past Simple

On the 25th of December we got up early. It was still dark. I ran to my mother and looked under the Christmas tree. Santa Claus with his bag was not there but his presents were. They were under the Christmas tree in coloured boxes. I opened my present — a beautiful doll with large blue eyes. She wore a white dress. I also got a book.
          Late in the afternoon we had a traditional dinner of turkey with vegetables and salads. We also had biscuits and fruit. During the day we watched Christmas TV and played with our new toys.





give / get a present






have fun

Try to do the test ( попробуй решить тест):

there is / there are




Учим новую зарядку!

Специальные вопросы 
Special questions
a choose-a-word game (нажми)  -ДОМАШНЕЕ ЗАДАНИЕ
Read the text and ask as many SPECIAL questions as you can:


Вспоминаем степени сравнения

Игра "Степени сравнения прилагательных" (нажми)

big - bigger - the biggest
nice - nicer - the nicest
large - larger - the largest
funny- funnier - the funniest

The cat is bigger than the mouse.
The mouse is bigger than the snake.
The snake is smaller than the mouse.
The mouse is smaller than the cat.
So the cat is the biggest and the snake is the smallest of them all.

This girl is beautiful.
That girls is more beautiful.
And that girls is the most beautiful of all.

good- better -the best
bad - worse - the worst



Прочитай предложения и вспомни правило образования вопросов с "хвостиками". Обрати внимание на цвета, они помогут тебе!

Cats love to play, don't they?
Dogs are good friends, aren't they?
The weather is nice, isn't it?
It isn't raining now, is it?
These children are not crying, are they?
We don't swim in cold water, do we?


Let's go shopping!

need - нуждаться

Do you often go shopping?
What do you usually go shopping for?
Do you go shopping for food, for clothes, for toys?

buy - bought - bought
go -went -gone
take -took - taken
see -saw - seen

 wear - wore[wo:]  - worn [wo:n] - носить одежду

I usually wear a T-shirt and shorts when it is hot.
It was cold yesterday and I wore jeans and a sweater.
It will be warm tomorrow and I'll wear a dress.
I'm wearing ... now.

What are you wearing today?



Ex: I'm wearing a blouse and trousers now. 
My friend is wearing ... . He is wearing... /She is wearing... /They are wearing... 

At home: на понедельник, 19.09
уч. с. 10 упр 10 - выучить диалог с заменой из таблицы под диалогом,  фразы из таблицы выучить к диктанту, знать перевод.
На среду, 14.09
Подготовить общий рассказ о событиях сказки. Уметь рассказать, кто такой главный герой.  Описать его.  Быть готовыми отвечать на вопросы по сказке.
At home:
1. Sing the songs and play the games, recollect the names of clothes (поем песни и играем в игры (нажать ссылки), повторяем названия одежды) 
2. Write the answers to the questions (записать ответы на вопросы ниже!!!)



Sing the song Get Dressed for the Day 


Answer the questions:
1. What do you wear on your  (head, body, hands, legs, feet)? 
 I usually wear (a)... on my.... 
2. What do you where when it's hot/cold? 
When it's hot, I wear (a)... . 
When it's cold, I wear (a)... .  
3. What do you usually wear when it rains/snows? 
When it rains, I usually wear (a)... . 
When it snows, I usually  wear (a)... . 

Play the Game!!!  (press the link) 
                                                                Recollect the names of clothes

                                              Action Song (let's sing and Relax)



Dear students!
Please, be ready to present your summer work on Wednesday, September 14th.
Дорогие ученики!
Пожалуйста, будьте готовы представить летнее задание в среду, 14 сентября.

At home (дома): 
1. Learn the words for the dictation (выучить слова на диктант) - Seasons, year, winter, spring, summer, autumn, fall, cold, warm, Hot, fine, dry, bright, nice, Rain, rainy, snow, snowy. 
Знать перевод!!! 
2. Learn the rule table. P 5, Grammar book Ex 3 p 5 ( выучить правило таблица стр 5 в учебнике + блог см ниже, сборник грамматических упражнений упр 3 стр 5) 

Rain and Snow

Безличные глаголы to rain и to snow употребляются с подлежащим, выраженным безличным местоимением it.

Вопросительная и отрицательная формы этих глаголов образуются аналогично вопросительной и отрицательной форме других глаголов.

It often rains in autumn. Осенью часто идет дождь.

It snowed yesterday. Вчера шел снег.

Did it rain yesterday? Вчера шел дождь?

It doesn't often snow in Moscowin October. В Москве нечасто идет снег в  октябре.

Is it snowing now? Идет ли сейчас снег?

I think it won't rain today. Я думаю, сегодня не будет дождя.


Выбираем форму глагола:
It  rains (always, usually, often, sometimes, every day, in spring..) 
It rained (last week, 2 days ago) 
It is raining (now, at the moment) 

Let us sing a song about the weather  What's the Weather Like Today? (press the link)

Look at the picture. What's the weather like today??? 

At home (дома) :
1. Learn the song about the weather (Выучить песню про погоду) 
2. Tell about Your favorite Season, use Ex 7 p 5 as an example (Рассказать о своём любимом времени года (см упр 7 стр 5)
3. Ex 9 p 6 dialogue learn (упр 8 стр 6 диалог выучить, в классе составили, все прочитали)
-Hi, Sonya!
-Hello, Kate! How are you?
-I'm fine (great, Ok), thanks. Let's go for a walk/.
-Where to?
-To the park (Zoo, playground, museum, cinema).
-That's a good idea [aidia]. What [wot] about the weather?
-It's fine (hot, warm, nice, cloudy, windy, sunny). Let's meet at ... o'clock.
-OK, see you later [leite] then.


1. "Weather, seasons, months"

Let's talk about your vacation, listen to the song "How was your vacation?" (press the link), sing. (чтобы прослушать песню, нажмите на ее название, это ссылка)

Do you remember the names of the seasons and months?
Listen and learn the song "Seasons song" (press the link)
                                          Months of the Year (press the link)

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