задание на 01.02.18

записать аудиофайл:

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about keeping fit. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).
Remember to say:
·         why a healthy lifestyle is more popular nowadays
·         what you do to keep fit
·         what sports activities are popular with teenagers in your region

You have to talk continuously.

Extra ( Бобринёв И, Алексеевский И, Гонеева Э., Гуркова Н, Романов П., Мельникова А., Сундукова К., Крапивина Д., Собина С.)
Task 3. You are going to give a talk about films. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).

Remember to say:
·        what kinds of films modern teenagers enjoy
·        where you prefer watching films: on TV, on the Internet or in the cinema, and why
·        what film you have seen recently, what  it was about

You have to talk continuously.

ask 3. You are going to give a talk about your school homework. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes
(10-12 sentences).
Remember to say:
  • how long it takes you to do your homework
  • what subject you usually start with, and why
  • whether schoolchildren should be given more or less homework, and why
You have to talk continuously.

задание на 25.01.18
записать аудиофайл:

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about the Internet. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).
Remember to say:
·         why today’s teenagers use the Internet so much
·         how the Internet makes long-distance communication easier
·         what dangers teenagers can face when they use the Internet

You have to talk continuously.


You are going to give a talk about your free time. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).
Remember to say:

  • whether you have a lot of free time, and why, or why not
  • what you enjoy doing in your free time
  • what your Sunday afternoons are like
You are going to give a talk about books. You will have to start in
1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).
Remember to say:
  • whether reading is still popular with teenagers, and why, or why not
  • what kind of books you like reading
  • why many people prefer e-books to paper books
You have to talk continuously.

You are going to give a talk about TV. You will have to start in
1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).
Remember to say:
·         whether watching TV is still a popular pastime with teenagers, and why, or why not
·         how many hours a week you watch TV
·         what you dislike most about TV
You have to talk continuously.

You are going to give a talk about books. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).

Remember to say:
  • what kind of books modern teenagers enjoy reading
  • whether libraries are necessary nowadays or not, and why
  • what book you have read recently, and what it was about

You have to talk continuously.

You are going to give a talk about sports. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).

Remember to say:
  • why a lot of young people do sports nowadays
  • what sports clubs and teams there are in your school
  • what you do to keep fit  

You have to talk continuously.


 Speak about AIC and prove that it had a great influence on the development of Soviet economy.

 Topics for repots:
1.       Founding Fathers (Sebald Rutgers)
2.       The Red Hill Museum Preserve in Kemerovo.

3.       AIC “Кuzbas"  on the map of Kemerovo


https://youtu.be/LMlVZ3PCew8 https://humus.livejournal.com/2486875.html

The Autonomous Industrial Colony “Kuzbass ”

In summer of 1921 the initiative group of American workers headed by a Holland engineer and communist S. Rutgers and an American communist B. Heighwood offered the Soviet Government to found a colony of foreign workers and specialists in Kuzbass. S. Rutgers, T. Barker, B. Heighwood, G. Kalvert and B. Cornblit left for Kuzbass on June, 28 in 1921. S. Rutgers presented a detailed plan  for creation of the colony. In this plan Kemerovo was mentioned as an ideal place for building the economy.
In November ,1921, the Soviet Government sighed the contract.
 According to the contract, the colony took control over the Kemerovo mines , and chemical plants. But the most important thing was the colony receiving autonomy status, i.e. it did not report to the local authorities, but directly to the Soviet Government.
In the early twenties of the last century, more than 650 foreign workers and engineers came to Kemerovo from every corner of the world to help Russia restore the national economy destroyed during the Civil War. So the banks of the Tom’ river became home for the Autonomous Industrial Colony “Kuzbass ”
                The natives of more than 20 countries came to work in the Autonomous Industrial Colony “Kuzbass” from 1922 through 1926: Austraia,  Austria, Belgim, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Italy, Canada, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Serbia, the USA, Finland, Czechoslovakia, Sweden, Jamaica…
                Although the colony existed for only 5 years , The American Siberians managed to contribute substantially into an industrial expansion  of  Kemerovo as well as the whole region. Jointly with Russian workers and engineers they  modernized several mines, began coke production, electrified the  city and surrounding villages, built several brickyards, and agricultural farms, apartment houses, schools, food  store, clubs and roads. Much of what they built is being  used by the townspeople till the present day.
                 The colony was  a massive economic and social experiment. The world did not witness anything of the kind before and, possibly, will never witness again.
Therefore, it is only appropriate to say that the history of the city of Kemerovo is quite unique. The Red Hill Museum Preserve in Kemerovo is a unique place that presents the memory about the colonists.
 The history of the Autonomous Industrial Colony “Kuzbass ” is worth knowing . Keeping it in memory means showing respect to those who lent helping hand during the time that was the hardest one for our country .

Now, the Kemerovo Region is one of the most economically developed Siberian territories, with about a third of the major manufacturing facilities in western Siberia. Key sectors include the fuel industry, energy industry, engineering and metalworking, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical and petrochemical industry, and food industry. 

    Chose the right answer
1. The AIC “Kuzbas” was founded by the initiative group of
a)      the Soviet Government
b)      the American workers
c)       the local authorities

2.       The AIC “Kuzbas” was founded in
a)      1921
b)      1922
c)       1926

3.       According to the contract the colony was controlled by
              a) the Soviet Government
              b)the American workers
              c)the local authorities

               4. People from … worked in Kuzbas
              a)  the European countries
             b) all over the world
             c) the Western

             5. The AIC “Kuzbas”  contributed greatly into industrial development
            a) they modernized mines
            b) they started coke industry
            c) the began to develop the regional industry

Find the English equivalent and recollect the situation from the text:

1.инициативная группа
2. основать колонию
3.иностранные специалисты
5. статус автономии
6. восстанавливать народную экономику
7. уроженец
8. грандиозный эксперимент
9. музей- заповедник
10. значимый вклад
11. вместе с русскими рабочими
12. достойна чтобы знать


The AIC “Kuzbas”

A)     Guess the meaning of the following words:
1.       Communist
2.       Colony
3.       Ideal
4.       Economy
5.        Contract
6.       Chemical
7.       Restore
8.        Expansion
9.        Modernize
10.   Electrify
11.   Specialist
12.   Massive
13.   social
14.   experiment

B)      Arrange the words according to the following table

C)      Find the odd word:

  1. Create, build ,destroy, make.
  2. Coal, iron, gold, silver, coke ,metalworking.
  3. Fuel industry, energy industry, engineering, mining, coke.

Expand the ideas:

                1. The Shors were quite experienced and clever in their own way.
                2. The Shors were pagans.
                3. Turning into Christianity was beneficial to the Shors.

                4. The Shor oral inspirations were well - developed.



1. Read the definitions and give Russian equivalents to the English words:

Forefathers   -  the people, especially men, who were part of your family many years ago. Syn.  ancestors
Pagans – people whose customs and beliefs do not belong to any traditional religion and may come from a time before these religions
Capricious - likely to change your mind suddenly or behave in an unexpected way.
Clay crockery – plates, dishes and pots made from a sticky heavy earth
2. Read the text and say how the introduction of Christianity influenced    the          development of the Shor tribes.

The forefathers of the Shors were pagans and shamen. The ancient belief in spirits, the worshiping of animals, the ancestors cult and witchcraft made them real children of nature. They were helpless against the forces of nature although clever and experienced in their own way. Their moon calendar was a great achievement using which they were able to make amazingly accurate weather forecasts.
         The Shors worshiped the hill from where the water ran and on which his yurta stood. Moreover, the hill was considered as a living being and had its character, sometimes capricious, sometimes angry and revengeful.
         The worshiping was done by the kam-shamen, using several tambourines. This noisy and extremely emotional ritual not only captured imagination but it also called the gods, ensured their help, and cherished the beliefs of people in a happy future. Due to this ritual the Shors became aware of the fact that the soul was connected with a string to the god who created the soul.
         Everyday wisdom and experience of the forest people could be seen in everything. Their skills were then passed on to subsequent generations. The Shor hunters would never shoot a sleeping animal, it had to be woken. Making clay crockery the Shors would add wool to make it strong. Fishing nets were made of horse hair, which was never caught by the frost in winter. Hunting was available only to men. Women were strictly forbidden to hunt. This was a tabu: the one who gives birth must not kill. If a Shor died in winter, he would be wrapped into a birch bark and hung to a tree deep in the taiga. This was done not because of barbarism, but for the reason of “deep snows”. The winter would “step away” and allow the man to be buried.
         The local people were turned into Christianity at the same time as the Kuznetsk city was founded. It was done slowly, without haste. The Russian missionaries kept the old principle: “by care not brutality”. According to the tsar’ decree, in 1858 near the river Kondoma the so-called Altai mission (church) was established.  Turning into Christianity was beneficial to the Shors. Gradually families with several wives disappeared, “kalim” ransom was no longer demanded for the daughter to be married, and the girls were no longer sold to grown up husbands.
         The Christian missionaries considered the study of the folk customs to be very efficient in learning the secrets of the pagan aborigines, their religious reception of the world. They were the first who used the opportunity to record the folk customs. But their “kondoma people’s” stories were never published, never reached the contemporary time.
         The Shors didn’t have the written language, one of the reasons why the people’s oral inspirations were well developed, passing their roots deep into centuries. Among these were songs, legends, fairy tales, stories about warriors and their heroic deeds, sayings. The research works by V.V. Radlov, V.I. Verbitsky, N.P. Direnkova contributed greatly to the preservation of the Shor folklore.

 3. Choose the right answer:
1. The moon calendar was a great achievement because
         a) it helped the local tribes to worship animals.
         b) was created by children of nature.
         c) helped the local tribes survive in severe winters and hot summers.

2. The worshiping ritual was  extremely emotional because
         a) it was done by sharmen.
         b) it inspired the idea of the unity with gods.
         c) it was done with tambourines.

3. The dead bodies of the Shors were hung to a tree in winter because
         a) of their barbarism.
         b) of the climate.
         c) they lived in the taiga.

4. The local tribes were turned into Christianity because
         a) Kuznetsk city was founded.
         b) they didn’t want to pay “kalim” ransom.
         c) it was the policy of the Russian government.

5. Oral inspiration was well developed because
         a) of the research works by V.V. Radlov, V.I. Verbitsky, N.P. Direnkova.
         b) of the absence of the written language
         c)  the Christian missionaries recorded the folk customs.

4.  Find the English equivalents and use them in the sentences from the       basic text.
1.     поражать воображение                 
2.     осознавать факт
3.     передавать последующим поколениям
4.     быть доступным
5.     учреждать
6.     быть выгодным
7.     постепенно
8.     эффективный
9.     использовать возможность
10.                       записывать
11.                       современный
12.                       вносить вклад


     Pages Of History; Linking Past And Present     
     The Shores

 Scientists have found indubitable evidence that in the Early Middle Ages no single archaeological culture existed on the contemporary territory of Kemerovo Oblast. It was part of a historical area that, in its origin, is closely connected with the population of today's Tomsk and Novosibirsk Oblasts. However, the fate of the Kuzbass Turks is intertwined with the fate of the Ugro-Samodian people living in the middle reaches of the Ob and Irtysh rivers, in South Ural and along the Kama river.

1. Fill in the articles where necessary:
1.One of … biggest indigenous ethnic communities in … Kuzbass is … Shors. 
2. They speak … Turkic language and live in … south of … Kuzbass, in… area that at … beginning of … 20th century was called … Gornaya Shoria ('Mountain Shoria'). 
3.Various groups of Shors' ancestors, in their time, were called after … place where they lived (the Black Tatars, the Mras - living along the Mras-Su river, the Kondoms - along … Kondoma river, or the Uppertom - along the Upper Tom river) or after their kin (Obins, Shors, Kalars and Kargins). 

The fist national eco-museum in the south of Siberia, 'Sgol', is established in a taiga village of Ust-Anzas. It is a base for the Shor Centre of Ethnic and Ecological Studies.
There is a Museum of Ethnography and Nature of Gornaya Shoria in Tashtagol City holding unique expositions regarding the traditional culture of Shors and Old Russians.
According to the 2002 Census, there are 11 500 Shors in Kemerovo Oblast, of which over 40 % live in Tashtagol City and around.
The second largest Turkic-speaking community after the Shors is the Teleuts living in Belovo and Novokuznetsk areas. Like the Shors, the Teleuts are considered  northern people though they have always inhabited the Southern Siberian steppes and the Altai foothills. Until recently, the Teleuts were officially considered an ethnographic group of Southern Altais, but then were recognized as an independent ethnic group. 
The Teleut ethnic history goes back as far as many ages ago. The Teleuts descend partially from the local Turks who lived near the Tom river in Kuznetsk Basin and partially from the medieval  cattle-breeders 'Tele'.
One can learn about the Teleut way of life and culture in an eco-museum 'Cholkoy' in the village of Bekovo in Belovo Raion.
According to the 2002 Census, there are 2500 Teleuts in Kemerovo Oblast, two thirds of which are concentrated in Belovo City and around.
There is still a small number of the Kalmaks living in some villages of Yurga and Yashkino rural areas. They descend from a small group of the Teleuts. Close conjugal or religious ties between the Kalmaks and the Kazan and the Siberian Tatars led to the formation of an ethno-territorial group of the Iskitim Tatar-Kalmaks. The Tatars, in their turn, both Siberian and Kazan Tatars, live in Prokopievsk, Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk, Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Yurga and other cities in Kuzbass.
Under the agreement between Kemerovo Oblast Administration and the Government of Tatarstan Republic on the economic, scientific, social and cultural co-operation, many schools and libraries in the areas with high concentration of Tatars have received books and textbooks in the Tatar language. Quite traditional in Kuzbass are celebrations of Tatar national holidays and different folk events.
According to the 2002 Census, there are 51 000 Tatars and only 21 Siberian Tatars residing in Kemerovo Oblast. 

2. Fill in the verbs in proper forms:
1.Kemerovo Oblast …(to be) currently implementing a programme 'The Priority Measures of Supporting Indigenous Peoples of Kuzbass'. 
2. Kemerovo Oblast Administration … (organize) a comprehensive expedition around Kuzbass and … (provide) funding for practical studies into the problems of indigenous ethnic groups in Kuzbass. 3. Eight schools in Kuzbass… (teach) the Shor language. 
4. An increasing number of indigenous people… (enter) technical colleges and universities. 
5. Today, over 10% of Shors and Teleuts … (have) college and university diplomas. 

The indigenous peoples make a lot of effort to preserve their customs, traditions, culture and language. Some of their representatives are famous all over Kuzbass and Russia: the founder of Shor literature F. Chispiyakov, the author of the Teleut Dictionary L. Ryumina, the members of the Russian Writers Union L. Chulzhanova, V. Boriskin and S. Totysh, the Shor poets S. Torbokov and N. Belchegeshev, the professor, specialist in Shor folklore and founder of the Shor Language Department A. I. Chudoyakov.

Learn the new words:
The Shores – шорцы
The Teleuts – телеуты
Indubitable evidence – неоспоримое свидетельство
Interwine – сплетаться
Indigenous – туземный, местный
Ancestor – предок
Kin – родственники, семья, родные и близкие
Ethnography – этнография
Regard – расценивать, считать
Descend – происходить
Conjugal – супружеский, брачный

Agree (T) or disagree (F):

  1. One of the biggest indigenous ethnic communities in Kuzbass is the Turks.
  2. The Shores live in the North of Kuzbass.
  3. The Shors’ ancestors were called after the place where they lived.
  4. The second largest community after the Shors is the Teleuts.
  5. The Teleuts have always inhabited the North Siberian steppes.
  6. The Kalmaks descend from a small group of the Shors.
  7. The indigenous people try to preserve their customs, traditions, culture and language.
  8. Some of these people are famous only in Kuzbass.

Watch the film and render it into English


Museums in Kemerovo

There are more than 1,500 historical and cultural monuments in Kemerovo Region, 27 of which are of federal significance (14 archeological, 6 historical, 5 architectural, and 2 artistic monuments). The most unusual of these is the Tomsk Trivia (Tomskaya pisanitsa) monument in the village of Pisanaya, Yashkinsky District, which is considered an especially valuable site of the Russian Federation.
The most important monuments of  Kuzbass include the 18th- and 19th-century historical and architectural museum at Kuznetsk Fortress in Novokuznetsk, a group of  monuments and historic sites on the former Siberian Highway (Moscow-Irkutsk), and the Shestakovsky historical and cultural complex of archeological monuments and paleontological sites in Chebulinsky District.
Not only has Kemerovo got many theatres, it is also rich in museums, which can meet all the interests.
         The most well known are:
Kemerovo Museum of Fine Arts;
Kemerovo Museum of Regional Studies;
Museum “Krasnaya Gorka”;
Museum “Tomskaya Pisanitsa”.
The Museum of Fine Arts is the largest art center in Kemerovo region. Every year they have up to 50 exhibitions.
The Museum of Regional Studies (Kemerovo Regional (Oblast) Museum of Regional History and Folklife) was founded in 1920. It gives its visitors full understanding of the nature and history of Kemerovo region. There are over 80,000 displays in ethnography, social antropology, mineralogy, archaeology ect.
The Krasnaya Gorka museum is the museum of the history of Kemerovo. It was founded in 1992.
The Tomskaya Pisanitsa museum is situated 50km from Kemerovo and occupies 152km2 of wood. It was founded in 1988. It has several displays, the most famous of which are “The Russian Siberian Village”, “Time and calendar”, “Epos and mythology” and “Tomskaya Pisanitsa”. Children can visit its Zoo with bears, wolves, foxes, elks ect. It is really worth seeing.
Kemerovo State University Museum “Archeology, Ethnography and Ecology of Siberia”.

The Museums of Kemerovo Oblast
    There is a number of unique museums in Kemerovo Oblast. Among them are

the Regional Museum of Local Study; the Museum of “Archaeology, Ethnography and Ecology of Siberia” at Kemerovo State University; the Regional Arts Museum. 

(для всех на 15.03)
 для 8а и 8б на 7.03 смотри ниже
“Ogni Kuzbassa” is a regional literary magazine. The very first issue was published in Kemerovo in 1949. One of the first issues included a novel by Alexander Voloshin called "Earth Kuznetsk", which was awarded a State Prize. It 1)… included some of Michael Nebogatov’s  poems. The Almanac used to come out once or twice a year, depending on the amount of available material.
2)… , a lot of Siberian writers and poets used to be editors of the magazine: A. Voloshin, V. Mazayev, V. Bayanov, G. Urov.  3)… the editor’s chair is occupied by S. Donbay , one of the most famous poets in Kuzbass . Sergey Donbay is a member of the Writers' Union of Russia. A lot of famous writers used to be executive secretaries of the magazine: O. Pavlovsky, V.Makhalov, V.Kuropatov, V. Matveev, V. Zubarev, S. Donbay, A. Katkov and others. 4)… a large contribution to the organization of the magazine, each of them  has always provided “Ogni Kuzbassa” with their remarkable works.
5)… it’s an official "big" literary magazine, issued six times a year. The pages are given not only to famous and experienced, but also to young amateur writers: there’s a special section called "The Literary Studio." There’s also a special column for young writers called "Svetlitsa" (The front room). The magazine also explores it’s motherland  (a column called "Sanctuary Siberia"), it’s remarkable people ("Faces"). 6)… , the sections "Prose" and "Poetry" reflect the current state of literature in Kuzbass. Also there are sections called "Bibliotvorchestvo" and "Criticism and literary criticism" devoted to the analysis of classical and modern literature. A regular column "Literary Life" follows the outside of the literary process. 7)… , the magazine has become a remarkable and valuable part of Siberian cultural life.

I.Complete the text with the words from the box below.

                                 A.   all in all
                                 B.   nowadays
                                 C.   moreover
                                 D.   over the years
                                 E.    aside from
                                 F.    also
                                 G.   now

II. Mark the following statements: true (T), false (F) or not stated (N).

1.     “Ogni Kuzbassa” is a regional fashion magazine.
2.     In the beginning, the Almanac used to come out once or twice a year.
3.     A lot of famous writers used to be executive secretaries of the magazine.
4.     Now it’s a small “underground” magazine.
5.     The magazine cooperates with the Kemerovo State university.
6.     “Ogni Kuzbassa” is very popular among students.
7.     There’s a special column for young writers in the magazine.
8.     The magazine explores the life of the region.
9.     “Ogni Kuzbassa” is quite expensive.
10.                        The magazine is a huge part of Siberian cultural life.

III. Read the text again and match the headings  to the paragraphs. One heading is extra.

A.   Pages of history
B.   Awards
C.   The creators
D.   Modern times



IV. Read the sentences below and insert the words given in the correct form. 

“Ogni Kuzbassa” is a …………magazine.

The Almanac used to come out ……….. or ……………………….. a year.

A lot of …………………………..  writers used to be executive secretaries of the magazine.

Many of them also provided “Ogni Kuzbassa” with their ……… works.

The pages are given not only to famous and ………… writers.

The magazine has become a ……part of Siberian cultural life.







Andrei  Panin

Task 1: Read the text and say what made Andrei Panin a famous actor.

Andrei Vladimirovich Panin (Russian: Андре́й Влади́мирович Па́нин; May 28, 1962 – March 7, 2013) was a Nika Award-nominated Russian actor appearing in film and television, and a director.
Panin was born on May 28, 1962, in Novosibirsk, Soviet Union; the son of Agnessa (née Berezovsky), and Dimitri Alexandrovich Panin. Two years later the family moved to Chelyabinsk. Then, when Andrew was six years old, to Kemerovo, where he lived for 16 years.

Panin was rocketed to fame by the hit television detective show Kamenskaya. In 2000, he had leading roles in both Valery Akhadov's “Don't Offend the Women”
 and Pavel Lungin's “The Wedding”, as well as Alexander Atanesyan's action thriller “24 Hours”. He won the best actor prize at the Golden Ram film festival for his part in “The Wedding”. Panin made his first screen appearance in the movie “Straightway”, but it was his performances in Maxim Pezhemsky's “Mama, Don't Cry” and Denis Yevstigneev's “Mama” that brought the actor renown.

Before becoming a screen regular, he was a stage actor at the Minusinsky Theater, where he worked after graduating from the Culture Institute in Kemerovo. Although he had initially planned to attend the Culinary Institute, Panin went on to further his education as an actor, graduating from Moscow's legendary MKhAT in 1991 and taking up residence at the MKhAT Chekhov theater with his wife, Natalya Rogozhina. His stage work includes “Three Sisters” (Soleny), “The Miserly Knight”, “Marriage”, “Deadly Number”, and a private production of “Winter”. Panin often acts in Oleg Tabakov's productions.

Panin lived in Moscow, Russia with his wife, Natalya Rogozhkina. He was found dead in his apartment on March 7, 2013, lying on the floor with a head wound.

Selected Filmography
2002 — The Brigade: Law of Lawless
2007 — Crime and Punishment (TV Series)
2008 — Kamenskaya 5 (TV Series)
2005 — Zhmurky
2005 — Mama Don't Cry 2
2005 — Shadowboxing
2007 — Shadowboxing 2: Revenge
2007 — The Cosmonaut's grandson (also Director)
2010 — The Crew
2010 — Burnt by the Sun 2
2011 — Generation P
2011 — Kamenskaya 6 (TV Series)
2011 — Shadowboxing 3: Last Round
2011 — Vysotsky. Thank You For Being Alive
2012 — Breakaway
2012 — Redemption
2012 — The Horde
2013 — Hetaera of Major Sokolov
2013 — Sherlock Holmes (TV Series)

Task 2: Find the English equivalents to the given word combinations.
1. стремительно прославился            a) a stage actor
2. детективный сериал                       b) a screen regular
3. главные роли                                   c) to further his education
4. боевик                                              d) movie
5. фильм                                               e) stage work
6. квартира                                           f) renown
7. раненый в голову                            g) graduate from
8. работа в театре                                h) an action thriller
9. часто снимаемый киноактёр          i) apartment
10. театральный актёр                        j) with a head wound
11. слава                                               k) was rocketed to fame
12. продолжить образование              l) leading roles

13. окончить (учебное заведение)     m) a detective show

Boris Shtokolov (Russian: Борис Тимофеевич Штоколов) (March 19, 1930 – January 6, 2005) was a famous Soviet and Russian singer, one of the greatest basses of the 20th century.
Boris Shtokolov was born in the city of Kuznetsk, Kemerovo Oblast (USSR). In 1949 he entered the Ural State Conservatory in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg) but wanted to became a military pilot. Georgy Zhukov having heard his singing said: "There are many guys like you in aviation, but in opera singing you are unique". In 1950-1951 he was singing at the Sverdlovsk Philarmonic Society before he became a soloist at the Sverdlovsk Opera and Ballet Theater. In 1959 he was invited to the Mariinsky Theatre in Leningrad where he gained world fame as a leading soloist from 1959 to 1989. At the Mariinsky Theater he sang a great number of roles, such as Ruslan, Don Basilio, Boris Godunov, Ivan Susanin, the title role in Anton Rubinstein's The Demon, Prince Gremin, Mefistofele, and many others.

Boris Shtokolov also was a prominent theorist of opera singing and respiration techniques. In 1995 he published the book “Burn, burn, my star: How to sing”.

People's Artist of the USSR (1966)
State Prize of the USSR (1981)
Order of Lenin
Order of the October Revolution
Order of the Red Banner of Labour (twice)
Order of the Patriotic War (II degree)
Honorary member of the Slavic A



Task 1: Read the text and say why Kuzbass can be called “the land of talented people”.
          In January 1943 there were seven theatres and four museums in Kemerovo Oblast. On average there were two to three clubs, one library and less than one film projector per ten thousand people. Today the region has a network of over 2500 culture and entertainment facilities, over 800 clubs, 773 libraries, forty cinema theatres, forty-two museums, a philharmonic society, two circuses, three exhibition halls and seven theatres. Creative unions of writers, painters, actors, composers, architects and journalists have been established in the region to provide support to culture workers.
         Our artistic groups are famous both in Russia and abroad. They are Governor's Symphony Orchestra and Chamber Choir of Kuzbass, dance group “Siberian Kaleidoscope” and Kemerovo Oblast Choir “Utro” (morning), as well as Novokuznetsk Chamber Choir and Kuzbass Musical theatre.
    Kuzbass can be called the land of many talented people whose input in the treasury of domestic and world culture is enormous. They are masters of poetry and fiction Vasily Fyodorov, Vladimir Chevelikhin, Alexander Voloshin; famous cinema and theatre actors Vladimir Samoilov, Georgy Burkov; singer Boris Shtokolov; composer Georgy Movsesyan and many others. People never cease creating. Over 130,000 people in Kuzbass attend music, dance, and folklore groups. Many crafts and arts studios unite masters in birch bark and ceramics, amateur artists, wood carvers and embroideresses.
    Every year over 50 competitions, contests and festivals of regional, national and international levels are held in the region. The most famous are “Theatrical Kuzbass”, “Arts of Kuzbass”, “Jazz at the Old Fortress”, All-Kuzbass competition of folklore collectors and performers “Music Box” and All-Russia Festival of Children's Song “Radostj” (Joy).
    We have established one of the best national and Siberia-wide staff training system, which is multilevel and includes 140 various institutions, such as music and arts schools and five secondary vocational schools. The most talented and gifted children are supported by the regional fund “Young Talents of Kuzbass”.
    In the Kemerovo Oblast there are over 1500 monuments, which are the part of our heritage. The most unique and important monument of ancient rock painting called Tomskaya pysanitsa (Tomskaya painted rocks) is ranked among most important heritage places in the Russian Federation. Kuzbass is always ready generously to share its cultural potential and intellectual wealth with other people of the country and from abroad.

Task 2: Match the words in bold and their equivalents.

1. network                                       a) known widely
2. support                                        b) contribution
3. famous                                         c) very great
4. input                                            d) connected system
5. enormous                                     e) something valuable that can be passed to
6. heritage                                            further generations
                                                         f) help and encouragement

Task 3: Answer the questions on the text.
1. Can Kuzbass be called a highly-civilized region? Why?
2. What establishments are there in our region to support culture workers?
3. What are the artistic groups well-known all over the world?
4. What musical and theatrical contests and festivals are held in the region? Have you ever taken part in any of them?
5. In what way are the most talented children supported in the region?
6. What national park is the region’s heritage?

Task 4: Look through the text and find the English equivalents to the following word combinations.
1)    в среднем
2)    кинопроектор
3)    развлекательные сооружения
4)    творческие союзы
5)    работники культуры
6)    художественные коллективы
7)    береста
8)    самодеятельные художники
9)    собиратели фольклора
10)                      наскальная живопись
11)                      интеллектуальное богатство

Task 5: Read the statements, agree or disagree and find the proof in the text.
a)     In January 1943 there were ten theatres and seven museums in Kemerovo Oblast.
b)    There are no creative groups of people united by profession in Kuzbass.
c)     Kemerovo region’s artistic groups are internationally recognized.
d)    Our region’s contribution to the cultural development of Russia is really large.
e)     Annually, over 30 various contests are held in Kemerovo region.
f)      The most gifted youngsters are supported by the regional authorities.

g)     The Kemerovo Oblast has got one of the highly ranked heritage places in Russia. 


   Прочитайте текст о культурной жизни Кузбасса. Установите соответствие между заголовками A-F и пронумерованными абзацами текста 1-5. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

 1. The main goal of the regional cultural policy is to make cultural wealth and benefits accessible for all the social and community groups. In Kuzbass there are five artistic unions uniting professional artists, actors, composers and writers. There are also artistic Houses, by profession, that serve as a meeting ground for creative intelligentsia, namely Actor's House, Artist's House and Writers' House in Kemerovo as well as House of Artistic Unions in Novokuznetsk.
 2. In Kuzbass there  has been  established one of the best national and Siberia-wide staff training system, which is multilevel and includes 140 various institutions.
 - music and arts schools, five educational institutions of secondary vocational education;
 - federal higher vocational institutions, like Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts; establishment of additional vocational education and the Governor's Cultural Center "Young Talents of Kuzbass".
 Children schools of arts provide a good basis for further development of artistically talented people.
  3. All over the Oblast there are cultural clubs with more than 4,000 amateur artistic groups, interest groups, all kinds of societies and Fashion Theater involving more than 67,000 children.
 The attention paid to the talented children creates the basis for further effective development of highly qualified art professionals.
 4. Our artistic groups are famous both in Russia and abroad. The Governor's Symphony Orchestra of Kuzbass performed successfully in Germany, France, Belgium and China. The Chamber Choir of Kuzbass has become the winner in the International Festival of Academic Choruses in Finland and was awarded the silver medal in the contest in Italy. The Chamber Choir from Novokuznetsk was awarded the Golden Diploma at the International Chorus Contest named after Mendelssohn - Bartholdy in Germany.
 Every year over 60 exhibitions are held in the region showing art of Kemerovo and Novokuznetsk artists.
 Kuzbass drama groups show their theatrical experiments at various international and regional festivals held in Russia.
 Drama theatres of the region contribute to aesthetic and moral education of children.
 Theatrical Kuzbass Festival has become a tradition as well.
 5. The traditional International Jazz Festival "Jazz at the Old Fortress" held in Novokuznetsk has become a significant event in the sphere of musical and performing arts. Jazz Club "Helicon" summed up the results of twenty festivals and issued "Super-album" consisting of seven CDs with the records of the best contemporary jazz.

A. An important festival
B. United by profession
C. The centre of cultural life
D. Internationally recognized
E. An excellent foundation
F. Gifted generation


 Speak about cultural life in Kuzbass using  this information:





Most observers have agreed that the years Dostoyevsky spent in Siberian imprisonment were beneficial to his development as a man, writer and thinker, transforming him into a serious and confident artist. What Dostoyevsky gained in prison - a remarkable tragic vision - he later injected into the novels he started writing soon after returning to civilization: ''Crime and Punishment,'' ''The Possessed,'' ''The Idiot'' and ''The Brothers Karamazov.''
One of the most famous places that still keep the spirit of the legendary writer is the F. M. Dostoevsky Literary-Memorial Museum in Novokuznetsk.
 1)…. Dostoevsky spent little more than twenty days in Kuznetsk, a small provincial town in the province of Tomsk, located 530 kilometers from Semipalatinsk. On February 6, 1857, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky and Maria Dmitrievna Isaeva were married in the Odigitrievsk Church. Their two-year love affair, complete with drama and suffering, culminated in marriage. Dostoevsky left Kuznetsk in a new position - in one day he had become a husband and a father. By marrying Maria, Dostoevsky had also taken on the responsibility of her six-year-old son Pavel (from her first marriage to Alexander Isaev). 2)…. since he had left his parents' home, Dostoevsky had a family. It seemed to him that now he would never be lonely. 3) … the Siberian cities where Dostoevsky had spent time, Kuznetsk was the only one marked by joy and a sense of true freedom. Here Dostoevsky had decided his own fate.
Dostoevsky wrote nothing about Kuznetsk. The small, unremarkable city left no concrete imprint on his memory: it was significant and attractive for the writer only because his beloved lived there. 4) …all his hopes for their future life together were connected with Kuznetsk itself.
5) … , on May 18, 1980, the F. M. Dostoevsky Literary-Memorial Museum opened in Novokuznetsk (as Kuznetsk has come to be called). Located at 40 Dostoevsky St., the residence where from 1855-57 Maria Isaeva had rented lodgings from the tailor M. D. Dmitriev, the museum was originally an affiliate of the Museum of Regional Studies. On March 1, 1991, it received the status of an independent cultural institution, as well as an additional building across from the historical site. The Kuznetsk events of Dostoevsky's life form the basis for the literary exhibit here. Its designers devised a tri-part presentation of the writer's life, his creative process, and his philosophy. The Museum's exhibit, by breaking away from mundane notions of time, shows the writer's "Kuznetsk collision" in its timeless, eternal significance.
I.                  Complete the text with the words from the box below.
A.   Thus
B.   For the first time   
C.   As a result
D.   In all 
E.    Out of all

II.               Mark the following statements: true (T), false (F) or not stated (N).
1.     The years Dostoyevsky spent in Siberian imprisonments were beneficial to his development as a father.
2.     Dostoyevsky used his new tragic vision in his later work.
3.     Dostoevsky spent little more than two weeks in Kuznetsk.
4.     On February 6, 1857, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky and Maria Dmitrievna Isaeva were married in Saint Petersburg.
5.     By marrying Maria, Dostoevsky had also taken on the responsibility of her ten year-old son.
6.     Dostoevsky had decided his own fate in Kuznetsk.
7.     All his hopes for their future life together were not connected with Kuznetsk itself.

III.           Read the text again and match the headings  to the paragraphs. One heading is extra.

A.   Dostoyevsky’s death
B.   The Museum
C.   What did it mean?
D.   New edge of the talent
E.    Short time, long story
F.    The Museum's exhibitions

IV.    Read the sentences below and insert the words given in the correct form. 

Dostoyevsky’s gift was …………….

Kuznetsk was the only place where the writer gained ……………………………

Kuznetsk was an  ………………………        city.

……………………………, the writer’s life became better.

The Museum in Novokuznetsk is an independent …………………institution.

The Museum has different …………………







Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky was a Russian novelist, short story writer and essayist. He began writing in his 20s, and his first novel, Poor Folk, was published in 1846 when he was 25; his major works include Crime and Punishment (1866), The Idiot (1869), and The Brothers Karamazov (1880). 1) … , his output consists of eleven novels, three novellas, seventeen short novels and numerous other works. Many literary critics rate him as one of the greatest and most prominent psychologists in world literature.
Born in Moscow in 1821, Dostoyevsky was introduced to literature at an early age through fairy tales and legends, and through books by Russian and foreign authors. His mother died in 1837, when he was 15, and around the same time he left school to enter the Nikolayev Military Engineering Institute. 2) … graduating, he worked as an engineer and briefly enjoyed a lavish lifestyle, translating books to earn extra money. In the mid-1840s he wrote his first novel, Poor Folk, which gained him entry into St. Petersburg's literary circles.
In 1849 he was arrested for his involvement with the Petrashevsky Circle, a secret society of liberal utopians that also functioned as a literary discussion group. He and other members were condemned to death, but at the last moment, a note from Tsar Nicholas I was delivered to the scene of the firing squad, commuting the sentence to four years' hard labour in Siberia. His seizures, which may have started in 1839, increased in frequency there, and he was diagnosed with epilepsy. 3) …., he was forced to serve as a soldier, before being discharged on grounds of ill health.
4)… , Dostoyevsky worked as a journalist, publishing and editing several magazines of his own and, later, A Writer's Diary, a collection of his writings. He began to travel around Western Europe and developed a gambling addiction, which led to financial hardship. For a time, he had to beg for money, but he eventually became one of the most widely read and highly regarded Russian writers. His books have been translated into more than 170 languages and have sold around 15 million copies. 5)…. , Dostoyevsky influenced a multitude of writers, from Anton Chekhov and James Joyce to Ernest Hemingway and Jean-Paul Sartre.

I. Complete the text with the words from the box below.

  A.   on his release
                     B.   all in all
                     C.   in the following years
                     D.   after
                     E.    in addition

II. Mark the following statements: true (T), false (F) or not stated (N).
1.     Fyodor Dostoyevsky was a Russian poet.
2.     Dostoyevsky was the fifth child in the family.
3.     In the mid-1840s he wrote his first novel, crime and punishment.
4.     Many literary critics rate him as the best Russian writer of all times.
5.     In 1849 he was arrested for a murder.
6.     His books have been translated into more than 170 languages.
7.     Dostoyevsky had three sons.
8.     Dostoyevsky influenced a lot of writers.
9.     His favorite place in the world was Ukraine.
10.                        The writer suffered from epilepsy.

III. Read the text again and match the headings  to the paragraphs. One heading is extra.
A.   Early years
B.   Family life
C.   International success
D.   Crime and punishment
E.    General information




1)… that Russia is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. The nature of Russia has always been an inspiration for a lot of gifted people. Among them there are, of course, our poets and writers. When we think about Russian poets and writers, we always link them to either Moscow or Saint Petersburg. But the land that has probably the most interesting connection with the world of literature is, of course, Siberia.
2)…, Siberia has been the motherland of poets and writers for quite a bit of time. Even though a lot of them were actually sent to Siberia as prisoners, they still found the land to be unique and inspiring. 3) … , one of the most famous Russian authors, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, was sent to Omsk for four years. Most observers have agreed that the years Dostoyevsky spent in Siberian imprisonment were beneficial to his development as a man, writer and thinker, transforming him into a serious and confident artist.
4) … , when Siberia stopped being a prison rather than a beautiful land, more and more authors from this region gained popularity. A lot of Siberian authors created their best and most piercing poems during the Great Patriotic War. Boris Bogatkov, Evgeni Bereznitsky, Georgy Doronin, Konstantin Bryansky, Vladimir Chugunov and many other Siberian poets are famous for their war poems. 
5) … Siberian authors have a lot of opportunities to publish their works due to rapid development of the Internet and Siberian media. The authors from Kuzbass, for example, even have their own Union. Members of the union often organize a lot of festivals for both adults and children. Moreover, there are at least two Literary Studios in Kuzbass – “Az” and “Svoi Golos”. These studios help young poets and writers become more professional and inspired. These studios were organized by such experienced and  talented poets as Boris Burmistrov, Alexander Ibragimov and Iosif Kuralov.

6)… , the future of Siberian literature seems to have a great potential. More and more authors become popular, including the youngest ones. The vast and beautiful Land of Siberia has always been a source of inspiration for many creative people, and the history of Siberian literature will be continued with the younger generation of great poets and writers. 

Complete the text with the words from the box below.

A.   all in all     
 B.    years later  
     C.    to begin with 
D.    nowadays
             E.     it is not a secret    

   F.     for example

Say whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

1.     The nature of Russia has been an inspiration for a few gifted people.
2.     Siberia has been the motherland of poets and writers for a long time.
3.     The years Dostoyevsky spent in Siberian imprisonments were harmful to him.
4.     A lot of Siberian authors created their best works during the Vietnam War.
5.     Siberian authors of modern time have few opportunities to publish their works.
6.     The literary studios are organized to help young poets and writers.

7.     The future of Siberian literature doesn’t seem to have any potential. 

Read the text again and match the headings (A-F) to the paragraphs (1-5). One heading is extra.


A.   Female writers of Siberia
B.   Tragic pages of history
C.   What’s ahead?
D.   Growing the next generation
E.    The inspiring land
F.    The imprisoned talent 

Read the sentences below and insert the words given in the correct form. 

Nature of Russia has always been an inspiration for a lot of ……………. people.
A lot of  ………….. were actually sent to Siberia as prisoners.
A lot of Siberian authors created their …………………   poems during the Great Patriotic War.
The ….. the Internet helps authors publish their works.
Literary studios help young poets and writers become more ……………………………
The Land of Siberia has always been a source of inspiration for many ………people.



Task I Give your reasons for and against virtual libraries, fill in the table:

Virtual Libraries

Task 2 Read the text and add information to your tables:
A virtual library is a digital space that keeps and organizes virtual books and their associated documents. It also can refer to a space where the books can be read. These spaces can include computers, mobile devices and the Internet. Some virtual libraries can be accessed for free, and others require subscriptions.
An advantage of using a virtual library is that it is able to store many books in a small amount of space. Physical books can take up a lot of space. By using a digital library, readers can access their entire personal libraries in one location, on either a computer or a mobile device. The need for physical books diminishes by using a virtual library, so digital libraries also have the benefit of helping to conserve paper resources.
The term "virtual library" also can be used to refer to a collection of books that are readily available to be read on the Internet. These books often can be read for free and are available under public domain. Any users who find a book under one of these circumstances can read it and use it within the terms set forth by the organization providing the books. They must also follow any laws connected to reading the book.
In the same way, virtual libraries can exist within book subscription services. Some institutions, such as colleges and universities, can provide access to a virtual library. Libraries can have content licenses in place, so patrons might have to authenticate themselves through the use of accounts set up through the library before they can access these materials, however.
Although a virtual library can be, hypothetically, used without the need for the world wide web, the Internet is often tied to digital libraries. Certain websites offer users the ability to catalog and organize their digital libraries. They can also provide users with suggestions for new books to read, based on the content of their libraries, can give them the opportunity to connect with other users who share the same tastes. Some websites can implement community-based features, such as those that enable users to participate in virtual book clubs and read peer reviews of books.
Some mobile devices offer their owners the ability to purchase and download books directly onto their devices. These books can be organized by means of a virtual bookshelf, which can come bundled with the program used to purchase the book. When a user wants to read a book that has been purchased, he or she can simply access the program's interface and choose the book from a virtual bookshelf.
Task 1. Try to guess the meaning of these words and phrases.
3. Diminish
4. Benefit
6. Authenticate
7. Account
 10.Virtual bookshelf

a)выгода, польза
b)виртуальная книжная полка
h)уменьшать, ослаблять
j)область, сфера

Task 2. Find the sentences with these words and phrases in the text and translate them.

1.     What is a library?
Task I. Read the text about libraries and answer the questions after it:
The Word library comes from the Latin word ‘liber’, meaning ‘book’. This is a place where information in printed (book, manuscripts, periodicals and musical scores) and in other forms is collected. Libraries can be found in many places. There are libraries in small towns and large cities and there are libraries at schools, universities, colleges. People go to the library to read, look, listen, search, inquire, relax, discuss, learn and think.

The largest and the best known libraries in the world are: the British National library in London, the Library of Congress in Washington and The Russian State Library. The British Library is the largest state library in Britain and is one of the finest libraries in the world. It is a rapidly growing modern research library with all its current publications. People who want to read for higher degrees and who are engaged in research in their spare time visit this library. Another library which is known throughout the world is the Library of Congress in Washington D.C. It was established as a reference library in 1600 and gradually would come a world famous institution that now occupies three huge buildings. 
A great number of items of books, newspapers, periodicals, manuscripts, films, maps and works of drama, music, art and important and exciting documents are kept in library’s archives. There are materials on practically every subject.
         Of course there is a catalogue of books. The titles and authors of all the books in the library can be found in a card catalogue or a computer listing. Each card in catalogue gives very helpful information about the book. Most libraries have a professional staff whose first duty is to help you.
Librarians also select books and other materials, organize materials so that you can easily use them, answer questions about facts, people, events, or advise you how to find the information you need. The library today is a center for all kinds of communication: printed, pictured, recorded and even electronically stored.

The national libraries of different countries keep in touch and exchange books and information.

1. What is a library?
2. What are the largest libraries in the world?
3. What can you find in library archives?
4. What work do librarians do?

5. In what way are libraries all over the world connected?

Task 2. Find some information about one of the world’s largest libraries and describe it.




A bit of history
         Kemerovo is an old city. In 1703 the village of Shcheglovo (1)… for the first time. The first settlers were peasants who escaped to Siberia from their landlords. In 1721 Mikhailo Volkov discovered “the burnt mountain” in the area. After that (2)… began.
         The business prospered, the population grew. In 1867 there were 7 villages in the area, the biggest of them were Kemerovo and Shcheglovo. After the October Revolution in 1918 these villages (3)… into a town of Shcheglovsk. It became an important industrial center of Siberia. In 1932 it was renamed Kemerovo, because the word Kemerovo means “coal” in (4)…, so it describes the mineral resources of the area. In 1943, (5)… Kemerovo region, Kemerovo became its administrative center.

          Read the text and fill in the missing phrases:
1.     aboriginal language
2.     the exploitation of coalfield
3.     with the formation of
4.     were transformed
5.     was mentioned in chronicles

2. Kemerovo nowadays
1.Kemerovo is the capital of Kuzbass, its most important residential, industrial, cultural and educational center. Kemerovo is a young city. It was founded about 100 years ago on the banks of the river Tom.  The little village Sheglovka by name has changed beyond recognition. Today Kemerovo is a beautiful, modern city with a population of nearly a million residents. You can see many old and modern buildings, wide and straight streets, big and small squares, green parks.
2. Kemerovo is one of the largest industrial centers of Siberia. Kemerovo is famous for its coal mines, chemical and machine-building plants, factories. The leading branch of industry is chemical. Products of Kemerovo plants are exported to more than 30 countries.
3. Kemerovo is also a town of students. There are 7 higher educational institutions in it: the State University, the Polytechnical University, the Medical Academy, the Academy of Art and Culture, the Technological Institute of Food Industry, the Higher Military School for, the University of Commerce and Trade.
4. Besides, Kemerovo is a cultural center of the region. Four theatres, a circus, Philarmonic Society and two museums work in the city. The Kemerovites and visitors can go to the Drama or Musical Comedy Theatre, the Concert Hall, the Puppet Show, the Circus, the Theatre for the Young, as well as its museums, picture galleries, cinemas.
The Kemerovites are proud of their native city and make it more and more beautiful from year to year.
5.They say, East or West, home is best. Nearly every person takes native city dear to the heart. My city is really remarkable nowadays.  Today it is a modern Siberian center with wide streets and prospects. In the center  there are three beautiful squares: Soviet Square, Teatralnaya Square and Volkov Square. There are many parks and gardens in the city. One of the favourite recreational areas is the city park near the beautiful Tom embankment.
Summing it up, I can honestly say that I’m proud of my native town Kemerovo and I think it’s the best place to live in. Kemerovo is a modern city with something for everyone. Don’t miss the chance to visit it!

Task 1 Match the paragraph and the title (one title is extra):
a) A modern Siberian center.
b) A place of natural wonders.
c) A town of students.
d) A young city.
e) An industrial center.
f) A cultural center.

Task 2 Finish up the sentences:
1.     Kemerovo is … .
2.     It was founded … .
3.     Today Kemerovo is … .
4.     Kemerovo is famous for … .
5.     Kemerovo is also … .
6.     Besides it is … .
7.     People can go to … .
8.     In the center there are … .
9.     I’m proud of ….

Task 3 Answer the questions:
1.     How many educational institutions are there in Kemerovo?
2.     What is Kemerovo famous for?
3.     What was the name of this town many years ago?
4.     Who was the founder of coal in this region?
5.     How many people live in Kemerovo?
6.     What theatres in Kemerovo do you know?
7.     How do Kemerovites and the  visitors of Kemerovo entertain themselves?
8.     What is the favourite recreational area in the city?

Task 4 Sum up the information from the text and get ready to speak about Kemerovo (use task 1 as a plan).

Task  5 Read Ann’s letter about her native city. Compare her native city with the place where you live, answer her questions, write 100-120 words. Don’t forget the rules of letter writing.
Dear Lisa,
…. I’d like to tell you about the city where I live. I was born in Novokuznetsk and I love it very much. It is a big city in southwest Siberia. It stands on the river Tom. It is a long and wide river, which flows through many towns and cities of our region. I live in the center of the city. This part of the city is modern and very beautiful. There is the circus and the Museum of Fine Arts there. I like walking along the streets of the city with my friends or parents.
            People call Novokuznetsk “a garden city”. My native city is a beautiful place and it is very important for me. What is your native city like? Where can you entertain yourself? Where do you like to go in your free time?


The environmental problems of Kuzbass

1.Brain storm:

1.     Do you like the air you breathe, the water you drink?
2.     Have you ever seen  dead fish on the banks of the rivers?
3.     What colour is snow in your place?(deep in winter)

2.Practice word-building:
Ing-form (adjective)
Participle 2










3.Make the story complete (with the right grammar forms):

    You ever (see) the people on a picnic? You ever (go) on a picnic yourself? Nice experience, isn’t it? And what about the nature? The pretty flowers (throw), the grass (burn), the  litter (leave) all over the place. And there is nobody to blame because the company (leave home). But don’t you know that daisies, for example,  (not live) at home, so they (fade) as soon as you bring them in. the water from the clear spring (be fresh) only in the wild nature. And the mouse which you (catch) in the field can’t live in a human house.
   If people (think) about these things, they (never damage) the land they live on. And the Red Book of rare plants and flowers (not enlarge) in the number of extinct species.

4.Study the basic story.

        One of the most burning problems of contemporary life is the ecological situation on the planet of earth. In fact, cities and towns, industrial complexes and enterprises cover the world like a huge net, absorbing the air and polluting the atmosphere at great extends.  The smoky industrial monsters have become the threat to the water we drink, the air we breathe, the land we grow grain and vegetables on. Kuzbass is an important integral part of Russian industrial system, its coal is often called “the black gold” of Russia. The mining industry gets along with automobile and textile branches, chemistry and ferro-metallurgy. It’s not for nothing that the population of the region realizes how dangerous it is to develop industries without caring the environmental situation. Statistics proves that every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere with about 1000 million tons of dust and other harmful substances. Many cities suffer from smog. Vast forests are cut and burn in fire. Their disappearance upsets the oxygen balance. As a result some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever, a number of rivers and lakes dry up. The pollution of air and the world's ocean, destruction of the ozone layer is the result of man's careless interaction with nature, a sign of the ecological crises.
       As far as Kuzbass concerned the wastes are also alarming: more than 1,5 mln. Industrial dusts pollute the atmosphere of the land we live in. it is equal to 60 per cent of the same industrial wastes of the joint territory of Novosibirsk, Tomsk and the Altai regions.
          If you happen to visit Novokuznetsk some day we will find it hard to breathe, because the air is heavy with the industrial wastes of the great metallurgy plants the city is famous for.
     The coal mining territories add to the pollution of the air and water, even the snow in winter looks dirty and poisoned.
     The chemical industry of Kuzbass is no less dangerous for human health, the unburned wastes makes breathing difficult and smoky.
    One shouldn’t forget the transport in the region, which is quite numerous. The roads are heavy day and night, the pollution increases and the whole wild life is the victim.

5. Enlarge the statements with facts and arguments:

1.     One of the most burning problems of contemporary life is the ecological situation on the planet of earth.
2.     Statistics claims that every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere.
3.     Kuzbass is an important integral part of Russian industrial system.
4.     As far as Kuzbass concerned the dates are also alarming.
5.     The main threat to nature comes from the human activity.
6.     Still, much can be done to save the planet from the environmental catastrophy.



Study the basic story on ecology “Ecological Problems” and get prepared to discuss the main items:

What is the root of human disharmony with nature?
What is  the evidence of human interference into  nature?
What measures can help Humanity to save the planet from ecological catastrophy?
             Since ancient times Nature has served Man, being the source of his life. For thousands of years people lived in harmony with environment and it seemed to them that natural riches were unlimited. But with the development of civilization man's interference in nature began to increase.
     Large cities with thousands of smoky industrial enterprises appear all over the world today. The by-products of their activity pollute the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we grow grain and vegetables on.
     Every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere with about 1000 million tons of dust and other harmful substances. Many cities suffer from smog. Vast forests are cut and burn in fire. Their disappearance upsets the oxygen balance. As a result some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever, a number of rivers and lakes dry up.
 The pollution of air and the world's ocean, destruction of the ozone layer is the result of man's careless interaction with nature, a sign of the ecological crises.
    Environmental protection is of a universal concern. That is why serious measures to create a system of ecological security should  be taken. Some progress has been already made in this direction. As many as 159 countries - members of the UNO - have set up environmental protection agencies. Numerous conferences have been held by these agencies to discuss problems facing ecologically poor regions including the Aral Sea, the South Urals, Kuzbass, Donbass, Semipalatinsk and Chernobyl. An international environmental research centre has been set up on Lake Baikal. The international organization Greenpeace is also doing much to preserve the environment.
     But these are only the initial steps and they must be carried onward to protect nature, to save life on the planet not only for the sake of the present but also for the future generations.

 Study the essential Vocabulary:

ancient — древний
harmony — гармония
environment — окружающая среда
riches — богатства
unlimited — неограниченный
to interfere — вмешиваться
to increase — увеличиваться, возрастать
smoky — дымный
enterprises — предприятия
by-product — побочный продукт
activity — деятельность
to pollute — загрязнять
substances — вещества
oxуgen — кислород
rare — редкий
destruction — разрушение
ozone — озон
layer — слой
interaction — взаимодействие
horrible — ужасный
disaster — катастрофа
to befall — пасть (на что-то)

Answer the questions:

1. How did people live for thousands of years?
2. What cities appear all over the world today?
3. What pollutes the air we breathe?
4. What is the result of the pollution the atmosphere?
5. Why is environmental protection of a universal concern?
6. What are the initial steps in this direction?

Render into English, using the basic story:

С древних времен природа служит человеку, являясь источником его жизни. Тысячи лет люди жили в гармонии с окружающей средой. И им казалось, что природные богатства неисчерпаемы.
 Побочные продукты их деятельности загрязняют воздух, которым мы дышим, воду, которую мы пьем, землю, на которой мы выращиваем пшеницу и овощи.
В результате некоторые редкие виды животных, птиц, рыб и растений навсегда исчезают. Высыхают многие реки и озера.
Защита окружающей среды — всеобщая забота.
Надо двигаться вперед, защищая природу, сохраняя жизнь на планете, не только ради настоящего, но и для будущих поколений.


Going Deeper Underground in Kuzbass


1. Coal is the main mineral resource of Kuzbass. Kuzbass comprises the territory of the Kuznetsk black coal basin and the western part of the Kansk-Achinsk brown coal basin. 

2. Kuzbass is one of the largest coal basins in Russia and the main, if not the only, supplier of process raw material to the Russian industries. The  reserves of black coal in Kuzbass exceed the total world's reserves of oil and natural gas by more than 7 times (when converted into equivalent coal) and reach almost 700 billion tons; over 200 billion tons of which account for coking coals.
 Today, the reserves of coking coals in Kuzbass account for 73% of the total reserves of these types of coal in the developed coal basins of Russia, and over 80% of Russia's coking coals are mined in Kuzbass.
Kuzbass coals are of unique quality. They come in almost all process grades and groups from brown coals to anthracites. Coal is the main, but not the only mineral resource in Kuznetsk land. Its interior contains all the elements of Mendeleyev's Periodic Table. 

3. Kemerovo Oblast is also rich in other fuel resources, such as peat (over 20 fields), some oil and natural gas.
The southern part of Gornaya Shoria has enormous iron ore deposits. Most of them are located on the banks of the Kondoma River.
There are some iron ore deposits closer to Novokuznetsk, in the Telbess area, as well as in the centre and in the north of Kuzbass. The explored ore reserves are estimated to reach billions of tons.
Manganese is needed for smelting high-quality metal. One of the largest manganese ore deposits in Russia is not far from Mezhdurechensk, its reserves reaches about 200 million tons. 

4. The Salair mountain-ridge is a storehouse of complex ore containing zinc, lead, silver and gold. Placers and veins of this noble metal can be found almost anywhere in Kuzbass.
Many places in our region are rich in non-metallic resources (about 150 deposits, 50 of which are in operation), for example, phosphorites and apotites. They are mined in Gornaya Shoria and on the flanks of the Kuznetsk Alatau.
Limestone, which is used in cement production, is mined in Yashkino and Topky districts . 

5. In addition to the mineral resources mentioned above, our region is rich in semi-precious stones, such as amethyst, jasper, agate, cornelian and other stones used in jewelry manufacture.
The mineral resources of Kuzbass are unique in terms of their variety, quantity, and quality. In this respect, the region can only be compared to the Urals. 

Learn the new words:

Coal basin – угольный бассейн
Coking coal – коксующийся уголь
Anthracites – aнтрациты
Interior – недра
Iron ore deposits – запасы железной руды
Manganese – марганец
Mountain-ridge – горная гряда
Lead – свинец
Vein – жила
Flank (of a hill) – cклон (холма)
Limestone – известняк
Jasper – яшма
Cornelian – сердолик
Jewelry – драгоценности

Задание на 16/18.02

Презентация на тему:
"A famous Kuzbass athlete"
1-2 слайда, устный рассказ на 2 минуты

 задание на 9/11.02.15


    The Kuzbass people are going in for 59 different sports. 15 local teams take part in the national championships: for example, ‘Metallurg’ (Novokuznetsk, ice hockey), ‘Energia’ (Kemerovo), the Russian hockey team ‘Kuzbass’ (Kemerovo) and the women’s rugby team ‘Burevestnik’ (Novokuznetsk). Every year the Region holds about 500 championships of Kuzbass and over 40 national and regional tournaments. Among them there are championships of Russia and Siberia for weight-lifting, sports dancing, and national competitions in power lifting, snowboarding and all-around athletic competitions. Over 80 of our athletes are members of national teams. About 50 have already won different world and European championships since year 2000. Among the Olympics champions of past years are the weightlifters Rudolf Lukfeldel, Aleksey Vakhonin, Alexander Voronin, the gymnasts Maria Filatova, Valentin Mogilny, Elena Grudneva, the athlete Vyacheslav Ivanenko. Our Elena Prokhorova won a silver medal in athletic all-round competitions at Sidney Olympics and then a gold medal at the world championship.
    There are a lot of children’s sports schools and clubs in Kuzbass which are visited by about 50000 children. There are dozens of stadiums, swimming pools, skiing and downhill skiing tracks, athletics and gymnastics centers and other sports sites.
    172 sportsmen won medals during the national championships and 57 – the world and European ones.
 Maxim Devyatovsky took the 6th place in gymnastics at XXVIII Athens Olympics.
Dmitry Kirillov won the silver medal in free wrestling in the World Championship.
Alexander Matveev became the champion in climbing in 2004.
Julie Mitrenko was a winner in boxing in the World Championship.
Yevgeny Rybakov was the best in the junior league in cross-country running, took part in the national and European competitions.
Vasilisa Kravchuk, the former pupil of LG 21, won 2 silver medals in submarine swimming during the World Championship in Chine as a junior.
Artyom Lugma and Konstantin Ostapenko became the champions in football for the World Cup in the category of disabled players.
Konstantin Pavlov, Galina Karpova, Tatiana Eltsova took part in the weightlifting competitions and won victories.

Task  1.  Name widespread sports and games in our region.
Task  2. Ask 5 questions on the text for your classmates to answer.
Task  3. What do we call an athlete who:
             plays  basketball, volleyball, tennis, hockey, cricket, rugby;
              swims, runs, jumps, climbs, dives, skis, skates, rows, fishes?
Task  4.  Say what sports and games our Kuzbass famous athletes go in for.

Task  5. Find out who of Kuzbass athletes participated in Olympic Games in Sochi 2014. What were the results?

задание на 19/20.01.15


1. Complete the text with the correct form of the word*
       We live in Kuzbass (the Kuznetsk coal basin), one of the most important  …1….  coal-mining centres of our country.  Kemerovo Region is situated in the southeast of Western Siberia. The climate here is …2… and the temperature changes fast during a season, a month and even a day. In winter the weather is often cold and frosty, summer days can be rather hot. 


       Kuzbass has got some …3… problems which are connected with the changes of our climate. (The word “ecology” came from the Greek which means “home”). More than 500 kg of industrial waste fall on a singular person. From 2% to 7% of city territories are occupied with waste piles.
       Though our region is one of the …4… in Western Siberia, the forests are becoming smaller and smaller every year. But in recent years our
Local …5… has done much to make the ecological situation better.
     Some …6…  plants and factories are closed, some other ones have put special equipment to make the air clean. The grown-ups do everything possible to protect nature, to save our planet for the future generation,
to live a …7…  life. For example, our governor Aman Tuleev plants
trees every year and other people follow  this way.

     When it is bitter cold outside, pupils don’t have to go to schools as they can catch a cold and fall ill. All our pupils ought to ski at PT lessons. A lot of children go to the…8… rinks with their families or teachers.

     In summer children spend their time at school or country camps, health improvement centres to have a good rest and to be strong and healthy after a hard school year.  All the pupils are advised to go in for some kinds of sport in any weather and season. …9…  are taught not to drink water from the rivers, lakes and other water bodies because it can

be dirty and dangerous for them. Doctors prescribe us to choose only

right and healthy food, to eat …10… vegetables and fruit which are
grown in our region. It goes without saying the fresh air is necessary for

our life and we should spend much time walking, hiking in the mountains, fields, forests, along the rivers, … 11… the place where we live.


2. Answer the questions:

1. Where do we live?                                          
 2. Where is Kemerovo Region situated?
 3. What is the climate here?                                           
 4. How does the temperature change?
 5. What has the local government done for the better?
 6. Why don’t pupils have to go to school when the weather is rather cold?

7. What should children do in any season and weather to be healthy and strong?


     There are 1053 schools in Kemerovo Region, about 313000 children go to school. Kuzbass  can offer pupils different schools and programmes, so that they can make their own choices. About 16% of schoolchildren study in advanced schools (lyceum, gymnasia).                                 
    Kemerovo Region is one of the first regions in Russia that included the health component into education. There are 67 health improvement centres in Kuzbass.
    Every day pupils do exercises before and during classes at school. Twice a school year they have a Day of Health. Children may take part in sports competitions or go hiking during this day.
    Our pupils are often examined by school doctors and dentists and try to follow their advice. By the way, their food at the canteen is also controlled.
   But not only parents and doctors take care of children’s health at schools, teachers also  worry  about it. They often tell their pupils to sit straight as it is important for their backs, necks and heads; not to bend heads closely to the textbooks or exercise books as it does their eyes some harm. If some pupils have problems with their eyesight, the teachers do their best to let them the first seats nearer the blackboard. Of course, the classrooms are aired during the breaks and the children breathe fresh air every day. 

3. If you want to keep fit you should remember the rules. Fill in the right words.

1.     Get up … and go to bed …                                     
2.       Take regular …                                                          
3.     Take a cool/cold …                                                    
4.     Eat …food.                                                                 
5.     Never …                                                                    
6.     Clean your …every morning and evening.                
7.     Wash your …hands before eating.                            
8.     Too little … makes you thin.                                      
9.     Too … food makes you fat.                                         
10.                   The wrong food makes you …                                    

11.                   Too many … are bad for your teeth        

4. Speak about the way you can be healthy in our climate           

задание на 22/23.12

The World of Plants

Task 1
Learn the new words:

Terrain – местностьрельеф                             an ash berry – ягода рябины
A pine – cосна                                                    сurrants - смородина
A fir – ель                                                           hips – ягоды шиповника
A cedar – кедр                                                    a bilberry – ягода черники
A spruce – ель                                                    a raspberry – ягода малины
A larch – лиственница                                      an agaric mushroom -
An aspens  - осина                                             пластинчатый гриб
A willow – ива                                                   funguses – грибы
A lime – липа
A ginseng – женьшень

Task 2        Fill in the proper forms of the words:

Kemerovo Oblast (to stretch) a long way from north to south and varies in climate, soil and terrain. Its flora, therefore, (to range) from the mountain tundra to the feather-grass steppe.
Over half of the area (to be covered) with pine forests where such trees as firs, cedars, pines, spruces and larches mostly prevail.
The most common among the deciduous species (to be) aspens, birches, willows and limes.
The total volume of trees in our region (to be) about 1.5 billion cubic metres, their average age being 70 years.
About three quarters of the forests in Kuzbass are concentrated in the Kuznetsk Alatau Mountains and Gornaya Shoria that have the following vegetation zones: the pine and larch forests, the black and cedar-fir taiga, and the alpine and subalpine meadows where such plants as the cyclamen, the dragonhead and others grow.
 Overall, Kuzbass abounds in different herbs and grasses, whereas trees and bushes are not so various - there are only about 50 species of them here.
Among hundreds of grasses growing in Kuzbass are some rare species included in the Red Book of Russia. Among numerous herbs the most valuable are levzeya and the rose-root or the golden root. Their medicinal properties are similar to the famous 'root of life', ginseng.
       There are a lot of berry bushes in Kuzbass. Every year they yield about 45,000 tons of currants, ash berries, hips and bilberries, red bilberries and raspberries.
     Kuzbass is also rich in mushrooms. People preserve milk agaric mushrooms, honey funguses and others.
 In contrast to other regions of Siberia, Kemerovo Oblast makes a lot of effort to protect its nature. It has many preserves and national parks, including the Kuznetsk Alatau, the national park of Shoria, the Lime Island, and numerous special nature reserves.
 The scientists in Kemerovo and Novokuznetsk in co-operation with their colleagues from the Siberian Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences have produced a register of Kuzbass plants including about 1,500 species.
The rare and endangered species of plants and mushrooms are in the Red Book of  Kemerovo Oblast

Task 3              Agree (T) or disagree (F) :

  1. There are 450 species of vertebrates in Kemerovo region.
  2. A large number of species have been brought to the region.
  3. Permanent inhabitants are leopards.
  4. Wolves, polecats, ground squirrels live in the forests.
  5. Different kinds of fish are found in Kemerovo region.
  6. The nature of Kemerovo region is unique.
  7. The most common trees are aspens, birches, willows and limes.
  8. One quarter of the forests in Kuzbass are situated in Kuznetsk Alatau and Gornaya Shoria.
  9. Only about fifty species of herbs and grasses grow in Kuzbass.
  10. People in Kemerovo region try to protect its nature.

Task 4               Fill in the table:





National parks

Task 5 Describe and speak about flora and fauna of Kuzbass.

задание на 1/2.12.14


Learn the new words:

Peculiarity – особенность                     a polecat – лесной хорек
Vertebrates – позвоночные                   a grouse - куропатка
a mink – норка                                       a woodpecker - дятел
a musk-rat – мускусная крыса              an oriole - иволга
a boar – вепрь                                         a jay - сойка
rodents – грызуны                                  a magpie - сорока
a roe (deer) – косуля                               a crossbill - клёст
a lynx – рысь                                           a partridge - куропатка
a glutton – росомаха                               a quail - перепел
an ermine – горностай                            a crane - журавль
a weasel – ласка                                      a kestrel - пустельга
a mole – крот                                           a pest - вредитель
a shrew – землеройка                              a sable - соболь
a marmot – сурок                                     an otter - выдра

The World of Animals

            The variety of natural landscapes in Kuzbass determines the peculiarities of its fauna. There are 450 species of vertebrates in Kemerovo Oblast, including 68 species of mammals, over 300 species of birds, 6 species of reptiles, 5 species of amphibians and 42 species of fish. Most of them have inhabited this area since the earliest times.

Task 1 Fill in the missing words:

Recently, however, a large … (1) of species have been brought to the region and acclimatised here, for example, mink, musk-rats and brown hares. Such … (2) as the grey rat, hedgehog and wild boar migrate and settle by themselves. Sometimes, from the neighbouring areas … (3) the snow leopard, different rodents and birds.
The largest among the permanent inhabitants are bears and elks. They … (4) mainly in taiga. You … (5) meet Siberian reindeer, Asian marals and musk-deer in the mountains. The roes, however, prefers  forests and forest-steppes. 

Lynxes and gluttons, though inhabiting almost everywhere, are quite rare predators: there are only about a few hundreds of them left. Smaller predators such as foxes, ermines, weasels and Siberian weasels, on the contrary, are more numerous, as well as other aboriginal rodents and herbivorous animals, such as squirrel, chipmunk, shrew and mole.
The steppes and forest-steppes are inhabited by wolves, polecats, ground squirrels, hamsters, marmots and other animals. Song-birds prefer deciduous forests to the taiga inhabited mostly by game birds such as hazel grouse, wood grouse and black grouse. The forests are protected by woodpeckers, orioles, jays, magpies and crossbills. The birch groves and forest-steppes are inhabited by partridges and quails. Geese, ducks and cranes build their nests on the banks of ponds. Such birds of prey as kestrels and owls  are of great help in combating agricultural pests.
The eagle owl, the largest species of owls, is very rare and needs protection, as well as the sable, otters, reindeer, bat and about eighty other species of animals. The Red Book of Kuzbass was created for their systematisation and protection.
Until recently, the enormous water resources in our region were famous for various fish found there. Even now, in the clear mountain or taiga rivers, one can find  about 30 other species of fish. However, the industrial development and hydraulic engineering in the region are polluting the Tom river and have a negative effect on the water fauna in Kuzbass.
The world of invertebrates and insects inhabiting the territory of Kemerovo Region includes thousands of species that still need studying. Moreover, every year it is enriched by some species that are new for the region's fauna or unknown to science at all. And this is what makes the nature of Kemerovo Region so unique.

 Task 2 Translate the text into Russian*

задание на 17/18.11.14


I. Study the vocabulary. Guess what item is going to be discussed.
Enterprise – промышленное предприятие
Soot – сажа
Amphibianзоол. земноводные
Sedgeбот. осока
Lime-tree  - липа
Bull-head – подкаменщик (рыба)
Grayling – хариус (рыба)
Loach – голец (рыба)
Falcon – сокол

II. Skim through the text and decide either your supposition was wrong or right.
“A man has the only way to give a life and a thousand ways to take it away”, said A. Dumas, the senior.
People did a lot to destroy or damage the wild life by changing the ecological situation in Kuzbass as well as on the whole planet.
Every year different mining, chemical and metallurgical, agricultural and other enterprises exhaust 1.5 million tons of gases, fume and soot and release dirt into the atmosphere. The environment is polluted with 140-160 harmful substances. Most of them are poisonous. Annually, every citizen breathes half a ton of polluted air with industrial waste. Approaching Kemerovo, the Tom water is three times pumped out and three times poured back into the river by the enterprises.
No wonder that the number of plants, fish, Amphibians and birds has been reduced. 12 species of plants and several species of birds have been put into the Red Book of the Russian Federation.
The Red Book of the Kemerovo Region includes more than 100 species of plants, such as sedge, the Siberian lime-tree, all species of violets, Krylov’s forget-me-not, the yellow iris, water-lily, primrose.
The Siberian frog, triton and others are also met in the Red Book of the region. Disappeared from our rivers are salmon, bull-head, grayling and loach. The golden eagle and falcons are rather rare to see.
Who is to be blamed? Each of us must protect nature and think of the future generations. We should take urgent measures instead of proposing them to avoid an ecological catastrophe on the Earth. If we are considered civilized people, let us do the work ourselves. “Better late than never.”

III. Look through the text once again and decide either it is possible or impossible to return to life some species of flora and fauna that Kuzbass is/was rich in.

IV. Say what you would do if
·        … you were a forester;
·        … you were a senator;
·        … you were the very species that is endangered or has become extinct.

V. Write a letter of appeal to the people of your age. 

Кемерово глазами американца (видео):

13/14.10.14 на 20/21.10.14

The Beauty of Kemerovo

As a cultural city, Kemerovo can boast of its theatres, the Drama Theatre, the Musical Comedy, the Muppet Theatre for kids and adults, not to forget the Circus. Its country-study museum and the museum of fine arts welcome the Kemerovites and city visitors daily. There is a peculiar museum under the sky- Tomskaya Pisanitsa, which keeps the drawings of pre-historic people, carved on the rocks of the Tom river. The oldest date back to the fourth millennium BC, so unique they are.
The modern city consists of 5 districts. Many-storied constructions and curious installations add to the city beauty. The supermarkets, sporting centres, clubs and cafes attract and present a pleasant pastime to every citizen.
The city looks rather attractive in any season and any weather, when the trees are snow-capped on frosty winter days or on a hot summer day when flower beds are flourishing and the cool fountains “play” crystal water.
It’s fun to have a walk in city parks and squares and to watch curiously-shaped flower beds or small boats floating on the water in the Tom, just in the very city center.  Or you can feed wild ducks which inhabit the both banks of the small Iskitimka river.

To boast of – хвастаться (чем-то)
Pre-historic – доисторический
To carve – вырезать, высекать (из камня), гравировать
To be snow-capped
A flower bed – клумба
To flourish – цвести
Curiously-shaped – причудливой формы
The very city center – в самом центре города

You have to be able to speak about:


  1.    What is the name of the city?
  2.    Where is it situated?
  3.    What do you know about its history?
  4.    What is it famous for?
  5.    What can you see in the city?
  6.    What is your favourite place? Why?


1. Where is Kemerovo region situated?
2. Our region is very beautiful, isn't it? What rivers, mountains, etc. can you see in our regon? 
3. What is our climate like?
4. What natural resoursces is our region rich in?
5. What famous people live or lived in our region?

06/07.10.14 на 13/14. 10.14

Governor of the Kemerovo Region

Tuleyev Aman Gumirovich

Born on May 13, 1944 in Krasnovodsk town (now Turkmenbashy) in Turkmenistan
  •   Graduated from Tikhoretsk Railway Technical School;
  •  1964 – 1973  - Assistant station-master, subsequently station master at Mundybash railway station (in the Kemerovo Region) of the West-Siberian railway;
  •    1973 - Graduated from Novosibirsk Institute of Rail Transport Engineers;
  •    1973 – 1978 - Station master at Mezhdurechensk railway station (in the Kemerovo Region); 
  •    1978 – 1985 - Deputy chief, subsequently chief of Novokuznetsk Branch of Kemerovo railway;
  •  1985 – 1988 - Head of Transport and Communications Department of the Kemerovo Region Committee of the Communist Party;
  •    1988 – 1990 - Head of Kemerovo railway; 
  •   1990 – 1993 - Member of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, Chairman of the Kemerovo Region Soviet, Chairman of the Regional Executive Committee;
  •   1993 - Elected as a member of the State Duma of the Russian Federation; 
  •   1994 – 1996 - Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Kemerovo Region;
  •    1996 – 1997 - Minister of the Russian Federation on cooperation with the members of the Commonwealth of Independent States; 
  •    Since July, 1997 - Governor of the Kemerovo Region.

Task I
Make up a story about the Governor of Kuzbass (150 words).

Task II
Find some facts about other famous people of Kuzbass. (150 words)

1.Kemerovo is the capital of Kuzbass, its most important residential, industrial, cultural and educational centre. Kemerovo is a young city. It was founded a little more than 80 years ago, on the banks of the river Tom.  The little village Sheglovka by name has changed beyond recognition. Today Kemerovo is a beautiful, modern city with a population of nearly a million residents. You can see many old and modern buildings, wide and straight streets, big and small squares, green parks.

2.Kemerovo is famous for its coal mines, chemical and machine-building plants, factories.

3.Kemerovo is also a town of students. There are 7 higher educational institutions in it: the State University, the Polytechnical University, the Medical Academy, the Academy of Art and Culture, the Technological Institute of Food Industry, the Higher Military School for, the University of Commerce and Trade.

4.Besides, Kemerovo is a cultural center. The Kemerovites and visitors can go to the Drama of Musical Comedy Theatre, the Concert Hall, the Puppet Show, the Circus, the Theatre for the Young, as well as its museums, picture  gallery, cinemas.
The Kemerovites are proud of their native city and make it more and more beautiful from year to year.

5.They say, East or West, home is best. Nearly every person takes native city dear to the heart. My city is really remarkable nowadays.  Today it is a modern Siberian center with wide streets and prospects. The central , Vesennyaya  Street is a splendid sight in spring, with blossoming lilac bushes and the square in memory of Volkov, the founder of coal in this region, with parks and alleys.
Summing it up, I can honestly say that I’m proud of my native town Kemerovo and I think it’s the best place to live in. 

Task 1 Match the paragraph and the title (one title is extra):
a)     A modern Siberian center.
b)    A place of natural wonders.
c)     A town of students.
d)    A young city.
e)     An industrial center.
f)      A cultural center.

Task 2 Finish up the sentences:
1.     Kemerovo is … .
2.     It was founded … .
3.     Today Kemerovo is … .
4.     Kemerovo is famous for … .
5.     Kemerovo is also … .
6.     Besides it is … .
7.     People can go to … .
8.     I’m proud of ….

Task 3 Answer the questions:
1.     How many educational institutions are there in Kemerovo?
2.     What is Kemerovo famous for?
3.     What was the name of this town many years ago?
4.     Who was the founder of coal in this region?
5.     How many people live in Kemerovo?
6.     What theatres in Kemerovo do you know?
7.  How Kemerovites and visitors of Kemerovo entertain themselves?
8.     Why is Vesennyaya street called the most beautiful in the centre of the town?

Task 4 Sum up the information from the text and get ready to speak about Kemerovo

29.09.14 / 30/09/14 на 6.10.14 /7.10.14

1. вставьте пропущенные слова, произведя необходимые изменения

Kemerovo is the capital of Kuzbass, its most important (1) _____, (INDUSTRY),   2._______ (RESIDENT), 3._____ (CULTURE) and 4. ______ (EDUCATION) centre. Kemerovo is a young city. It was founded about 100 years ago on the banks of the river Tom. The little village Shcheglovka by name has changed  beyond  5. _____ (RECOGNIZE). Today Kemerovo is a 6.______ (BEAUTY ), modern city                         with a (7) ________ (POPULATE) of 500 thousand residents. You can see many old and modern buildings, wide and straight streets,      big and small squares, green parks. Kemerovo is one of the largest (8) ____ ( INDUSTRY)    centers of Siberia. Kemerovo is
(9) ____ (FAME) for its coal mines, chemical and machine-building plants, and factories.
The (10)____(LEAD) branch of industry is chemical.     Kemerovo is also a town of students. There are a number of higher (11) ___ (EDUCATION) institutions in it.

2. Выучить слова, уметь изменять их по частям речи, добавляя суффиксы.

3. Подготовьте презентацию о городе Кемерово  (Power Point). Лучшая презентация будет представлена на этом сайте.

4. Speak about the capital of Kuzbass по своей презентации.


 15.09.14 Урок №2
I. Learn the proverbs:
EAST OR WEST HOME IS BEST                                                          ..
EXPERIENCE IS THE MOTHER OF WISDOM                                                                                  
A TREE IS KNOWN BY ITS FRUIT                                              

II. Practise the pronunciation of the following word combinations:

1)in the basin of
2)the Kuznetsky Alatau
3)Salair mountains
4)coalfield - месторождение
8)severe frosts
10)Institutions of Higher Education
1l)was renamed into

III. Reading comprehension.
Kuzbass lies in the basin of the Tom River between the Kuznetsky Alatau and Salair Mountains. The coalfield was first discovered in 1721. Mikhailo Volkov was the discoverer of coal in this region. Engineering and machinery production, metalworking are widespread in all major towns. The main coal mining centres are Anzhero - Sudzhensk, Kemerovo, Leninsk - Kuznetsky, Procopyevsk, Osinniki, Kiselyovsk.
Kuzbass lies in the most wonderful part of south - central Russia in Siberia. Siberia is famous for severe frosts and very hot summers. Kemerovo is a centre of Kuzbass. Kemerovo is the administrative centre of Kemerovo oblast (province). This town lies along the Tom River. In the 19th century it was a small village called Kemerovo. In 1918 it became a part of the village Shcheglovo to form the town of Shcheglovsk. In 1932 Shcheglovsk was renamed into Kemerovo. Nowadays Kemerovo is famous for its mines, chemical and machine -building plants, factories. There are about 10 Institutions of Higher Education: the Kemerovo State University, the Medical Academy, The Academy of Culture, Kuzbass Technical University,etc.
The most popular and interesting sight in Kuzbass is the national park «Tomskaya pisanitsa». One can see ancient houses and unique buildings there. This park is popular for its paintings and drawings of ancient people.

IV. Say: true or false:

1)   Kuzbass lies in the basin of the Ob River.
2)   The coalfield was first discovered in 1721.
3)   Michael Lomonosov was the discoverer of coal in this region.
4)   The   main   coal   -   mining   centres   are:   Belovo,   Tyazhin   and  Beryozovsky.
5)   Kuzbass lies in the most wonderful part of South-central Russia - in Siberia.
6)   Siberia is famous for warm winters and cool summers.
7)   Kuzbass is a part of Kemerovo oblast.
8)  Kemerovo is the administrative centre of Kemerovo oblast (province).
9)   In the 19th century Kemerovo was a big town named Shcheglovo.
10) In 1900 two villages: Kemerovo and Shcheglovo formed the town of Shcheglovsk.
11) In 1932 Kemerovo was renamed into Shcheglovsk.
12) Kemerovo is famous for its mines, factories and plants.
13) There are 6 Institutions of Higher Education in Kemerovo.
14) The most popular and interesting sight in Kuzbass is the national park "Tomskaya pisanitsa".

V.Choose the correct variant (ПИСЬМЕННО)

1) Kuzbass

2) The coal field

3) Mikhailo Volkov
4) Engineering and machinery  production,    
5) Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Kemerovo,Osinniki,
6) Kemerovo

7) In 1918.

8) In 1932.

9) Kemerovo is famous for

10) Tomskaya Pisanitsa.
a) is the administrative centre of Kemerovo oblast.
b) Shcheglovsk was renamed into Kemerovo.
c) are the main coalmining centres.
d) mines, chemical and machine-building plants.

e) was the discover of coal in this region.

f) are widespread in all major towns.

g) Kemerovo became a part of the village called Shcheglovo to form the town of Shcheglovsk.
h) is the most popular and interesting sight in Kuzbass.
i)  was first discovered in 1721.

j) lies in the basin of the Tom River between the   Kuznetsky Alatau and Salair mountains.

VI. Speak about Kemerovo


08.09.14 Урок №1

Kuzbass, which is formally known as the Kuznetsk Coal Basin (the Kuznetsk), lies in the south of Western Siberia, namely in the Kemerovo region. It covers the area of 100,000 square kilometers. It borders on the Altai territory in the south- west, on the Novosibirsk region in the west, on the Tomsk region in the north, on the Krasnoyarsk territory in the east

Kuzbass is one of the oldest and largest industrial complexes in Siberia. Kuzbass occupies the territory of the Kuznetskaya Lowland. It is surrounded by mountain chains on the west, on the east and on the south. These mountain chains, like walls, defend our region from dry, southwest winds. They influence the weather of this territory. The climate in Kuzbass is continental. We have four seasons of the year, but winter lasts 5 months here, it begins in November and ends in March. Summer is short and rather hot. July is the hottest month of the year. The temperature is sometimes 25°-35° above zero. It's a big contrast with low winter temperatures, which are sometimes 30-40' below zero. This contrast influences badly the people's health.
There is hardly a territory in Siberia where so much interesting mountains arrangement can be found. It is united with the West Siberian Lowland just only on the north. Its total area is about 30.000 square kilometers.

The biggest river on the territory is the Tom. It flows into the Ob. Its length is over 839 kilometers. The Tom and its tributaries supply fresh water practically for every city in Kuzbass. There are also some other big and little rivers in Kuzbass ,for example , the Kondoma, the Mras-Su, the Kia, the Aba but most of them are polluted because Kuzbass is an industrial zone and the ecological situation is poor.
There are many forests in Kuzbass. 1/7 of wood in Russia is produced here in Kuzbass. There are a lot of kinds of trees. The forests are concentrated in Gornaya Shoria, Kuznetsky Alatau and Salair. They cover all Kuznetskaya Lowland. The foliage trees are concentrated in the lowlands. The coniferous forests are situated in the highlands. The pine-trees, fir-trees can be found there. A lot of animals such as bears, wolves, foxes, elks live in them.

Now Kuzbass is one of the largest developed industrial regions. It is known as one of the Russian and (in some branches) world's largest producers and exporters of coal, steel, iron ore and other mineral resources.Metallurgical, coal - mining, machine - building industries are highly - developed here. No wonder, there are a lot of plants, factories and mines. That's why Kuzbass is said to be a region of coal miners and metal workers. 

There are some large cities and small towns in Kuzbass. The largest city with the population of 600,000 people is Novokuznetsk. Kemerovo is less than Novokuznetsk but it's a regional center. Mezhdurechensk is situated in the most beautiful place of Kuzbass. It’s a small town but it is famous for its coalmines. Tashtagol is the capital of Gornaya Shoria where the aborigines of Kuzbass  live. Kiselevsk,  Belovo, Leninsk-Kuznetsky, earlier had well - developed coal- mining industry, now they are degrading.

 The ecological situation in Kuzbass is very poor. Kuzbass is called «the zone of ecological disasters». It is an industrial region and its enterprises throw thousands of tons of different wastes. The air, water, soil here is polluted. We all hope for the better future, we hope that Kuzbass with its great potential and resources will become one of the richest and best regions in Russia.

Learn the new words:

   coal-basin - угольный бассейн                         pine-tree - сосна
mountain chains - цепи гор                               fir-tree - ель
defend - защищать                                        elk - лось
Influence - влияние                                            coal - уголь
arrangement -
расположение                          steel - сталь
tributaries - притоки                                          iron - железо
pollute - загрязнять                                      to degrade - деградировать
foliage - листва                                                 disaster - бедствие
coniferous –

Task 1 Match the beginnings and the endings of the sentences: (ПИСЬМЕННО)

1) Kuzbass lies                                   a)into the Ob.
2) Kuzbass is one of the                     b)plants, factories and mines.
3) Kuzbass occupies                         c)oldest and largest industrial
                                                                 complexes  in Siberia.  
    4) The climate in Kuzbass is              d)Novokuznetsk.

5)   The river Tom flows                     e)highly-developed in Kuzbass.
6) Metallurgical, coal mining are        f)in the south of Western  Siberia.
7) There are a lot of                             g)continental.
8) The largest city is                            h)a region of coal miners and metal   
9) The Aborigines                               i)the territory of the Kuznetskaya
10) Kuzbass is said to be                     j)live in Tashtagol.      

Task 2 Answer the questions:
1)                 Where is Kuzbass situated?
2)                 Which regions does Kuzbass border on?
3)                 What is the weather like in Kuzbass?
4)                 How many rivers in Kuzbass do you know?
5)                 Kuzbass is a metallurgical giant, isn't it?
6)                 How many towns and cities on the territory of Kuzbass do you know?
7)                 What is population of Kuzbass?                                                     
8)                 Why is Kuzbass called "the zone of ecological disasters"?         

Task 3 Письменно
Translate the sentences from Russian into English:
1) Кузбасс граничит с Томской, Новосибирской областями и Алтайским краем.
2) Горные хребты на западе востоке и юге защищают нашу область от сухих ветров.
3) В Кузбассе много рек и озер.
4) Крупнейшая река Томь впадает в Обь.
5) В кузбасских лесах растут такие хвойные деревья, как ели, сосны, кедры.
6) Кузбасс считается одним из крупнейших мировых производителей чугуна, и стали, а так же добытчиков каменного угля.
7) Наиболее крупные города Кузбасса - Новокузнецк, Кемерово, Междуреченск,
  Белово, Прокопьевск и Таштагол.

8) Кемеровская область считается зоной повышенной экологической опасности.

Task 4  Рассказать о Кузбассе (пересказ)

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